Tamagotchi two, toot toot!


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hey! Nice log, it's very detailed. On the V4, is it true you can go to school and get a job and such?! I am getting a V4 his week, sometime because my dad ordered me one (the pink striped one) and it should be coming in soon so I am very excited! Can you give me some tips?! :furawatchi:

awwww... Thats a nice Guide Spiffy :)

and im happy that you like it ^_^

hope you have a great time with that TamaSuku and those Japanese newspaper, heheh
Yes ^_^ Thank you so much Jiro for it! The school is now a lot bigger, but still on the second stage. 44 students! Weehee ^_^


To Skibunny - Yes, a V4 gets jobs, and goes to school and all that. I am sure you will enjoy it, though by now I hope you have received it. ^_^




Sorry for my latísimo response, so here is what has happened between now and last entry:


CRUMB became a Young Robotchi, and then a Pyonchitchi, so he followed the same course as Gen 2. :)

CRUMB also got lucky, and got a job. He was a laundry person.

A t-shirt/trouser/cap would appear and a number, and I had to find a certain amount of t-shirts/trousers/caps by selecting them in the six items that appeared and pressing B. If there were no more of that item in the list but I needed more, you pressed C and a new list would appear. If you press C forgetting an item, you have to find an extra one. -_- You only have about 10 - 20 seconds to find it all, so you have to work fast!


For Christmas, I got a nice white V4. ^_^ I named it XMAS! and it became a Mizutamatchi, the teen was... Can't remember right now... and it finally became a cute Hanatchi. :) It got a job at the bank, which is a GET game where you must catch the coins and squares with P on, and avoid the poo. I connected it lots of times to CRUMB, and at the age of 4 it got a baby girl. It got the baby before the job. :eek:



Anyway, I named the baby on the V4 1 SHOSK, and on V4 2, SHISK.



Baby girl > Panda thingtchi > Young Memetchi



Baby girl > Panda thingtchi > Ringotchi



I unpaused my V3s, because I found a new battery for my second V3, and out appeared a Nikatchi. Then my Piroriroritchi (V3 1) ran out of batteries....


I found a battery for my V2 1, and plopped it in. There was EGGLE, a gen 25 critter I began raising before going on holiday, but that battery died after a day. :( At least I raised EGGLE to Marutchihood while I find another battery. It was a puchitchi boy.


I tried several batteries with my V1 2, the ConneXion one in bad condition. It looks like its download feature has gone, because i tried it briefly with one battery, and it was asking me to put in the time and my birthday. :(


I reset my Angel for a hatch, so I got Obaketchi 2 > Maruten. I cared for it badly to get Takoten, and then aimed for Ojayitenshii, because I wanted to try and get Unchi or Otonoten. I managed to get Ojayitenshii. Tomorrow hopefully I will get him to become Otonoten. :)


I also bought a Littlest Pet Shop, because there was one very cheap. They are quite fun - I will explain what they are like later because I have to go now. >.<


I thought I would give this I try...

I have ONE question...

How do you get that avatar? I read the whole thingie about going to setings and clicking extras but it is no there? Can you help me?

I thought I would give this I try...
I have ONE question...

How do you get that avatar? I read the whole thingie about going to setings and clicking extras but it is no there? Can you help me?
Technically you would have to PM me - but you must first have an avatar, and then upload it in the CP where you click on "Avatar Settings". :D


Well - al caso - I played a LOT with my TamaSuku recently, to get more students etc, so I managed to get to the third board. :D MaaMaa. :D


My students so far (74) (76 now :D ):


2. Ichigocchi

3. Imocchi (*)

7. Urakuchipacchi

8. Urazukyucchi

9. Uradebacchi

10. Uratogecchi

11. Urafurawacchi

12. Uramamecchi

13. Uramemecchi

14. Urayattacchi

15. Urayangufurawacchi

16. Urayangumamecchi

17. Urayangumarocchi

18. Urayangumemecchi

19. Urayanguyattacchi

21. Ojicchi

22. Otokicchi

23. Onioncchi

25. Oyajicchi

28. Kujakucchi

29. Kuchipacchi

30. Kuchipecchi

31. Kuchipocchi

34. Kurakkacchi

35. Gurumecchi

42. Komecchi

45. Samuraicchi

46. Shippokocchi

47. Shippocchi

48. Shitekicchi

49. Shimashimacchi

51. Zukyucchi

52. Sebirecchi

53. Serebucchi

54. Zouricchi

55. Daiyacchi

57. Tarakocchi

61. Tsukkomicchi

62. Tsunoocchi

63. Tsunokocchi

64. Tensaicchi

66. Tenpacchi

67. Tougyucchi

68. Togecchi

69. Tosakacchi

70. Nikacchi

72. Nonbiricchi

74. Bagubagucchi *

75. Hanagatacchi

76. Haneocchi

77. Hanekocchi

80. Hinotamacchi

81. Hyottokocchi

83. Pukacchi

84. Furawacchi

85. Purimacchi

87. Bakusacchi

88. Ponicchi

89. Horoyocchi

91. Makiko

92. Matsuricchi

93. Mamecchi (current character)

94. Mamebocchi

95. Marocchi

96. Minocchi

98. Mimicchi

99. Mimipecchi

100. Mukimukicchi

101. Meidocchi

104. Memecchi

105. Memepecchi

106. Memepocchi

108. Yakancchi

109. Yasagurecchi

110. Yattacchi

111. Yangukuchipacchi

113. Yangumamecchi

114. Yangumimicchi

115. Yangumemecchi

116. Yangurobocchi

118. Ringocchi

120. Robocchi





Those I have the ones till now. :D I hope tog et a bunch more. You get new students at 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00. :p

