Sweet n' Awesome V5 Log!


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Yay! Evolutions, evolutions! And deaths..let's start with evolutions! The Cooki family and the Azuki family evolved! Let's start with the Cooki family. Angie evolved into...


Josh is a..


And Viola is an..


For the Azuki family, Alvin evolved into a...


Lily is a..


And Ace is an..


Two people died yesterday..Nata died as a Hitodetchi while I was taking a shower. Her brother who I named Nat! died as a Kuchitamatchi while I was sleeping. Am I a bad care-taker or what? I have a new egg who I named Nathn, short for Nathan. I hope I can take care of him! His color will be gray. Well, later!

Well, Nathan evolved into Daiyatchi! Celebtchi, here I come! Little Genta needs a job, still. I've raised her skill points, but still rejected! Well, post later!


Well, good news! My aunt will get me a Jinsei from the Philippines and will ship it here with my grandma coming from the Philippines! I'm so excited, so any tips for the Jinsei, PM me please! (Thanks to binary for classifying my questions!)

The Cooki family evolved this morning! Angie is a...


Josh evolved into...

[SIZE=21pt]Hatugatchi who turned into KuroMametchi![/SIZE]

And Viola turned into...


Credits: Since I will be getting a Jinsei soon, che_rish from Tama Zone has helped me on some things, so I credit her!

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Here's a new update! I'll write all my log entries as stories, or diary entries! Here's Genta's log entry.

Dear diary,
Last night, I married! I had a baby boy and married a Simasimatchi! Soo dreamy! We're doing good, and I think I'll name the baby boy Shane, or Dash! That's it for now. See ya later, diary!
Well, Jinsei will come April 17th! Be ready..

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Introducing the new generation for the Azuki family, the triplets! Alvin mated today, and mated with a Hotteatchi! I wouldn't gotten an Easygoing family, but no bonding was raised! Here are the family names.


Boy Futabutchi-Bart

Girl Futabutchi-Maggie

Boy Omututchi-Homer


Little Simpsons remedy, eh? I'll probably name the next generation after Family Guy, hehe. Well, later when they evolve! For now, here's the color code!

Bart-Sky Blue



Angie-Hot Pink

Josh-Steel Blue


Shane (Genta's son)-Pale Green

Nathan-Spring Green

Just like Squidward is Cool, my sister (Fresababi), and a couple other friends on TamaTalk, I watched the Kids' Choice Awards last night! Oh, gosh! There's a replay coming on at 12.00PM, so I'll catch it becasue I missed the first part. The Azuki family screamed because some slime almost splashed on them because they were too close to the TV! Enough about the KCAs and on to the tama news!


Genta left her baby, and left one diary entry for us to read.

Dearest Shane, I hope you stay alive, unlike someone! Anyways, I hope you visit me, and I love you. Take care!
Um..of course I'll take care of him...erm. Heh, well the Azuki family evolved last night, so did Shane. Shane evolved into...


Bart evolved into...


Maggie evolved into....


And Homer evolved into...


Nathan should evolve today, so I'm excited! See ya later!

Yay! I'm back from the hatch! Lemme recap on what happened to the Hawaiian V4.5 Character, Purimatchi, or Lola I should say!


After reseting the tama, I ended up with a baby girl. I named her Lola. Lola then grew into Kuribotchi. After a day, she turned into Ura Young Violetchi. She was a sweet kid. She then grew up into a Purimatchi, got a job as counting children, and got married to an Ura Togetchi. They had a baby kid, who I will now name Heart! Heart will join us in my log!


I named her now, and here's a little flashback I remember. Do you guys remember Heart the Shitekitchi? She died in my hands, remember that? I hope she doesn't turn into Heart the Demon! Here's the new color code!





Angie-Hot Pink

Josh-Steel Blue

Viola-Sky Blue

Nathan-Pale Green

Shane-Spring Green

Nathan evolved earlier into a Celebtchi! Yayyyy! Well, later when Heart evolves!


Well, Nathan left us. Spring break is officially over! But, evolutions and births today! Heart evolved into Ura Young Memetchi! Shane is now a Gourmetchi (I'm hoping for Tosakatchi!), the Azuki family is here!


Bart is a...


Maggie is an...


And Homer is a...


Also, the Cooki family mated! I chose Viola to mate, and she mated with Mukugetchi on 50% Bonds! I thought I would get an Easygoing family, but I didn't. PM me if I did something wrong, please. Well, they had 3 babies. 2 boys and 1 girl. I've named them.


Boy Futabutchi-Cody

Girl Futabutchi-Miley

Boy Omututchi-Nick


They grew up earlier. Here they are.






I've got so many colors to remember! Here is the new and improved color code. I won't have each family member of the Azuki and the Cooki family talk, so I'll stick with one color for each family. For example, if Cody and Miley want to talk, they'll each write in the color I chose.

