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I think eating meat is wrong. I do not like to talk to people who eat meat, personally.

Also, we are not suited for an omnivore diet. God or whatever you want to call it did not create animals to be eaten. We chose the option to eat murdered animals.

Would you like to be killed for other people to eat, who could survive on another diet? Would you???

No. And Sweet Kandi, each and every animal is special. I know they are not rare or endangered but each one is special.

Don't you get it? Just one animal could give one person a lot of joy. It's like eating dogs or cats. how come we do not choose to chew on them? They are still animals like pigs and cows and that. So when you next see a kitten or a puppy or a piglett or a calf think: 'They're still animals. They all deserve a good life.'

Humans are ment to be omnivores. Humans aren't hearbivores. Humans don't have flat teeth like a cow. Also, It kinda irks me when people bring "god" into debates. Alot of us don't belive in god. People wil still continue to eat meat or an omnivore diet, whenever you dislike it or not.

Cows, fowl and pigs are raised for human consumption. Beef cattle anyone? Also, guilt tatics such as "Would you like to be killed to be eaten?" Isn't a good way in an argument. Last time I checked cats and dogs aren't like a stupid cow or a chicken. Dogs adn cats are raised as pets, a cow is not.

I think eating meat is wrong. I do not like to talk to people who eat meat, personally. Also, we are not suited for an omnivore diet. God or whatever you want to call it did not create animals to be eaten. We chose the option to eat murdered animals.

Would you like to be killed for other people to eat, who could survive on another diet? Would you???

No. And Sweet Kandi, each and every animal is special. I know they are not rare or endangered but each one is special.

Don't you get it? Just one animal could give one person a lot of joy. It's like eating dogs or cats. how come we do not choose to chew on them? They are still animals like pigs and cows and that. So when you next see a kitten or a puppy or a piglett or a calf think: 'They're still animals. They all deserve a good life.'
**Unnecessary insult** If God created everything in a peaceful nature and handed his word down from on high with the Bible, then answer me this...

Where was your Bible the last time a Lion killed a Gazelle to eat?

Where was your Bible the last time a Cat ate a Mouse?

Where was your Bible when a Shark ate a human being?

And if all is supposed to be peaceful...

Where was your Bible in World War I?

In World War II?

The Revolution?

The Cold War?



The Civil War?

The Crusades?


In the end, no one gives a **tsk tsk** about the Bible because here's the facts.

It was written by HUMAN HANDS. If this is God's word, why does a HUMAN need to write it?

Almost everything in it cannot be proven. Ever. God is intangible and a faith figure. When was the last time he was PROVEN to exist?

Also, meat contains nutritional values that cannot be found in other foods. This nutrition adds to physical strength, ability, and energy much greater than greens can. This nutrition also is important to your metabolism, which is another portion of anatomy that is important.

I think most vegetarians like you are just making an excuse. Please read the food chain.

**The bible includes several wars, so there it was as it has always been. And, by the way, you cannot read the food chain, it is not a text, it is a diagram. Please behave yourself as a young adult should. ** -AubreyH

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Don't call me a fool.

I care more about animals that myself. I would sacrifice my life for them.

Anyway, I have plan to stop animals being eaten and it will work, Ok?

And don't say C*ap

Don't call me a fool.I care more about animals that myself. I would sacrifice my life for them.

Anyway, I have plan to stop animals being eaten and it will work, Ok?

And don't say C*ap
But you can't tell people that they can't eat meat. People live how they want. Eat what they want. It's their life, not yours.

Also, How are you going to top everyone from eating meat? That's nearly impossible, since It's one kid who is upset over a cow being consumed, aginst millions of people who consume meat. You can't force people to stop eating your "Oh so Innocent animals" anyway.

Don't call me a fool.I care more about animals that myself. I would sacrifice my life for them.

Anyway, I have plan to stop animals being eaten and it will work, Ok?

And don't say C*ap
Let's hear this plan that will supposedly stop BILLIONS of people over COUNTLESS cities, towns, villages, and countries, from eating a SINGLE animal from now until the end of time... Let's HEAR it!

I can ok? I will. I believe.

You might not, but I do, and even if it takes years, months, days, no more humans will eat animals. :D

But you can't tell people that they can't eat meat. People live how they want. Eat what they want. It's their life, not yours.
Also, How are you going to top everyone from eating meat? That's nearly impossible, since It's one kid who is upset over a cow being consumed, aginst millions of people who consume meat. You can't force people to stop eating your "Oh so Innocent animals" anyway.
Don't be so mean. I will acheive my goal.

Not by forcing people. I'm not like that. I'll do it my own way and it will will will work.

Uh huh... You're going to get the entire Earth's population of 4 BILLION people to stop eating meat after over 5000 years of having done so?

Good luck, especially in China. Where their diet is almost 90% meat.

Don't be so mean. I will acheive my goal. Not by forcing people. I'm not like that. I'll do it my own way and it will will will work.
I'm not being "mean" as you assume I am.

