this is for admin and ppl who care.....


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You know, I bet Admin has been giving us clues and we aren't figuring them out ;)
Hmm, who joined last year? Did Admin's profile say September 14, 1905 then?
yea admins profile said his birthday was september 15 1905 i just looked be thats impossible

I have no clue if Admin is a male or female! But whatever gender he/she is....Admin is great at running tamatalk! Isn't that right people? :) :furawatchi: :lol:

I don't think Admin is quite 100. :hitodetchi: lol I really have no clue. Admin, could you pleeeeeeeease give us a tiny clue on your gender? :(

i think it would be a big clue if he/she told what kind of toys he/she played with when he/she was a kid yet G+J tels me admins 1st name is jacke but the way it's spelled it could be prenounced a girl or boy name

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My profile:Gender: Female

Age: 99 (Born: September 15, 1905)

Real name: ????

Job: No job in retirement home.

Location: Austin, Texas (of course everyone knows that!).

Gender: Male

Age: 99 (Born: September 15, 1905)

Real name: Jacke Myers

Job: No job in retirement home, used to be a scientist

Location: Austin, Texas (of course everyone knows that!).

I read a book and his perfect grammar almost matches!

Oh I meant the Admin as in "my profile of him/her"

i think it would be a big clue if he/she told what kind of toys he/she played with when he/she was a kid yet G+J tels me admins 1st name is jacke but the way it's spelled it could be prenounced a girl or boy name
1. I never told you that

2. You must have read my mind.

3. Maybe DarkCore was right, maybe I was hacked!

Gender: Male

Age: 99 (Born: September 15, 1905)

Real name: Jacke Myers

Job: No job in retirement home, used to be a scientist

Location: Austin, Texas (of course everyone knows that!).

I read a book and his perfect grammar almost matches!

Oh I meant the Admin as in "my profile of him/her"
sorry i really dont believe admin is 99 or that he/she is in a retierment home i think admin made up that year because he wanted 2 hide his age

I kinda like keeping it all a mystery... :wacko:
Let me take this chance to change the topic a little...

Do you think I am boy or girl?

How old?

:huh: :lol: :D
I think your a guy that is 15-20. It really hard. I cant tell. :hitodetchi:

i think that we shoodnt care about age?gender of n e 1 :furawatchi: :kuribotchi: :( :hitodetchi: :p :mimitchi: :mametchi:

(i lUV!!! the new emoticons for v2)

KOOL if admins birthday is really on the 15th ts one days before mine :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :( :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :p

Well, Admin is definitely over the age of 15 we'll say, so we have 16-100 range.

And I'm certain Admin is at least in his/her 40s, so that narrows it down to 16-40 range.

I think that ADMIN can keep his or her privacy to him or her self! To take a guese i would say that:

Gender: Male

Age: 20-25 years old!

when eva ADMIN is ready to tell us his or her real age/gender he will!

Anyway its fun not knowing whether ADMIN is a girl or boy!

I think it is a wrinkly old man with a really long beard, a walking stick and a hearing aid(Joke).

I think admin is just a computer

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