Thirteen candles.


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Oh my god, I'm not allowed to eat off of kid's menus anymore Dx Oh well. I can always steal food off Andie's plate.

hah, I always pretend like I'm 12 at the restaurants! because I could go for an 11 year old, people believe me. But I only order off kids menus at Pizza Hut, usually I order some sort of seafood royal dish at a restaurant that always makes my mom wish she never told me I could get 'anything' off the menu. Dx

anyway, happy birthdayyyyyyyyy!

I hope you don't forget =P mine was on the 10th, I'm older than you, little Feebee!

Phoebe, as you probably know, my birthday is in 3 daysss. ! =o

Tomorrow is my party. It's gonna be pwnsome

Happy -early- birthday. I must wait 'til Nov 20 to be twelve.

Tony must wait 'til Nov 19... older ppl by one day FTL

Okay, since I am back from schoolio, I shall say happy birthday properly.

Happy Birthday, my lovely Feebers <3.

I hope everything that you want comes true and that nothing bad happens. Thirteen isn't that old when you think about it... well, neither is eleven, but you get what I mean. Don't worry. getting older isn't escapable. Growing up is. Act like a kid, do what you want. Eat kid's meals... I still do and I'm sure many older people do too. Ily. I wish you all the best.

No matter what happens, how old you get, or what you do, we will always love you. We love you as you are. You're our little Feebers and will be for life 8D


Happy (Early) Birthday!

I'm 15 in August. I still act like i'm 5.

Physical aging is unstoppable, mental aging is a choice.

I order off the kids menu. If they question me I threaten to throw a tantrum. I've only had to resort to jumping on the floor and screaming once.

I'mma make you a video dedication and draw you a crayon picture (I made one for Ksenia because I was bored but then fell asleep)

I named a crayon after you just then.

I like ripping open presents but at least you don't share a birthday with a twin sister D=

Happy (Early) Birthday!I'm 15 in August. I still act like i'm 5.

Physical aging is unstoppable, mental aging is a choice.

I order off the kids menu. If they question me I threaten to throw a tantrum. I've only had to resort to jumping on the floor and screaming once.

I'mma make you a video dedication and draw you a crayon picture (I made one for Ksenia because I was bored but then fell asleep)

I named a crayon after you just then.

I like ripping open presents but at least you don't share a birthday with a twin sister D=
I turn 15 in September. :p

But yeah, you can still order off the kiddie menu. But I honestly don't like to. The portions are small, and they usually don't have good options. D: But that's just me.

And yes, just because you ARE older, doesn't mean you have to ACT it. And people still act ridiculous at 13. You're fine.

28th? Thats tomorrow! My birthday is 4th july. I will be 11 this year.

I am 10, feel like 12 and behave like 11. :D

Happy (Early) Birthday!I'm 15 in August. I still act like i'm 5.

Physical aging is unstoppable, mental aging is a choice.

I order off the kids menu. If they question me I threaten to throw a tantrum. I've only had to resort to jumping on the floor and screaming once.

I'mma make you a video dedication and draw you a crayon picture (I made one for Ksenia because I was bored but then fell asleep)

I named a crayon after you just then.

I like ripping open presents but at least you don't share a birthday with a twin sister D=

@~Kuromametchi~: My B-day is august 2nd. Did that they were going to put independence day on my B-day instead of yours? They put it on yours because that was the original date that the Declaration of Independence was signed. =D


I'm not allowed on the laptop currently so I can't dedicate a vid to you. Its the 28th here now event hough timezones say its not your birthday where you are yet.

This is my first and possibly last post for today. I'll hopefully do one tomorrow. I really gotta go soon. Best wishes on your birthday.

@Shayna. Dear Lord. I feel so sorry for you.

FeeBee!! You're 12?? You look like 16! Well don't go all emo on me, I hate growing up to. We all must unfortunatley. Life your life to its the fullest. E V E R Y D A Y try someting new. DO IT!

Happy thirteenth birthday Fee!

I know we haven't known each other long, but happy birthday to you all the same! I feel old and young at the same time, lol. I'm like, almost four years older, and you look just about my age, at least in your pictures anyway, lol!

I wish you wouldn't dread your birthday. You're wiser, you're alive, you're healthy, you're still young. That's something to celebrate! So have a kick butt b-day.

Loves ya!


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