Tama Owners With Real Pets


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I used to have this cat named Mylintiny. She was the most prettiest cat you could ever see. I fed her, played with her, pet her, brushed her... yet I still had plenty of time for my Tamas, I do many things. (I type with one hand and play with my Tama in another, I'm a big multitasker!)



To me it's not a question of anything really, as my tblog subtitle shows. It's easy to have time with your pets and your tama. Of course i have a V3 and not any of the newer versions. To me it's almost like adding another pet to take care of. Easy to share the love.

I am eighteen years old. My boyfriend and I just got our own apartment last month. We have nine pets between the two of us. Two dogs, five guinea pigs, and twelve fish. One of those two doggies is a nine-week-old puppy.

Needless to say, I've had the tamagotchis on pause for awhile, but I will unpause them as soon as I have time...

you should keep your tamagotchies of course even though you are getting crabs doesn't mean you should give up on your tamagotchies!! :ichigotchi:

crabs can't beat tamagotchies!! ;) :D

I don't have a pet (except a fish) and that's really why I got my Tamagotchi. If I ever had the chance to get a real pet (crab or not), I guess I would abandon my Tama. :p

i have 2 horeses,9cats,3,24chickens,and 1fish,and i still have time to play with my tama

i have 39 pets i still have time for my tama you will have anough time you should tottlaly stay with them i know you will have time :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I live on a ranch (83 animals) most of them my pets, and I still have plenty of time for my tama! :furawatchi: I take him everywhere I'd say definitley keep em! :furawatchi:

Try tabbing or taking the battery out. You can pause it but this will waste battery. You could just keep one Tama going and im sure you will have time for them. I have two fish and one cat and still play with my Tamas (i just got a V4.5 :D ;) )

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!! ;)

I wouldn't worry about running out of time for your tamas. I have a sweet 5 year old golden retriever and still have time to mess around with my tamagotchis. - It's not hard. :)

Well, I have 2 of my very own pets in real life, and 2 that aren't only mine. I need to take part in looking after all of them, however I do still find time for my Tamagotchi.

In your case, I would focus more on your pets, since I guess you could call them 'really living', lol, so yeah they would probably need more care. Always leave time for your Tamagotchi, though! :D

~ Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX

hermit crabs dont require much looking after! i have 4 tamas and 3 cats to look after!

ull definatly have time to look after ur tama!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh:

no tamagotchi's can be for kids who don't have pets but I have a Dog a two tamagotchi's and I can still take care of them all

because its pretty easy once you get settled in place

Well.. I have a gerbil, rabbit, a dog, and 2 cats and I can still find time fo rmy tamas :]

;) TG4E

okay. I hav a puppy (kiki) 15 weeks old. She is full of energy and needs lots of attention. But I still find time for her, my tama, school, sleeping and breathing.

scarey to I'm in band at my school which meens frequent practices first then on monday's and wednesday's (on Halloween :l)

a puppy who has alot of energy and a tama so if we can all do it with alot of animals like horeses, gerbils, hamsters, etc I am 100%postive that you can take care both your crabs and tamagotchi(s)

Here goes....41 hens, 3 geese, one goat, two cats, one chameleon, three children, two Tamas. the Tamas never get paused and stay with me all the time.

Good luck with crab. :)

well, you will also need time for homework, sleep, and eating, so im sure you will have time for you tama!

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