the way to broadway!


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
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hey ppls! sorry i switch logs easily but i killed my dreamitchi. he never got past the auditions so i try to start over. i have a baby girl named bella and i got to go. i hav to eat breakfast!!!!!!!! :unsure: :mimitchi:

hey ppls!!!

bella evolved into tamatchi and she is practicing rite now! i really want her to pass pro debut!!!!

bai i got to go do science hw!

ok... third post today but i am board so ya...

anyways bella is still practing her guitar! o yay!

okokok im board again!!!! rite now im finished with my science hw and im getting ready to go to my friends bday party. anyways...bella is on pause and she has got into preschool. i havent went yet but here is her stats:

tone 35

rhythm 37

original 35

ya its horrible im gonna fix that! hehehehe


hullo readers

4th post today...anyways

im taking out bella from me pocket and unpausing her

ppls! i made a 7 inch cup cake at sweetspot today! im gonna eat it for breakfast tomorrow! i need to get my energy for star tesing or state tesing tom!!!


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sorry for not posting in the past few days but i still have a tamatchi since i pause it when i go to school. rite now she is paused and i will tell you her stats and stuff later today. now i am very tired. bai!!!!

ok so my friends little sister came to my house and then she reset my tama!!!!! :D its a boy petitchi and it is currently on pause rite now!(i want a mametchi) so... bai!!!


im bored.......o well my tama is still a baby

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hey ppls!!!!!!

today at lunch sam evolved into.....a kutchitamatchi! :D i dont know why because i kept playing games with him...bai!!!!

Hi! I love your log! And I'm so sorry your sister reset it again! To get a mametchi follow these simple steps, don't pause it, put it to sleep when you go to work, set it's time to 9:00PM before you go, then when you get home, set the time back to normal and don't let it beep for you for food, that's how I got mine, to get kuromametchi, do the EXACT same thing, but it has to be a boy on an even generation. I hope this helped!
isnt she generous????and helpful???

o my tamatalk has changed since the last tiem i was here!

anyways...i hav to study for a test! c you guys tom!!!!!!!or maybe tonight

^_^ :) :D yay! guess wat????

sam evolved into a kikitchi and he got a timpanie from the opera guy


sam wants to talk... so ya! ^_^

Sam-hello everybody!!! this my first apperance...mommy wouldnt let me come when i was little cuz she thought i was immature...but i dont think so!!! well buh bi!!!!!!!i need to go on a date with izzy!!! buh bi

Me-wow!!!wait no!!! come back here young man! ur not old enough!!!!!!!!!!maybe when you are an adult!!!

Sam-ahh!!! come on mommy!!! im a teenager...and i mean we both hav 4 blank faces on our friends list!!!come on i want to marry her when im an adult pleze?????

Me-ok but you better come back before 8 sharp!!!

Sam-ok mommy!!!!! buh bi and o ya... buh bi ppls who reading this!!!!!!!

Sam-hey guys!!! guess what?????????????????tomorrow...mommy's gonna take me to her friends house!!!!! her friend has a violetchi and i hope that she had a baby girl who i can marry cuz izzy is my mommy's other friends tama and she is on vacation!!!!so i hope you wish me luck!!!by the way...mommy doesnt know that i am on! do not tellll anybody!!!!!

Me-Sam...I know you are typing right now!!!! im reading beside you and you can go on only when i said so!!!

Sam-but you said so....yesterday!!!!!


shese...teenagers these days!!!!

but o well

he has a band now with a hinotamatchi and a ringotchi!!!! bai!!!!!!!!

me-i have to say that these teens hav some problems......

Sam-mommy!!!!!!!i heard that!!!!!

me-o really?

Sam-yesssss.......can i go to the movies with the cutest girl in school????

me-o wat??????? so now you hav 3 girlfriends(if violitchi has a baby girl)

Sam-i didnt mean to....but they are all so cute and so easy to talk to

me-so who are you gonna marry then????

Sam-im guessing izzy since i met her first

me-than wat if you didnt hav izzy?

Sam- id marry the cutest girl in school

me-how bout if violetchi has a daughter????

Sam-id definetly marry her daughter cuz violetchi is sooo pretty!!!!!!! i bet her daughter will look like her!!!!!!! cant go to the movies

Sam-ok... but promise me that tommorow you will get me some milk...i havent drank that since i was a petetchi!!!!!!!


Sam-fine adn please dont talk about this girl thing again!!!

yapeee!!!!!!!!80 people have veiwed my log!!!!!!!yay

Sam-hi...o buh bai!!!! i hav to go to school!!!!!!!!

bai!!!! i need to go to my like tutor class and id love to get some fanmail!!!!!!!!!!

ok im back again!!!!so i didnt go to my tutor class yet(i found out that i was too early)

Sam-aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!i cant belive it!!!!!!

me- what?????? whats wrong?????

Sam-nothing....its just that that that that that that that that i found out that my voice is getting deeper!!!!

me-oooohhhh!!!! thats nothing your going through puberty

Sam-pube wat? it sounds like throwing up!!!!!

me- i still dont understand y he goes through puberty and still acts like a baby petetchi!!!!!

Sam- hey!!!!! i heard taht!!!!!!!

me- so-rry didnt mean it!!!!

