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Zoom caught a glimpse of the bright tutu on Nerdy's waist. Zoom didn't have time to explain, so she ran after Nerdy without a word. Esther turned around to see Zoom running off. "Where is she going?" She asked tentatively.

"Nevermind that. Probably going after Mega...or the other two..." Snowy realised. She stuck Cool's comb in her pocket and ran after Zoom.

"NO! GIMME BACK MY COMB!" Cool cried.

Nerdy and Tough were sprinting down a long hallway, eventually getting shorter and shorter. Soon enough everyone was crawling along the floor. Nerdy and Tough Scrambled out and yelled "FATHER!"

"Yes boys?" TH peered around a corner.

"Fire Mega! He's working with those girls that are strangely like us to plot against you!" Nerdy said quickly.

"Let me show you kids the joy of employees." TH said calmly. "MEGA!"

"Y-yes...?"He appeared, looking very shaken.

"GO. Find all five girls and kill them. No exceptions." TH ordered him, still rather calm.

Mega was speechless.

"Yes sir!"said Mega with a strict salute. He turned around and winked at the girls. Then he turned around, so the girls couldn't see his face, and five seconds later, TH smiled.

"Wait a second....."murmured Esther. "That's fishy.

"What is?"muttered StarTama.

"'s almost as if Mega were double-crossing us. "whispered Esther.

"You could be right....on the count of three, each of us run a different direction."hissed Zoom.

"One.."Mega was advancing..."Two....."TH's sons were coming.... "THREE!"yelled Zoom, just as TH, Mega, Cool, Tough, and Nerdy ran to catch them.

All girls ran in different directions. "Wha-which-who-dad! Whadda we do?"yelled Cool.

TH looked around. "Chase them, you fools!"he screamed.

Mega and his sons ran like the wind.....

All the girls ran like the wind. Soon all of them ended up in Non-Tamatalk. "I thought we split up." said Esther looking confused. "We did," Snowy reassured her, "We just got back together again."

Zoom grinned, "Y'know that sounds really weird.." said Zoom.

Suddenly a TH's voice said, "Game over girls!"

Suddenly everything went black and all the girls were seperated.

StarTama woke up in a dark, black room. It was damp, and droughty. She looked around seemed to Tamagotchi Roleplay.

She saw the title of her roleplay-it was "Locked in a will you survive? Try to escape!"

She grimaced. StarTama leaped up on the title-but the roleplay was Closed.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh great."she moaned. "How am I gonna get out of this?"

Zoom awoke in a musty-looking room, with shelves as far as she could see. They looked to be full of...

"Books." Zoom rolled her eyes. "Just when I need them the least, I'm stuck in a freaking Library." She looked around. The spotted the entrance to the forum to see a huge brass lock on it.

"Ok, make that locked in a Library." Zoom told herself. She sighed ans wearily walked down the aisles, looking for something that would help get her out of there...

Since there was nothing to do, Esther jumped along the topic, seeing what had been posted. Suddenly, she came upon a rude word....she jumped on "Report" even thought she knew that there were no guides to answer.

Suddenly, a PM flashed up...

It read "Dear Esther,

Because of your thoughtful and helpful deeds on Tamatalk, I, Admin, have decided to make you a guide.

Many privelages will come-you can close topics, edit other peoples posts, e.t.c......."

Esther read the rest of the PM, grinning. This was great! She was a guide now! She suddenly noticed a huge weight by her side....she looked down-she was holding a huge key!

Esther grinned and fitted it in the lock. The door creaked open!

Snowy was inside a closed topic, it looked like it was in Non-Tamatalk. She punched at the wall and yelled out angrilly hoping TH would hear her, "You can't keep me in here, LET ME OUT!!" Deciding there was no use she looked at the posts.

"Now..." Esther thought, still standing in the topic that Snowy had been released from.

"HELP!" They heard Zoom's faintly muffled voice yell.

"Where do you think he put Zoom?" Esther asked.

"Is it that difficult? The Library." Snowy answered, and ran with Esther to the Library.

"What...?" Zoom asked cautiously. Suddenly Both Snowy and Zoom heard a low fum coming from a distance. Suddenly she was struck with an electrical jolt in the back. It crawled up her spine, finally making it up to her aching head. Snowy had also been hit, but she noticed before she backed out that Mega was standing in the shadows holding some sort of gun.

Did bratztroxg say you could use her character?

Suddently Darrel came out of no where. They all where puzzeled and thought that nobody else came into tamatalk. It wasnt true as they knew it was someone because she was right in front of them.

"Whats you name/username?" They asked nervously.

Darrel, Who was a fun, Happy and exciting Girl Spoke right as they all finished

"I am ~♥~Darrel~♥~! You may call me just Darrel. Nothing else.

Everyone else looked at each other alarmed

Darrel knew that they thought she was stricked, Only if I could show them how fun I was and... She paursed. If I stay here longeer they will see how funny and fun I am and can be! Darrel walked off with the others excitedly.

Sorry Darrel, but the author decided no new characters on page two. And yes, in a team story, nobody is assigned certain characters.

Snowy eyed Mega sadly. "I th-th-thought that you were on our side. I thought you'd changed." she said to him.

"Aah, well it' easy to make little girls believe me. TH is the true ruler of Tamatalk!" Mega laughed.

"Are you going to shoot us with that?" Zoom said not taking her eyes off the gun.

"Maybe.." said Mega his eyes filled with evil.

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Esther looked at Mega. She looked at her watch. She looked at the door. A plan started to form in hr mind.

Snowy sensed Esther had an idea, and began to talk. Zoom joined in. Mega didn't notice Esther creep along the forum and make a new topic. It was called-


Only for humans-viruses and robots not aloud.

Esther desinged a laser ray, and ran back to Mega. "DIE, MEGA!"she roared happily, weilding the gun.

She aimed, fired, and the gun hit it's mark.

Esther looked at Mega. She looked at her watch. She looked at the door. A plan started to form in hr mind.

Snowy sensed Esther had an idea, and began to talk. Zoom joined in. Mega didn't notice Esther creep along the forum and make a new topic. It was called-


Only for humans-viruses and robots not aloud.

Esther desinged a laser ray, and ran back to Mega. "DIE, MEGA!"she roared happily, weilding the gun.

She aimed, fired, and the gun hit it's mark.

Mega laughed, "I made myself Immortal, I can't be shot or killed!!"

"No way!" Zoom said looking disappointed.

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"Actually, yes." Mega flipped the small gun in his hands. "It pays when you work for someone that is actually powerfull enough to manipulate the weaker ones."

"OK then, new plan." Snowy murmured. "Zoom, persuade Mega to tell you why he left us. We'll go Check on what those freak-ish sons of TH's have done."

"Ok." They replied.

Snowy, Esther, StarTama and Steffi ran along to where TH's lair was. TH was arming the sons with spikes, rays and immortality.

"Woah, he sure knows how to protect his friends!" exclaimed Esther.

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