The Squid V5 Log


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Yayz! I found another Solar Belt! I may hold a YouTube contest to give it away! Yayz!

Mailio! :D

Hey Squidward Is CoolI really like your log, I read it everyday! It's great, keep up the good work! ^_^   :)
Just one note. My PM box is full. Don't PM me tonight. I'll have it cleared tomorrow. And, WAIT! Let me translate that to some of you. That does not give you the authority to post comments directly in my log. TamaTalk rules clearly state that only the author of the log can post in the logs. I don't want any buts at all. I don't want to break any TamaTalk rules, and neither do you (I hope). So please, understand that that means wait until tomorrow to PM me.


Ok! Good night, peoples!

Hiiiiii peoples! :huh: I has mail!

Squidwardiscool ,

Your log is fantastic :huh: Do you plan to get the Celebrity tama? It's out in america , you know .

- Asia
To answer everyone's question, YES! I am getting the Celebrity V5! I'll get it on Monday when my brothers are at camp and my mom and I go to Wal-Mart so she can get something and when I get tapes for my camera. (Which will be mostly used for my webshow which will be created in the future this summer!)


Also, my mom will drag me down to the mall to Claire's so I can get my ears pierced. I'm just getting them pierced to make her shut up. (But luckily, maybe I can take a trip to Limited Too! ;) )

I adopted a Webkinz Cares Lil' Cow! Her name is Shoes because my mom was looking at shoes!


I also got a free TC2 Code in a raffle! Yay me!


Also, don't say anything mean, but my Rex (golden retriever), was in the pool for DAYS! He wasn't even complaining!

Guess what peoples? It's July 31! And let me say, I did it!


I Adopted a Cheeky Monkey

I Adopted a Webkinz Cares Lil' Cow

I Did Every Bonus Question For July

I Clicked "I Love My Webkinz" Every Day This Month


I did it! I did my goals!




Also, I'm going to my grandma's house today. And this time, I'm just going to bring a Webkinz.


My life is changing, A LOT, and I really don't know how to react to it, and since it has to do with family, I've been overly playing Webkinz.


I'll write more later.


Got to go.


See y'all in a bit!

Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? 

OK, enough with that.


So, I go into the Curio Shop, give an Arte a tip of 10 KC, and I buy a farm-themed Apple Chair, then I go on a gem hunt.


I click a rock, no gem. I click another rock, no gem.


Then, I start moving to the left, and I think "I'll click this one!".


And I did it. I found a Webkinz Diamond. The last gem I needed for my collection.


"JAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" I screamed to my little brother. (He's PatrickFan.)

"Yeah?" he said.

"I got the Crown of Wonder!" I said, clicking "Keep My Gem".

"Awesome!" he said.

Then I opened up my gem box, and said "Are you ready?".

He said "You bet I am! Click it!"

So I clicked that crown, and he was like "Trade for the Crown of Wonder!"

So, we got it, and he said how jealous he was, and I reminded him of the promise I made to him.

The promise was, if I found the Crown of Wonder, he could have it.

"Do you want it?"

"Yes yes yes!" "But, it's yours."

"Remember our promise? That I'd give you the Crown of Wonder?"

"Thank you thank you thank you!"


So, yep. I found it. :p


He said he's going to put it on his Lil' Lion when he gets it.

Hey Squidward is cool :chohimetchi:
I've been reading your log , I'm only on page 19 so I have alot to catch up on. It's so weird how your family name is 'Sugars' and you have a v5 and I registered as Sugartamav5  :marumimitchi: I didn't even know  :nazotchi: Anyways. Since i'm not so far in your log , I thought id' just tell you that the percentage of bonding you have does not affect the number of eggs you get. ( im sure you know that by now ).

I look forward to reading the 30 semod' more pages of your log  :ichigotchi:

Hello Squidward is Cool, I have been reading you log and it awesome! I love it I am also planning on getting a celeb v5. I might make a log of my own about my v5. Please continue I'm addicted :mellow: xXEvilKittenXx
That was just some mail. I got two new Webkinz recently! A Lil' Persian named Melanie and a Manatee named Lou! I know, y'all are all crazy, thinking about when I get my Celebrity V5 and new V5 battery. I will soon.
