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"Guys, duck!" Snowy said, and they all ducked into another doorway.

They suddenly appeared in another room.

"Where are we?" Esther wondered, when she was grabbed! Her captors put a hand over her face.

"NOO!" Steffi jumped at the guy. He was dressed up so he couldn't be recognized.

"Hmm.... and also.... Tough!" Snowy realized.

"Cool, the evil attacker???!" StarTama thought. She had eyes to see through any disguise.... clever Dr. Minko! She shook her head. No time to think about that now. Esther had been kidnapped!

"Uh-oh.... GUYS, RUN!!!" Snowy screamed, and she, Steffi and StarTama ran out and away down the hall.

"You can't do this!" Esther cried. Her hands were tied behind her back and her mouth was suddenly covered by a gag!

"Let's put her in this chair for now," Tough said, and tied her up into it.

"TH, we've got the girl," said Cool. "Now what do we do?"

"Use your special equipment!!" TH shouted.

"Will do, boss," said Cool, and told Tough, "Bring her upstairs."

When they got upstairs, Esther screaming all the while "You can't do this!" and "You'll never get away with this!". They entered a room. Tough laid Esther into some kind of trough, and Cool slipped the gag back over her mouth.

Esther looked up and gasped. A hammering sort of thing!! Cool put a black lock over her body and left her there.

"When the clock strikes 6, guess who won't be living anymore!" Tough cackled and closed the door.

"Mmmmm! Mmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm!" Esther could only managed 'mmm's as she couldn't speak! 'Now how do I get out of this one?', she thought sadly to herself. 'Steffi and the others don't even know where I am, and it's 10 to 6.'

Zoom turned away from Mega and leeked at StarTama. "Oh great. What is it?"

"Um...: StarTama started. "Esther's going to be pounded with a huge hammer in about...7 minutes..."

Zoom was speachless.

"Sorry!" StarTama whispered apaolageticly.

"Go." Zoom nudged StarTama. She shook her head. "Yes, go. Only Six minutes left, go!" Zoom told her firmly. StarTama glanced at TH, and left.

"Six Minutes until what?" TH asked excitedly.

"Six minuted until none of your buisness." Zoom answered, watching StarTama go.

"Ok." TH nodded. "Why did you stay behind?"

"Because you were here, and it's not good when you're here." Zoom replied, as she noticed The three sons appearing from behind TH.

"OMG! You made it just in time, Snowy!"yelled Zoom, pointing behind her.

TH and his sons whirled around. Zoom took this oppertunity to kick TH's butt. She did a weird ninja-flip thingy she never knew she could do and knocked Cool, Tough, and Nerdy down. Quick as a flash, she grabbed Cool's leather belt and tied all four of them together. Then she ran after StarTama.

"Gosh, my karati teacher would be proud!"she grinned, patting herself on the back.


"I'm never letting you wear a belt AGAIN."said TH with gritted teeth.

Cool let out a self-pitying sob.

Snowy and Steffi ran into the room and saw everyone tied up.

"Wha...? What's happened here?" Steffi asked

"I think we're winning.." said StarTama.

"That's good then isn't it?" Snowy said, "But what now?"

Zoom shrugged, "I'm not 100% sure..."

"I don't know!" Zoom cried. She looked at her watch and her eyes bulged. "You guys!" she seethed. "Only 30 more seconds left to go until Esther's killed!"

"Go!" Snowy ran.

"OH NO! We won't make it!" StarTama said as she ran.

"I think this is it." Snowy nudged open a door. "Whoops!"

It was the wrong one!

Meanwhile, Esther had ripped her gag off. But it was only 10 seconds until she was hammered!

"I've got to get out of this!" she cried, wiggling her hands. "Aha!"

She got her hands free and ripped her legs apart, too. She ripped the iron belt from around her body and jumped out just as the hammer went down. "I made it!" she cried.

In the other room, they saw a new enemy!

"The SASQUATCH!" Steffi screamed, and ran out.

Everybody followed her.

"You guys, I think he's gaining on us!" Zoom cried, running and looking over her shoulder.

"On 3 spilt up, we all have are watches, to communicate. OK? 1 2 3!" said StarTama and all girls ran in different directions.

Snowy ran into a room. She slammed the door shut and locked it before turning around. "Esther!" Snowy excalimed and ran over and started to untie her friend.

Soon Esther was untied and safe. The hammer fell 5 seconds after she'd moved.

Zoom ran into a dimly-lit room, and closed it behind her. She leaned on the door, gasping for breath. She didn't notice anyone else in the room, until Nerdy appeared from the shadows.

"So you're the next Nerd of TamaTalk." He strode forward.

"Yes, and I'm proud." Zoom replied flatly. "Oh yeah, what happened to your tutu?"

"By brother burned it." Nerdy replied. "And I've heard you talk. my name is not 'Nerdy' as you say, it's Remudi."

"Remudi?" Zoom repeated.

"Exactly." Nerdy/Remudi told her.

"Why would TH give you that name?" Zoom asked.

"Because Remudi was the name of the person who started computer hackers." Remudi whispered.

Remudi frowned. "He didn't invent it, he-"

He never finshed that sentence.

With a war-cry, Steffi jumped on Nerdy/Remudi. He gave a girlish shriek and collapsed.

Zoom joined in the fight.

"DIE!"all the girls shouted together.

Mega, Nerdy/Remudi, Tough, Cool and TH all blinked. "What?"

"Hold on." Zoom said, holding her arms out to either side. "Finish your sentance Remudi, and nothing will happen."

"He..." Remudi began...

"....And he decided he liked it and wrecked the account? And found out the password and everything?" Zoom asked, ever so quietly.

"Yes," Remudi said, his voice barely a whisper.

"And, well-" Zoom was cut off.

"I have to go home. Animal Crossing Gamecube. No explanation. Bye!" Remudi darted out of the room and sprinted down the hall.

"Okay.... now, THAT was wierd," said Steffi.

"He's writing notes to TH about what we just asked him." Zoom hissed to the others.

"This is great, he'll find out and kill us!" Esther whispered back. Remudi turned around, scanning the room. All five hid behind a shelf, holding their breaths.

"Oh, I wish I had my Phantom maker!" Zoom got out her Tamagotchi (with the sound OFF) and typed that to Steffi.

She recieved the message and her Tamagotchi yelled back, "Well, do we need it?"

"I think," said Zoom's Tamagotchi.

Remudi's eyes darted across the room. He spied a flash of yellow and pink behind a shelf. Steffi's sweater! He was upon them in an instant, sitting on top of Steffi and Esther, kicking StarTama, holding Snowy so she couldn't get away and nearly strangling Zoom all at once.

"No.... air. Must.... not die...." Zoom tried to say.

"No air! Must die, you mean!! Wuahahahaha!" Remudi cackled.

TH came in.

"What do you want?" Zoom demanded, but TH interrupted.

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