And from the king you get star students (*). B)

Since I got Mamecchi, and he is my favourite character, I switched from Daiyacchi > Tensaicchi > Mamecchi. :D


I also played a few games on Tamasuku e-tamago (figured out how to), and "Ineisu♪Ineisu♪ did quite well, I earnt several Gocchi point and a strange item. :D


List updates:


28/1/07 ~ 83 students numbers 113 - 120

Last edited by a moderator:
No characters don't explode at 99 pounds. xD


Long time no see log! I'm afraid lately I didn't really have the time to play much with Tamagotchis [Maths Olympiad, exams and just busy time in general - Spiffy is finding out how busy you get at 13]. And in the meantime the batteries decide to run flat xD. But I still had my TamaSuku and Angelgotchi going, and today I will start up this lovely, awesome, glowing Glow-in-the-Dark V4! (thanks Kyliesmum!! It's ever so pretty!! ^-^).


So, at 9:22, I edged the tab out of its slot...


A loud beep proceeded. I inserted the back-to.front date: 5 / 30

Then the time.... AM 9:23

The birthday.... 7 / 22

The username.... SPIFF

and then left it at a bobbing egg. :p I so missed that mellow tinkle of happiness Tamas had.

A delightful little girl hatched, so I decided to name it ANGIE (a nice name in my opinion). If it had been a boy I would have named it RAITO, after Yagami Raito (the series Death Note, hehe).

I immediately fed her, attended to her needs. I then played some dissatisyinf JUMP ROPE games with her. I need more practice I think. She kept eventually tripping over, but after some time, I restored all her HAPPY and HUNGRY hearts.

ANGIE has been alive for exactly an hour (well, an hour and three minutes), and she just became a Mohitamatchi with an awesome spike on its head. Heehee. Probably time to start visiting TamaTown and getting her some items. :p I feel like treating her

a different person just posted something on your spiffy palace
It's OK. I don't mind comments that much (hence signature "Comments welcome" :hitodetchi:


Anyway, today when I got from home, ANGIE was still snoozing, so I did my complicated lab practice (involving sens and cos's of alpha angle and their tangents etc etc). When I 'finished', ANGIE had woken up. Yesterday I bought a lamp for her which made her very sad, but today it gave her 8000GP, which made her and I very happy. :lol: And we still have the lamp. ^o^


She hasn't evolved yet though.

ANGIE became an Ichigotchi. :hitodetchi: I don't think I've ever had a V4 Ichigotchi, so I am quite happy. :blink: She is really sweet too and wins most of her games. The lamp disappeared today after not even showing itself to ANGIE, so she wasn't too happy about that. :eek:

Whoo! It's been a long time, but I am back. :gozarutchi:


Today, my Japanese teacher came back from Japan, and you see, I had asked her if she would bring me a Tamagotchi, and I would pay for it.


She brought me a lovely Rotchi-FamiTama, blue design with strange king-creatures on the side. When I got home, after my Jap class and after doing some homework, I pulled to tab out.


3 / 31

PM 9:00



7 / 22


Family name:

SU - PI - FU - i - ~

Which more or less ready Spiffy. :mimitchi:

The characters which hatched are:

♀ Pantsucchi Choujo

♂ Futabocchi Chounan

♀ Mimifuwacchi Jijo

I don't know what the Choujo, Chounan etc are, maybe it chose them random names. I have 2200 gotchi, which isn't much actually.

I have an Iro-iro kazoku apparently :D


I'm still figuring stuff out, but it looks reaaaaally cute. :(

I can also play two games. The first one, "Pan service" you have to attend to the Tamagotchis by answering them if they ask for a letter or a pencil, but ignore them if they ask for a fly.

The second one is a Tamagotchi on a board about to dive. When a life-saver goes by, they must hop in it. :wub:






I finally found the "TamaEXPO". :nazotchi:


My cute little characters have evolved too. :mellow:


♀ Berucchi -------------------------- A bell-like character (Belltchi)

♂ Mattaricchi ------------------------ It looks like a pumpkin?

♀ Sakuramocchi -------------------- It has Sakura flowers on its head.


They are still 0% bonded though ;) I wonder how to make them more bonded.


I just bought them a gramaphone.

It is in the treasure box, under Dougu.

There are also spaces for Omiyage (souvenirs) and Sonota (?).

There is also Kyuukyuubako, which is actually the medicine place. :nyatchi:


I am not sure what I will do with it tomorrow (whether bring it secretly in a Memetchi pocket pouch I bought in Portugal) or leave it at home sleeping. Probably the second option because I get back home tomorrow at half three, so I'll have loads of time. It's such a nice Tamagotchi. ^__^




(why am I signing my name?)
