What did you do today?


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It's pretty early in the day, so I'll say what I did yesterday.

I had breakfast, watched videos and DVD's, went on the computer, more videos, more computer, rode outside on my bike for half an hour until I got in trouble and had to come inside.

What a boring day ;)

I didn't do much. I played Animal Crossing: Wild World, played Pokemon Diamond, watched TV, watched videos on youtube, posted here on TamaTalk, cared for my Tamagotchis, played with my puppy, took her out to pee, poured hot water on a bee's nest, and thats pretty much it. :mellow: It's only because I;m not with my friends. If one of them comes over or spends the night, my day is alot more exciting and fun.

Plus I woke up at 4:30am and STAYED up.

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Today I:

1. woke up

2. ate waffles!!!!

3. got on myspace and talked to my friends

4. talked to the friends on the phone

5. ate lunch

6. went to get my hair cut!!!!

7. got mani/pedi

8. got back on the computer


later today i have to get ready to go out to eat :eek:

-Woke up early

-Read my book

-Went to my piano when I was done with my chapter

-Practiced Caramelldansen on piano

-Texted my friend



-Still texting

-More piano

-More computer

-More book @_@

-Ate again

-Piano once more

-Back on here

Very, very boring life. o_o

Woke up at 6:30 this morning and took a three and a half hour car ride to Kansas City, MO, sitting a foot away from my sister who slept most of the time and took up most of the back seat anyway.

Finally made it, got into Worlds of Fun and rode just about everything. Even the Merry Go Round, yes. Got so hot I almost passed out in the parking lot as we were going to get lunch. Then we had lunch at Wendy's, and I hardly ate in fear of throwing up.

Then we went back and waited for our food to settle and looked around the gift shops, then rode about everything else we had missed.

We left at about 6 this evening, another three hours back to my house, had a small dinner and threw it back up later. :/

Today was great except for the car rides and the sickness.

  • Got woken up at 8 by my parents but rolled over and went back to sleep again.
  • Got up at 11.
  • Went on Habbo.
  • Went to mall.
  • Went to Myer.
  • When to Government Shopfront
  • Went to Woolworths
  • Booked a lane at the bowling alley for my B-day.
  • Had lunch
  • Played with my dog.
  • Went back online.

[SIZE=14pt]-Went to Summer School...[/SIZE]

-Waved at Mr.Hanna!!! WOOOOT! xDDD

-Worked... xD

-Went to band!! =)

-Laughed. Somebody thought the song "Caribbian Carnival" was "Carribian Cannibal"! xD

-Was depressed becuase i am THE ONLY 7TH GRADE FLUTE IN MY SECTION!! >.< The other girls are 8th graders(Going into Hs.) Lucky me....

-Played Majestica(HARD!!!)and Starwars/Indiana Jones(Stupid...-___-) and a little bit of CC...

-Went to practice with the two flute girls and a oboe player(Female)

-We hardly practiced becuase their friend was their(She didn't play a instrument...)

-Got a compliment from the girl >>>^ She said I was the best flute player! =0

-had to carry a music stand...

-almost hit foot on a Bari sax case... xD

-went to the band room.

-played Majestica(Measure 112...167 MEASURES!!!! x_x)

-Played George of the Jungle! It was soooo cool and funny!!! We have to say "bang.Ohh.tree."xD

-Laughed... Mr.hanna said he would be percussion! xD Mr.H:Cowbells,Something,something,Clavis,drum,ANDREW! ITS YOUR TURN!!! (Yes, he said "Something,something") and Ms/Mrs.Tengood told us not to go "Ohh! Treeeee!!!' go "BANG! Ohh! Treeeee!"xDDD

-Played CC..

-Played Starwars and Indiana Jones Theme(Their together...o.o)

-Found the word "Ritard" (Ritardano..xD)

-Found "Motto Ritard"!! xD

-packed up flute

-told Mr.Hanna I can FINALLY play D on trombone

-Mr.Hanna saw my Treble Clef earrings. Ms.Tengood liked them... :3

-went back to classroom.

-packed up

-went to lunch

-Went to Grandma's house


-On now.


I did ALOT today! O_O

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Sorry for double post!

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