Heart • Violet

Shane • Gray

Azuki Family • Steel Blue

Cooki Family • Pale Green

Wow! I wrote so much! Also, 20,000 views and 169 replies in my log! Thanks so much for making this so viewed!

Well, this log has been going on since almost 2 months ago, and it became quite viewed. For those of you reading, this log has been incredibly valuable to me, and for all you people. I just wanted to say that I'll be closing down this log for a while. Maybe forever. I'm getting bored of tamagotchis. I'm really sorry. For those of you who have read this far in this post, I just wanted to say...


That was a good sense of humor, hehe! I just wanted to celebrate the beings of April Fools Day. Well, back to reality! Nothing went on today, except that I forgot to set Shane's clock to nighttime when he's sleeping. He got neglected. I guess that I'll probably get a Universal..again! Weird, huh? Well, I'll post later! And some jokes!

Hey there! Why did the chicken cross the road, Shane?

I dunno, to get to the other side?

Why do you always have to bring down the party?

Uh..I dunno.

You're pretty dumb for a smart boy.

I know, now can I play games now?

Go to your room.

I am in my room.

Oh. Never mind! Hey, Heart! What is a what is your favorite game?

I don't know.

Never mind! Anyways, mail from viewers.

Hey Lilangelbaby, you got a great log! It attracts lots of boo-ers! Haha! Shane, don't do that! Don't press tha--Shane!
What do you want, Heart??!


Uh, April Fools?


You'd better!

Mail! Heart, wanna help me?

Sure! This one is from Maddie Candy Kid.

WOW! Your log is so amazing, i love it! Its so cute how all the characters talk in their own coulor. Well done & keep up the great work.
Your faithful log-reader, MCK
Aww, thank you so much, Maddie!

Yay! This morning, Shane evolved. He looks cool. Shane is now a...


Who knew a Tosakatchi could need some neglection? Awesome! He looks soo cute! I love his head part! Well, post later!

Well, Heart and the 2 V5s evolved! Heart is now an...

[SIZE=21pt]Ura Violetchi![/SIZE]

Bart is a...


Maggie is a..


And Homer is a...


Cody is now a Korokotchi! Miley is now a Shelltchi! And Nick is a Bakutchi! Well, update later!

Me, the Azuki and Cooki family, Shane, and Heart were all crying last night! Ramiele from American Idol got eliminated! It was Kristy Lee that should have been eliminated a long time ago, the Azuki family said! Well...


Yay! Shane and Heart had...

[SIZE=21pt]Baby girls![/SIZE]

I'll name Shane's daughter Bunny and Heart's daughter Rammi. Live forever, Ramiele! I hope she becomes a singer, just like Ramiele.


If you want me to name them something else, like any suggestions, please please PM me!! No other things happening today, but I'll let you know if something does!

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Shane and Heart should leave in a few minutes! I've made a mistake on my other post, it should be Shane's daughter Rammi, and Heart's Bunny. Here are their last minute words.

Rammi, I hope you'll be just like Bunny. We'll love you forever. Right, Heart?

Shane, of course we will!

Right...well, we wish you good luck!

We love you!

At least, I love Rammi.

*hits Shane* Shane!

Ok, ok, I love you too, Heart.


Ok, I love you too, Bunny! Sheesh..


We love you, Rammi! Bye little people!

*fly fly fly*


Well, I'll name them right now! I'll tell all in the next post, which should be in a few!

Well, Rammi and Bunny evolved! Rammi is a Puchitchi, and Bunny is a Hitodetchi! I'm gonna get some cool teens soon...


And, the Azuki family mated! And the Cooki family evolved!


First, from the Azuki family, I chose Miss Maggie to mate. She mated with a Kuchipatchi (soo cute!), and with 0% bonds, they managed to get a blended family, again! They have 3 babies, who I have named below.


Girl Futabutchi-Gillian

Boy Futabutchi-Dewey

Girl Mimifuwatchi-Becky


And, the Cookis evolved! They are now a Mukugetchi, a Potetchi..and Uhyotchi. Again. Well, I'll try to get the bonds up here! Well, post later!

Aww, this comment from Ichigotchi_Piggy is so nice, and special! Thanks so much, Ichigotchi!

I haven't visited your log in forever! I quit mine, never had the time for it...but I really like yours. Like I said a few months ago, it's very organized, and I like how the little tamagotchi characters talk in your posts. Another...attractive part of your log is that you use bright, happy colours and a variety of text sizes. I hope you don't quit your wonderful log like I did. Keep it going, and say hello to all of your little tamas for me!
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Update! Gillian turned into Tororotchi, Dewey into Mattaritchi, and Becky as Sakuramotchi! Eep! I just love Sakuramotchi! Bunny and Rammi are to evolve tonight, so stay tuned! I'm getting the Azuki's family's bonds up, so I can get good characters, instead of Potetchi, Mukugetchi, or some other adult. Wish me luck!


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