What did you do today?


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Well, let's see...

  • I went to McDonald's for breakfast. :)
  • I had 4 hours of intensive summer gym class. T_T Indian Runs SUCK!!
  • Turkey sandwhich and a Wendy's Frosty for lunch. ;)
  • Television.
  • On the computer!! =D

Plans for the rest of today...

  • T_T


Me? Well, I had my English final today ( :p ) and then went home b/c it was a half day. Then I had a sandwich and then I read manga. After that, I watched tv and now I'm on my dad's computer because mine is broken. My day was pretty booooring...bleh. :p Again.

Later today (Well actually in a few minutes xD)

-Going to a car show with my family (FUN! Not really. FUN was sarcasm.)

-Watch TV

-Plot to burn all my schoolwork

-Watch more TV

-Go to bed

Today I had my History final.

Then I went home, I cleaned my room a prepared for Chibi.

I wrote stuff in my blog.

I edited my site.

I went on TamaChat.

I ate spaghetti.

I went on the computer.

I listened to music...


and I'm gonna go to bed soon. So tired!

[SIZE=7pt]Slept in.[/SIZE]

Was late for school.


Got ready.

Saw friends.

Gym class.

Went home.

Ate an apple. :)

And now I'm here.

After this, Im going outside, and maybe seeing some friends. :p

Now, that I think about it, I really haven't done much today.

I went to swim practice. Then I went straight to an eye doctor appointment. Then we came home and I ate lunch and read my book. Then I ran through my physical therapy at home exercises. And now I'm on the computer. Then I'm going to go to my physical therapist in about fifteen minutes, and straight from there I'm going to the dentist. Then I can have the rest of the afternoon to myself for fun. I have to go to bed early, because I have a swim meet tomorrow morning (and I have one on Sunday too, which means I won't be able to sleep late at all until next Sunday. Woo.)

I just realized that I'm going to three doctors today :p

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Well today I didn't really do anything but watch TV, go on the computer, talk on the phone, eat, and soon I am going to go to softball practice. Yep it is going to be like that for the next few weeks.

Well I could say what I did yesterday, as it is just early morning for me and we haven't done anything...


-Went to school

-English revision

-Science - I found out I got my first A for a science assignment :D

-Maths revision... ;)

-SOSE at the computer room. I did my work then spent all left over time on quiz sites ^_^

-Came home

-Went over to my friend's house


-Watched Big Brother and FNL

-Fell asleep halfway through a movie

-And yeah....

-Went to my mom's work :angry:

-Went to my grandma's

-Practiced my Trombone! =)

-Went on the compy

-Went home

-Practiced my Trombone! WOOT! xDDD

-Gave my Trombone a bath; yes a bath! :D

-Got yelled at for giving Sexy(Trombone) a bath...I never got to the bell..=(

-Named my Trombone Sexy Squidy Jr. I'll name it that again when I can rent the trombone. xD (Thanks Amanda for the Squidy Jr. name! xDDD)

-Watched Saved by the Bell and a little bit of Degrassi. xD

-Went outside

-Went on compy. ;3

-Obsessing over Marco from Degressi xDD

-Missed Mr.Hanna..coughIcan'twaittoseehimcough

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Woke up. Ate breakfast. Got dressed. Went to a hair appointment. Came home. Went to the movies with my sis. Came home again. Now I'm on the computer!

A very very very exciting day. xD

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