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cute kitten

Active member
Feb 5, 2006
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There was a boy, named Will (Hinotamatchi) who went out to town to buy some snacks as his friends were coming round for dinner...

He went to Memetchi's cake shop and bought the new NINJA CAKE.

He met Makiko on the way. (see tamagotchi corner shop to identify the character of Makiko)

Makiko started to flirt. "Hey hun. What puddy pud pud have you got there? Mmmmm, some yummy cake, I expect? Yummy cake for a yummy person, i guess *giggle giggle*"

"Oh hey Makiko" Will started, "I'm in a hurry. You know, I am meeting up with with my errr-----girlfriend and-"

"You have a girlfriend?" Makiko interrupted.

Of course Will didn't really have a girlfriend (gf) he just wanted to get Makiko out of the way, but Makiko didn't budge.

"Ohhhhh, do you want me to carry this cake home for you, Will?"

"Umm.....yehh I guess. If it isn't too much trouble-"

"Ohh, anything for my Will *giggle!!*

So Makiko walked off with the cake.

"Ok, glad thats over. Better be getting home actually, eh hehh hehhhhh" he thoughtOf course, he took a different route to Makiko. The LONG way...=[.

On his way, he met Mr. Tulip


They greeted eachother like old friends and then walked off.

Will noticed a hitodetchi ^_^ in the background. He went to greet her.

"Hey, you okay?"

The hitodetchi :D smiled at him and nodded.

Will told her he had never seen her around town, but before he could say anymore the hitodetchi pulled cloe to him and kissed him full on the lips.

They were sitting there, complete strangers to eachother, making out.

When they had finished smooching their hearts out, Will asked her "will you be my girlfriend"

She Said....


Her name turned out to be Tahita

"Call me Tahi for short" she said to Will.

They took a trip to the spa.


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The spa had tv,mud baths,facial care and some other stuff.Will watched tv while Tahita had pickles in her eyes.Suddenly,Danielle (Makiko) entered the spa."Oh hi,"she said to Tahita,"You must be Will's girlfriend.Very nice to meet you!"Wow.First she was being all flirty,now shes polite.Suspicious...Will thought.

Will frowned at Danielle. Danielle didn't notice, and then said things to Tahita like, "But you're so small, you don't wear a bow, you're not meme family..."

Will felt sick of it. He immediatly grabbed all their bags, and picked Tahita up, and ran the kart down the stairs. Will ran faster and faster. "Wait up, Honey!" screamed Danielle.

Will pushed the kart into a elevator, and it was about to close. SMASH. It closed. Danielle, not looking at the route ahead of her, but at Will, smashed against the elevator, and then went down with it, she screamed, and gears hit her, oil poured on her, and all over, she was being scratched by gears. She tried to get out, but the plastic prevented her from doing so. No air was in there. Danielle cried.

Danielle was dying from no air "i did this for a guy" she thought " how could i and now in dying"she started to cry "i have to do something" will thought "alouthgh i hate her i still have to do something.""Will do something!!!dont let her die!!!!!!!" tahita started to scream.Will dropped tahita and ran to danielle will got out a pocket knife and stabbed at the plastic. he accidentlly stabbed danielle in the hand on thrid try. danielle was gushing and she started screaming.she couldnt breathe and she was losing blood by the second. will stabbed at the plastic and it ripped. he pulled danielle out of the plastic danielle grabbed onto will and kissed him on the lips.tahita went to grab onto danielle and beat her up.will stopped her and said "shes dying leave her". an idea sprang into wills head. "ok next floor we jump" but there was no next floor. just as will said that they crashed onto the ground.i was so hard that the top of the elevater crashed on all three. "WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" tahita was stuck....................

Uh, I doubt that elevators would be made of plastic, it would break too easily... I just said, The WINDOWS are made of plastic.

Danielle was dying from a poison cut that a poison metal put on her. Will now had to choose. To save Tahita, or Danielle.

Either would not last long. The metal could cut up Tahita, and she would die. Treating Danielle would mean going to a hospital, and Tahita would already be dead.

Will thought. And thought. And thought. Finally, he looks at Tahita. There must have been a way to save both. Just then, a man came and grabbed Danielle, and jumped off.

Will jumped through the hole with Tahita.

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"Danielle!" Will screamed. His eyes were filled with tears, and so were Danielle and Tahita's.

"Will! What are you doing?!" Tahita shrieked. Will had began climbing through. Finally he saw a hand. He snatched it and pulled with all his might. Finally Tahita was out. All three ran outside.

"Will." Danielle said, her eyes filled with gratefullness. "Y-you saved me." She pulled him and they began kissing. Tahita scowled and pulled her off.

"Ow!" Danielle said, feeling her bleeding hand.

"Oh right, your hand. We gotta get to a hospital. ASAP." Will said. Suddenly a motorcycle appeared next to them and a man was on it.

"Get on." the man said. "I'll take you there." Normally, none of them would have gone with a stranger on a motorcycle, but this was an emergancy! They hopped on and when they got to the hospital they thanked the man and asked who he was.

"You wanna know who I am?" he asked, a smile on his face.

"Yes!" They cried semoultaniasly.

"Ok." He shrugged and pulled off his helmet. They gasped.

"Ares." Tahita breathed. "The Ancient Greek God of war." Everybody knew about the greek gods, but only few were polytheistic and believed in them.

"Catch ya." he rode off. They ran into the hospital, still in disbelief.


"Hey you ok?" Will asked Danielle as he walked in with flowers. SHe was in the hospital recovering and she was in her bed.

"Are those for me?" Danielle smiled.

"Yeah. I-I'm real sorry." he said.

"Oh come here." She grabbed him and they began kissing. THe door soared open and there stood Tahita, her mouth open in disbelief.

