Tama Owners With Real Pets


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I think that you should probably have the time. I have a almost 2 yr. old at home, another due in the next few weeks, and a dog. I still have time. I think that as long as you are on top of everything else a Tama should fall right into place. Don't give up your hobby!!! :)

I think you should definetly NOT get rid of youre tama's, my family has has 2 dogs, 2 cats, a bearded dragon (which is my sisters), a leopard gecko (which is mine), and two adorable mice that i love (they are mine). and yet i still ave time for my three tamagotchis! and hoping for 2 more this christmas. I used to have hermit crabs and they were really easy to take care of! once you get their cage set up you just have to clean it about every other week! i think you should defintely keep youre tamas!


hope i helped!

Don't worry! Ever since I've had my tamas, I've had two fish, a dog and a cat. I suppose hermit crabs are much easier to care for than dogs or cats (my fish died, they were 10 years old!!). I wouldn't worry about my pets or my tamas! I have four tamas, all working, and I have to take care of a dog and a cat. I still have time for my tamas, since school's out.

If I were you, I would keep my tamas on pause until I have the time to care for them completely.

Congratulations on your hermit crabs!

I have a cat, 2 chickens and 2 mice. I find PLENTY of time to spend with my tamagotchi's! You may want to pause your tama's while you're getting used to your new pets, but as you get used to them, you can play with you're tama's again!! (I wouldn't even think of giving up my tama's!! :eek: )

I have 4 tamagotchis, all different versions, but never started all at once. I have a dog who is my top priority. I love him soooooo much! I always have time for my tamas though. If you don't, I reccomend pause mode. That's what always worked for me, when I didn't have time for my tamagotchis. :furawatchi: :wacko:

Hope I helped.

thats a lot of pets! :unsure:
Well i have 6 tama's running at a time while also having 3 birds, 1 cat, 1 guinea pig, walking the neighbors dog, a ton of fish, and a taranchula. And I manage quite fine.

I'm getting hermit crabs in a few months :mimitchi: , and I don't know how to handle my Tamas! Tamagotchis are made mostly for kids who can't have real pets,
Not true , I have a dog , but I adore both :mimitchi:

It is realy easy just make sure that every thing if full before you leave it like its hunger and happy hearts. Then once you are done taking core of the crab check on them. Or you can pause it while you are gone. Or you can make it go to sleep by changeing its time.

Hope I helped

You don't have to give up your tamagotchi. :D In fact I have a dog. And I take care of him and play with my tamas. I always do stuff with my dog. I care about my Tamas. But, I Only check on my tamas to see if there ok. But if my tamas are fine. I leave them alone and play with my dog. But, hermet crabs don't need that much attenchion. But to be on the safe side. Check on your herment crabs once in a while. And if the crabs need something give them it. And continue playing with your tama. When I was in third grade. My teacher had two hermet crabs. They didn't need attenchion.(I mean, they did need attenchion. But, They don't need it constantly.) So, just still care for your crabs. ANd check on them. if they don't need anything play eith your tama! And keep checking on them. :p I always check on my tamas. If there ine I leave them alone. And I play with my dog. It works for me. I hope it works for you! -_- ;) ;) Hope i helped!!

I'm getting hermit crabs in a few months ;) , and I don't know how to handle my Tamas! Tamagotchis are made mostly for kids who can't have real pets, so what should I do? Retire them, and focus on my crabs, or find a good balance between pet and virtual pet? I'm not sure if I could give up on Tamas ;) because ever since I got my first one ( A V2 ) I was fully addicted! Crabs aren't the most time consuming pets, so I should have time for Tamas. But not having a Tama would be one less thing to take care of...
I expect to hear tons of opinions on this subject! I'm almost horrified at myself for thinking of giving up on Tamas :D , but I still am not sure.

Please reply! And be very frank with me, I want to know all opinions and ideas.

:p GozarutchiGuy -_-
Ok...I've had Hermit Crabs for years. They require almost no care. All you have to do is refil their food and refil their water sponge everyday and keep their cage clean.

Don't give up Tamagotchis. I have waaay more pets than hermit crabs.

I have:

2 cats

1 puppy

1 parakeet

2 hamsters

2 gerbils

2 angelfish

3 goldfish

4 hermit crabs (in a 10 gallon tank)

I have a lot of pets to take care of. Plus I have plants. I have about 4 house pants and many flowers outside. I have to water the plants every week and my cactas every 2 weeks, feed my fish twice eveyr day, refil my cat's and puppy once a day, refil my cat's and puppy's water bowl every day, refil my parakeet's fodd and water container everyday, refil my hamster's food and water bowl once a day, refil my gerbil's food and water bowl once a day, let my hamsters and gerbils out of their cage into their balls to get exsercise (sp?) everyday, and take my puppy for a walk everyday. And I still have time for my Tamagotchis.

Tams aren't that hard to deal with. Neither are hermit crabs.

Stick with both. ;p

i have cats and a dog and i still have time for my tama so i wouldn't worry about that. but i don't really see tamas as a "replacement" for pets, just as a fun thing to take care of and stuff. so i say just keep playing with it


[SIZE=8pt]I have 2 hamsters who require alot more attention than hermit crabs, but it doesn't stop me from taking care of my Tamas! I also have a ton of other clubs and groups I am in and I still find the time to raise my tamas to be healthy. I don't think you have to worry a bit mate, it should be just fine! :p [/SIZE]

I dont think u should give up tamagotchis i have 4 dogs 2 cats 2 birds and i help take care of my sisters horse :hitodetchi: and i still have time 4 tamagotchis :lol: all u got 2 do is pause them intill u have time :furawatchi: BUT MAKE SURE U DONT NEGLECT UR REAL PETS THEIR MORE IMPORNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You shouldn't give up your Tamagotchi's for hermit crabs. In 3rd grade, our class pet was a hermit crab and we didn't need to spend all of our time watching over him. And I have a dog, a cat, and three brothers to take care of (I consider my brothers as animals :rolleyes: ) and yet I still find time to play with my Tamas.

Ya know gozarutchi guy i had hermit crabs and my mum looked after them ^_^ execpt they died :) :D ;)

I have 2 rats(and yes they are clean they are domestic :) ) and I still have LOTS of time to play with my rats and my tamagotchi. hubie is soo soft! sorry that was off topic you will have lots of time to play with your tama!

Hmmmm... my suggestion is take care of them at the same time... if you can. I wish you could do it. (Just suggesting) I wish i didn't hurt your feelings.... :p

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