Sam- ok mommy i forgive you!!!!

my my teenage tamas these days!!!!!!!!!


i got to help my mom water the yard!!!!




Sam-i hav a date!!!!!!!!!

me-with who?????

Sam-with drumroll......

me-stop it!!!!!!!!just tell me!!!!

Sam-ok fine....with allie

me-allie from next door??????

Sam- uh ya!!!!

me-o my


me-but she she she she she is only a toddler!!!!

Sam-i know....but im gonna stop growing so she can grow

me-ok then.... but just for love i will put you on pause till she is a teen

Sam-thank you o thank you!!!!but let me go play with her first

me-ok then everybody...buhbai!!!!!

sam-baibai :eek:

me-hey ppls!!!!!!!!

sam-hey guys i dont know

me-ok so not a lot of things happened while i was gone!!!!but i went to watch alice in wonderland!!!!

sam-hey not fair!!!!!i want to watch tooooooooo!!!!!!! :eek:

me-o so-rry!!!!!!!i couldnt let you cuz you would make suchhhhhh a racket!

sam-no i wouldnt!!!!!!!!!!

me-yes you would!!!!!!!no matter how old you will get you cant keep quiet for 3 hours bubby


sam-o my how dare you call me bubby



sam-im gonna leave my home and never come back


me-ull b sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im guessing you will be at allie's house rocking her to sleep.

sam-humpf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:and i do love her even if she is a BABY!!!!!

me-o wow!!!! you never know!!!!!i mean you are just like quil from twilight....he imprinted on a 2 year old toddler!!!!just like you!!!!!!11

sam-wawah????wat are you talking about and what is twilight???????are you going crazy??????thats like a time of a day!!!!!!!!your dumb

me-did you call your mommy dumb?????


me-no gf from now on!!!!!!!and follow my rules under my roof

sam-well i wont be under your roof then!!!!!!im going to allie's and singing a lullaby and rocking her to sleep!!!!!!!1

me-ok...but u will regret it!!!!!1

a few days later...

sam-hey allie!!!!!it looks like youve grown!!!!!!1

allie-yes i hav!!!!!!

sam-yes u hav!!!!!

allie-i want to go to school!!!1

sam-sure i hav to go to school too....ill escort you along with myself!!!!


a few hours later(actually 5 hours of school)

sam-hey little was your first day at school???

allie-it was the worst!!!i met my archenemies from preschool and we had to form a band

sam-dont worry!!!!its gonna be ok...besides same thing happened to me!!!!!im doing great!!!!they are gonna be your best friends

allie-ok i trust you....but if they gonna kill you!!!!!!

sam-ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok..... but if im right...your gonna marry me and have my child

allie-sure sure sure sure...but i dont believe it!!!!!! ;)

sam-wow! B)

epic i know!!!but it is very fun to read i guess....i laugh myself

me-so today im quite lonely with sam still at allie's house....

sam-hey mom!!!!!!!!im back!!!!!!!i want to you to meet allie\

allie-hello sam's mommy!!!!!!!!!your pretty!!!!!!!and so is sam

me-ya and are you guys staying here????

sam-nope!!!!well maybe....we are just gonna tell you that we are getting married!!!!!!!\


me-o i c but you guys are tooo young though....

sam-we know but when we become adults!!!!1

allie-i want a baby girl so she will look like me!!

sam-yes me too!!!!!you are sooo pretty cupcake!!!! guys really have been talking about kids????

sam and allie-yes we have!!!!!!!do you mind????

me- nononononono hey sam....will you come to the kitchen with me???


at the kitchen:



me-are you guys really going on dates and snogging???

sam-of course and i think she is close to being an adult!!!!but to give you some assurance...i will pass pro debut first if i can!!!!1

me-ya sure and i hope you relized that she is getting really fat. hav you noticed?

sam-yes of course!she is my fiance! wat do you think???ive been cooking her lots of her fav foods you see!!!!yummy!!!!

me-oh :rolleyes:

sam- i guess i hav to go to my room with allie!!!!1 sure to come down for breakfast!!!!!!


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me-hey you guys!!!!!

sam and allie-hey!!!

sam-mommy...can we talk alone please???? i mean with the crowd???

me-sure!!!! :)

sam-hey guys!!!!

allie-hey peeps!!

sam-guess wat???

allie-just guess!!!!!

sam-ok...we have four happy faces on our friends list!!!!

allie-that means we will be able to have a baby!!!!!!

sam-no sweetheart!!!! we are gonna have twins!!!!


sam-if they are girls we will name them lilly and rose

allie-we havent thought about boys names though :(

sam- :huh:

sam and allie-buhbi....we need to go!!!

the next hour in sam's room

sam-oh....cupcake!!!!your so pretty in that dress i bought you!!!!

allie-i know and thank you!!!!

sam-i do have a surprise!!!!


sam-(gets out of bag) baby girl and boy shirts!!!!im quite rich cuz of the king!!!!!

allie-awww!!!!theyre sooo cute!!!!!

sam-i know!!!!i hope we have twin girls!!!!!


me-hey guys!!!!time for dinner!!!!!!

sam and allie-ok comin!!!!!!!!

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