"YOU!!!" She yelled, marching in...

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...... Well, looks like you made a mistake. I hate it when those kind of things happen, when you post a minute before someone else does.

Danielle screamed, she was tooken away by a strange figure. And when the strange figure revealed his face, Danielle felt like she had just seen Will, only prettier. It was a mimitchi.

"Danielle." WIll whispered.

"umm. im sorry. maybe this'll make you feel better." She grabbed him and they began making out. Will pushed her away.


"Ugh. I am your girlfriend. We hold hands, kiss, go on dates and such. We don't talk about your ex." she rolled her eyes snottily.

"Not anymore." Will muttered. He ran in the direction of the man. "DANIELLE! DANIELLE!" he desperately cried. Nothing.

Tahita suddenly used a special memory replacement thing on Will, causing him to be knocked out. and then fed him a medicine, which would make him forget Danielle. He woke up.

"Tahita, are you ok?" He asked.

"Oh yes." She said.

Will thought that he and Tahita had been on the roof, and Tahita had got scratched by hawks. He didn't remember Danielle.

Danielle looked up at the beautiful figure who took her. She didn't even think of Will. "Umm.... Who are you?" she asked, blushing. "Ereth." he said, and kindly smiled at her. Danielle kissed him.

Ereth was actually doing the same, kissing him, so they both made contact. Unfortunately, Ereth lost his concentration on floating, and fell. Same with Danielle. They landed back on the surface, Danielle on top of Ereth. "Uh..." they both said, and Danielle suddenly fell down, going Aghh.... and her hand was on her poisoned marks.

Ereth immediately got a strange bottle out of his pocket, and poured it on the wound. The wound suddenly dissolved.

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danielle stared at her hand and fainted.the figure brought her back to the hospital bed.he dissapered into the shadows after.meanwhile tahita and will were on the roof. the medecine that she gave him didnt work entirely the medicine only worked if the person wasnt entirely in love if he was he would have visions of them together but wouldnt know who she was.4 hours later danielle woke up "just a dream' she thought "just a dream" but it wasnt. danielle looked at her hand and saw it wasnt wounded she screamed so loud will and tahita heard it on the roof "come on lets go!" will said.he went to the stairs and went to the danielle, tahita ran after him.will knew which room it was becuse a bunch of nurses and docters were clustered around the door. will ran in but tahita was to small and couldnt get through the crowd.will ran to the bed."WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"danielle screamed she jumped out of the bed and kissed him as soon as she kissed him he remembered who she was and kissed her back.they kissed and kissed they truly loved each other.tahita finally got to them and pulled danielle off of will,threw her to the ground and started to beat her up.will grabbed tahita.tahita tried kissing him but he didnt let her."SECURITY SECURITY!!!!!!!!" will yelled the security came and took tahita away. will and danielle kissed and kept on kissing.they spent their days together and got married they had kids and they lived happily ever after.tahita loved will but will hated her soon she found her love.

Uh, the figure has a name.

But, it wasn't Will. Danielle had actually had a large dream, which made her think of Will. But, she just forgot once she woke up.

She found herself sleeping by Ereth, who was asleep on a chair. This was a hospital that wasn't the one Tahita and Will were in.

Will had a dream about what happened to Danielle, and figured she had found her love already.

Will and Tahita walked around, holding hands.

"I'm bored." Will said. He was really actually troubled by his dream.

"not anymore." tahita said flirty and began kissing him.

Will felt soo good, he kissed her back. They hugged. "Let's go to the amusement park." whispers Tahita into his ear. But then, Will suddenly felt onto the ground, spitting blood. "WILL!" Screamed Tahita.


will woke up with a scream. He looked at his alarm clock. 2:37 AM. It had been just a dream.

"Hey cutie. What's wrong?" Tahita said from the other side of the bed. Will began screaming again.

Will woke up with a scream. He looked at his alarm clock. 2:38 AM. It had been a dream. He looked around. Everything was ok. he sighed and went back to sleep. the next day he was walking around the park when he saw tahita running up to him.

"Oh boy." will breathed.

(Um, you don't just decide it's finished, the topic starter does.)

Danielle looked at Ereth. "I hate you." She said, punching him. She poured a magical bottle of liquid onto the floor, making the world go back in time to the first day.(cute kitten's post)

Will saw Danielle. "Hello." He smiled, giving her a pice of the cake.

Danielle smiled. "Thank you, hello, will. I know you have a girlfriend, but, I've liked you ever since I first got to know you." She smiled, blushing.

Will sighed. "I-Um, love, y-y-y-ou." he said, kissing her.

Danielle looked at the ground, giggling. "so, um, well, this means we're going out now..."

Will smiled. "Yeah."

Suddenly, Tahita came in. "Will!" She ran to him and kissed him...

Will pushed her off. "WHO ARE YOU?!" he yelled.

"Shove off!" Danielle cried. "He's my boyfriend! Lets go willie!" and they stormed off. bUt tahita followed them...

Will let himself be dragged.

Danielle was dragging sooooo hard, that she suddenly dropped to the ground, and lost power.

Tahita grabbed Will, and dragged him back.

Danielle grabbed Will on his other side, and dragged to the other side. They pulled soooo hard.

Will screamed in pain.

Danielle kept pulling.

Tahita kept pulling.

Sooo hard..

Will suddenly felt POPS on both sides, and felt his arms and shoulders on both sides were heavy. They were broken.

But the two didn't hear. They pulled his leg now. POP. They broke too.

Will yelled STOP, but neither girls stopped.


Finally Danielle gave a huge tug and Tahita flew all the way to Cina.

"Ahh!" Will cried.

"What's wrong Will-will?" Danielle asked.

"You guys broke my arms and legs."

"ZOMG!" she cried. She picked him up and brought him to the hospital...

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