Tell us about your favorite stuffed animal!


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My favourite stuffed animal is a teddy bear called Candy. I got her at the Build-A-Bear Workshop when I was 10. (2005) I still have her now. She wears a pink jumper and grey pants. She is very cute. =]

My favorite is when I took a bunny out of my brother's easter basket and took it home saying it was mine.

I really did think it was mine, but I was only 5 at the time. I sleep with it every night.

My favorite stuffed animal was given to me by my sister for my birthday about a year ago, and she got it at the university she goes to. It's a brown bear with an adorable light pink hoodie on it that says the university. But I can't say the bear's name, because that will give away part of the college. And that would lead to some personal information problems... ^_^ Let's just call her beary for now. xD

I have this cute little bear who stays in my bed all the time. His name is Fudge. He has one eye out since i've had him when i was 1.

I love him and he allways stays in my bed. ^^

Well me I love snowmen plushies and teddies I sleep with three snowmen a bear and a neopet doll I like lol one of the snowmen I sleep with now I got it when I was nine I still love it. ;) Cute stuffies bailey I have a duckie one like that too he is soo cute :kuribotchi: !!

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My favorite stuffed animal is Mumble, the Happy Feet penguin. I stuffed him with love at the Build-A-Bear workshop. He came with a yellow bowtie, but I haven't gotten him an outfit yet. I don't sleep with my stuffed animals, but Mumble has a special place on my dresser. A cool thing about him is when you squeeze his flipper/wing/whatever you call it, an area in his chest lights up red. It's supposed to be his heart. If you've seen the movie, you'll understand the significance of the heart. If's too hard to explain. Anyway, I like Mumble a lot and would be devastated if I ever lost him.

I have too many stuffed animals to pick a favorite o.o'

I do love my Skelanimal penguin though :3 Got him for my birthday.

Somewhere in a box in storage I have a stuffed soccer ball that I've had since I was a baby. That was always my favorite when I was little. Even though I hated soccer, I loved playing with it, lol.

I used to have a giant Pikachu pillow/stuffed animal that I would sleep with. I miss it o.o I don't know what ever happened to it though.

i have 2 favorites :p there uglydolls one looks like a fat green bunny with one eye,and the other one is grennish gray with 3 legs one eye and hair on its head and chest

can i post a pic of one??

Oh yes!! I almost forgot to mention my VERY favourite. :angry:

My absolute favourite stuffed animal is Fluffy, my stuffed animal rabbit. She has white fluffy fur, a dotted bow and a little silver wind-up thing on her back buried beneath her fur. When you turn it, she plays a helps me sleep at night. :angry: I've started sleeping with her lately, because shes go cosy and helps me sleep.

I got her when I was a tiny baby.

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My favorite stuffed animal is a purple hippo named Hilda. She's made out of the same material as wind breaker jackets. Hilda was a present from my best friend when I was 7, so she's very very old lol. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) her place in my bed has been taken over by someone else....who hogs the covers.

Well, mine is a brown stuffed bear with a golden bow. The reason it's my favorite is because my little sister got it for her birthday and she came up to me and said, "You can have it. Because you are the best sister in the world."

It was soooo cute. I named it fluffy! :p

Lol....well....I use to have A LOT!

I would sleep with every single stuff animal when i was little. I thought my stuffed animals had feelings. So I wouldn't want to leave the other stuffed animals alone. Hahah! I was a silly girl when I was little! :blink:

I guess I have one right now...It's a moose! :p Hehe!


I have a stuffed animal. He is a bear with bushy brown fur, and his name is Winfry xDD

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