You saying "It will work" is farfecthed. It's not going to work. You can't force everyone to stop eating meat. It almost sounds like an act of communism to me. ALmost like you're forcing everyone to give up.

Stop trying to get everyone to stop eating meat. You can't do it.

Valhalla Knight, Starman...stop tag-teaming. Now. It's ridiculous. You don't agree with her, so be it. Your tactics are not going to work, you know I'm very familiar with this kind of thing. :D

Why do you love animals so much?

Have they ever done anything for you?

I'm being as nice as I can when I say this, but your plan is simply crazy.

Your 'goal' as you call it is too extreme for the entire world. Now, I'm not saying I agree with you that all humans should be vegetarians, but I suggest just starting small. Round up a group of your friends and work your way up.

You won't reach your goal anytime soon if you do either plans, but there's a suggestion.

And don't call me 'mean'. I'm being as polite as I can towards you right now.

You can't make everyone a vegitarian.

People are stubborn, and people were meant to eat meat.

There is a thing called altruism. Some of us experience it, some of us don't. Altruism is essentially showing kindness toward other living things and expecting no personal gain in return. This is why some of us love animals so much, even though they may not even realize we love them, let alone give us something in return for our kindness. We love them for what they were meant to be, what they are, not what we expect of them.

So, to answer your question, this is the reason why some people, including myself, love them so much. And, perhaps surprisingly, I am not a vegetarian. In fact, there are lots of people who love animals, are avid conservationists, and devote their lives to animals...who still eat farm-raised meat. Interesting, isn't it!

Humans are ment to be omnivores. Humans aren't hearbivores. Humans don't have flat teeth like a cow. Also, It kinda irks me when people bring "god" into debates. Alot of us don't belive in god. People wil still continue to eat meat or an omnivore diet, whenever you dislike it or not.
Cows, fowl and pigs are raised for human consumption. Beef cattle anyone? Also, guilt tatics such as "Would you like to be killed to be eaten?" Isn't a good way in an argument. Last time I checked cats and dogs aren't like a stupid cow or a chicken. Dogs adn cats are raised as pets, a cow is not.
I agree with you, Starman.exe. I think that cows are meant to be eaten...God have put most animals such as cow, chicken, pigs, and Turkeys to make us survive...We can still eat's the fact that some people also eat meat than vegetables as well.

No. And Sweet Kandi, each and every animal is special. I know they are not rare or endangered but each one is special.
Ok, they're 'special'.

The fact of the matter is the animals we eat were born and raised for our consumption.

And yes. We were created to be omnivores. Our bodies need both meat and produce to be able to survive. When have you ever seen a person who's been a vegetarian their whole life who actually looks healthy, hm? As someone said earlier, we have the teeth to prove it.

I completely agree with Valhalla and Starman.

And a plan to stop every single person in the whole world from eating another animal? :/

Do tell. I'm curious how you plan to pull off that impossible task.

I will achieve my goal. I don't care if you don't believe in me but I will! :D

Also, I love animals so much because they helped me. They changed my life and I must repay them.

I know people who are veggies and look healthy.

Also, we could live without meat and be healthy.

We have loads of other great ways to get protien. :D

We are all just eating life that we could do without. We're not like meat eating animals that we need meat to survive. We have a choice.

Ok, they're 'special'.
The fact of the matter is the animals we eat were born and raised for our consumption.

And yes. We were created to be omnivores. Our bodies need both meat and produce to be able to survive. When have you ever seen a person who's been a vegetarian their whole life who actually looks healthy, hm? As someone said earlier, we have the teeth to prove it.

I completely agree with Valhalla and Starman.

And a plan to stop every single person in the whole world from eating another animal? :/

Do tell. I'm curious how you plan to pull off that impossible task.
May I hug you? That was really moving what you said!

HB, I can't eat nuts or soy. I have allergies ot nuts and peanuts. I am pretty sure alot of people have nut allergies also. Stuff cooked in peanut oil also will give me a rash and make me break out. People can eat what they wish. It's all part of life. Unles someone sits there, like Ralph Wiggum and eats paste. Telling people that eating meat is wrong over and over isn't going to make people stip just for you. Just let them eat what they want,okay?

If a person wants to be a vegan/Vegtarian, they should speak to a doctor about a proper diet plan.

SK pretty much said that we're omnivores. Humans don't have flat teeth like a deer, cow or any leafy green animal. We have cannine teeth.

Let people eat what they want, okay? It shouldn't matter if person A eats a steak for dinner or Person B eats a salad. It shouldn't matter.

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Ok, you won't agree with me.

That's ok. But I will get what I want. Animals will live in peace.

And it does matter if somebody eats steak and another person doesn't. That cow could have had a happy life on a farm bringing joy to other people. Or, it could have given milk to thirsty people in other countries.

We are eating life away. We don't need to. And you can get loads of protien from eggs, fish, ect. You don't always need tofu and stuff.

And as I said, I won't force people. I will work, keeping myself to myself and I will pull off this 'impossible task.' Really! ;)

I'm not acting silly, I believe in what I want to do.

Please stop doubting me, ok? ^.^;;

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