Tamagotchi v2 Commercial


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To tell ya the truth that commerical scared me quite a bit. ;) I absolutley hate how they made it so girly and chessey T_T. I'm 14 and I can see how it may be more targeted to the younger generation, but the flashing colors, people dancing, shopping spree, was not going to get me to go out and buy it. Also the shopping spree thing isn't really true at all if you think about it. If it was a shopping spree then you would have a million gotchi points and then it would be a shopping spree.

tahts true. instead of having to earn the points through games you would just automatically be given tons of points from doing nothing and you'd be able to buy anything you wanted. as it stands with the real tamagotchi, you need to earn teh points and you only get a certain amount of products to buy in the shop every day.

If it was a "shopping spree", there would be more than 4 items to get at a time. There would be over 15. You can NOT have a "shopping spree" on the tamagotchi.

woah... ;) :angry: that was scary, cheezy, girlygirlish, 'shopping spree' whuh? i did not like that i mean 'shopping spree' 'new games and smiles' 'just gotta be'. that is so only tilted toward the girly side, and that boy lookes so... gay! :wacko:

my opinion: extra-tragical! bandai could seriosly do a better job. :unsure:

Lets just face it. The commercial was a disgrace to tamagotchi. It makes tamagotchi fans look bad.

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It wasn't THAT bad, I mean it wasn't my fave commercial. But I understand it was more girly the boyy. But I think its pretty good! :( :ichigotchi:

It's great to know i'm not the only adult Tamagotchi lover ^_^ (I'm 20-ish) ;)

And yes, the tama designs/cases flew by the screen too fast. Thankfully I was able to pause and rewind. I want more V2's now!!

in addition, the song was too stupid and pop-rappy, and i agree with others here when ia say they (Bandai) should have taken in to consideration the people of my age group who had the originals as kids and would buy these again. :D :D :wacko:

It stinks they put boys in there so that it looks like the cute boys have em and they make you look hot. and why would they put a tama connecting with sunglasses? and they make it shopping spree because mabe bandi wants only girls to likeit

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Grrr... how girlish. it makes it look like it's only for girls, and it's not becasuse the whole reason i got turned on to tamagotchis was because of a guy friend. Sure, I knew what virtual pets were. (Like nanos and gigas) but that guy showed me tamagotchis and i left all my other 5 gazillon vp's in dust. but at least it's catchy with the beat and the rhythem and all that. and after seeing the v3 commercial, it seems WAAAAAAYY better. and its aimed so much at really young kids. (i'm 14) :furawatchi: It doesn't even talk about what a tamagotchi is! if I had no idea what a tam was, I would blow that commercial off. (Plus a lot of people don't know what they are, and whenever I go to walmart to buy one i'll ask 'Where are your tamagotchis?' those sales people look at me like i'm from pluto becasue they have no idea what it is! :blink:

I thought both, the version 3 and 2 commercials STUNK!

The Tamagotchi Connection V1 commercial however was 10/10.

Why did Bandai do this to the commercials?

I really, really, didn't like it. The kids are tottaly w****ish, And the beat and song are kind of screechy.

Grrr i hate it when girls are stereotyped as catty little shoping maniacs. it makes girls think thats how they should act and it makes guys think we are stupid. thanks for humiliating my gender bandai. not at all impressed. (yeah im 17 and and i think that even a 9 year old would think its babyish)

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Grrr i hate it when girls are stereotyped as catty little shoping maniacs. it makes girls think thats how they should act and it makes guys think we are stupid. thanks for humiliating my gender bandai. not at all impressed. (yeah im 17 and and i think that even a 9 year old would think its babyish)
And you're right! Im 9, even for my standards (i act kinda babyish) thats REALLY babytchi(*shot*)-ish

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Grrr i hate it when girls are stereotyped as catty little shoping maniacs. it makes girls think thats how they should act and it makes guys think we are stupid. thanks for humiliating my gender bandai. not at all impressed. (yeah im 17 and and i think that even a 9 year old would think its babyish)
I completly agree with this post! I saw this commercial and thought, if girls were all all like that then they wouldnt be buying a tamagotchi. I have a couple and I like shopping, but really any of those "popular people" probably wont be walking into the tama section -.-

I agree, the advert is a total flop. as lots of people say, the music was rubbish and i also hate it when girls are stereotyped as catty little shoping maniacs, it makes me feel like tama's were designed for 'catty little shoping maniacs'... I think bandai did well on the actuall tama's (although not to sure on some of the designs :S) but their adverts, all of them were quite bad.

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