Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?


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As a side note, the second game is what I've deemed to be the fastest and easiest (Even faster than TVCatch, the RabuMero included game) It consists in a jump rope but instead of timing your jumps you have to click the B button quickly for each character that steps into the rope 1-3. It took me a little bit to understand what they wanted me to do but I got it lol

Check your garden from time to time, you can receive a "voucher" that can double your winnings when you play a game.

Check your garden from time to time, you can receive a "voucher" that can double your winnings when you play a game.
And it's definitely not a set time thing. If you try over and over again you'll eventually get the voucher. You can also find people willing to buy your things or the TamaCafe manager selling some foods! I bought some food from her and even received a 50% off permanent (I think) restaurant coupon!
Guys, my Nobocchi (I think it was) just evolved into a Himespecchi! Not sure how good care this is, but she evolved from teen to adult in one day. So this growth time is confirmed.

Circus Piercing

Circus Piercing Characters:





Royal Piercing

The royal piercing appears to be a royal "henshin" piercing. Transforming any of the 10 characters shown into "royal".

Royal Piercing Henshin (Transformation) Characters:

Mametchi: Mame No Tama Maro

Yumemitchi: Dream Kaguya

Kiraritchi: Kira Orihime

Raitotchi: Right Aharadzu

Memetchi: Snake Charmer Meme Princess

Warutsutchi: Masked Warutsu

Kuchipatchi: Gourmet Patchi King

Knightchi: Saint Knightchi

Jurietchi: Jurie Princess

Stargirltchi: Mermaid Star Girl


Totally collecting ALL of the piercings. The royal one looks awesome!

Was the dress-up and accessorizing part of the ID-L? If not, then this is a thing in the P's and it's freaking awesome! Look at Himespetchi with her dress and princess tiara :)


yep, you can dress up your characters on the iD L :D

you guys are so lucky!!! I bought blue from HLJ and up until now, mine only says that "International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada" and that was on November 30th. i shipped via EMS. is this normal? I don't see any new updates. I'm worried.

you guys are so lucky!!! I bought blue from HLJ and up until now, mine only says that "International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada" and that was on November 30th. i shipped via EMS. is this normal? I don't see any new updates. I'm worried.
That's normal. I think the mail has been going very slow lately.

I bought mine using EMS and it shipped out last Monday and I haven't received it yet. It's quite disappointing, considering the expensive shipping charge.


can we complain about it and get some refund on the shipping? I should have just used the slowest method of shipping, seeing it as they haven't fulfilled their promise of shipping it faster. I bought princess spacey on ebay and the sender got it through me in just 3 days from japan. :(


can we complain about it and get some refund on the shipping? I should have just used the slowest method of shipping, seeing it as they haven't fulfilled their promise of shipping it faster. I bought princess spacey on ebay and the sender got it through me in just 3 days from japan. :(
Your order was dispatched just last Friday... it should arrive in the country either today or tomorrow and that's actually normal.

As much as I share the very same sentiments, I don't think we can ask for a shipping refund even though we're not satisfied with the service, as it's not the vendor's fault that the shipping is delayed.

Although I can say that this was the slooooowest EMS experience I've ever had so far. :(

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Another thing is its holiday season so they get a lot more mail than usual, right?

That probably has to do with the delay.

Another thing is its holiday season so they get a lot more mail than usual, right?

That probably has to do with the delay.
Yep, I think about that to keep me patient, but thinking about the $40+ shipping charge somewhat baffles me. :(

I was seriously considering buying this toy as well as an ID L and then remembered how Bandai is treating people who bought Tama Go and all the little toys that go with it. Sorry Bandai but your appearance of being dishonest is going to make alot of people think twice with your future products... to buy electronic computer toys from Bandai or no?

I say no because we can't trust Namco Bandai and should boycott all of thier thier products until they actually have the site running for Tama Go et al. When people act like unprofessional little children we need to treat them that way, that includes big companies that have gotten so big for thier britches they think they can do anything they want.

Apps running on your phone/tablet in the background kill the battery quicker... this is why the egg toy is so much better, cuter, more fun and convenient.

I bought a Tama Go and six of the characters that attach too it... I have never accessed the tamatown site that was promised with the toy. To end support for a toy soon after it's released... well I think people really have some thinking to do before investing money in the next big thing from Bandai.

I was hoping this would be in some way similar to Webkinz of which I have a huge collection and invested alot of money in. I also enjoy Club Penguin and Bearville.

I also like Second Life and Cloud Party - Both free sites that are managing to stay up just fine but a big company like Bandai still doesn't have a site running for Tama Go (Tamagotchi 7) a year later???! And already offering new products without even having the one before it up and running or even working properly?!

I for one will not be buying Ben 10, Power rangers or anything else from Namco Bandai etc for my great nephews and neices this Christmas. It's going to be a Skylander Giants and Webkinz Christmas this year.

Someone with website savvy should put up a anti Namco Bandai site with all the lurid details of how they don't support thier products after they are sold.

It looks like you're referring to Bandai America.

For your information, the coloured iD Ls are released by Bandai Japan --- which is a totally different entity. They have a separate line of products and Tamagotchi is still one of their most popular lines and they release many Tamagotchi stuff every now and then.

Bandai Japan has got nothing to do with the Tama-Go and that L.i.f.e. stuff and all the things everybody's complaining about. :p

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Mine looks like it could be here today... But my post office sometimes doesn't update the "arrival/process in location/out for shipment" until its out for actual delivery. Hahaha. Yay. Got out of customs so quickly, thank you Sunday.

HLJ's slow shipment problem was because of the orders they got from the sales. That and if they were purchased/paid for after Friday, they were in the slug mail. Which mean an estimated 4 or 5 day shipping delay. This was my slowest EMS shipment too.

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