What Do You Think Of The Jonas Brothers?


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tamagotchi_pal Posted on July 23, 2008 01:43 pm   QUOTE (Tamagirl#1 @ July 15, 2008 06:37 pm)

I wouldn't call it unhealthy. It's no different then someone being overly obsessive with FOB. It's just... a little offending. 

Slight difference.

Fall Out Boy actually make good music. :| 
I personally hate both of em so I don't a difference at all. :ichigotchi: I think being overly obsessive with any band at all is unhealthy actually.

Music I like, hmmmm. My favorite band at the moment is either My Chemical Romance or Morning musume, but I like alot of types lol :huh:

personally i wouldnt notice if they fell in a hole or bacame dominaters of the world. i couldnt care less about what they do. i only get mad when i hear a movie is comeing out based on a show i REALLY like, then here a jonas is playing the role of a charecter. that alone makes me gag and forget about the movie.

Slight difference. 

Fall Out Boy actually make good music. :|
I was just trying to think of someone. :l FOB, Rihanna, Jordin Sparks, lots of people are 'Unhealthily' obsessed with those people. Sure they make good music, but there just not my type. Plus, I prefer music without 18 cussing words in them.


Oh My Jonas!!! THose guys rock!! My boyfriend hates them though because i love them so much he gets jealous. Kevin is my favorite but he should loose the curls. He thought that since nick has more fans with his curls that if he had then he would be cool but it actually lost him fans. I dont care what he looks like though cause hes a GUTIAR GOD!!!

Kevin :huh: ! Kevin ;) ! Kevin ;) ! Kevin :wub: ! Kevin :wub: ! Kevin :wub: !

Oh god. I hate metallica. Its just so ewwww..Def. not my personality. I cant stand metallica. When it comes on the radio i just turn the radio off lol. I dont really think rock bands and all them know what real music is. They just think theyre all cool cuz they can smash guitars and all that stuff. Yea. The Jo broz are a good influence on music.
Not all rock bands smash guitars and all that and Rock bands know what real music is cus they write it all themself.

as for jonas brothers being a good influence on music thats not true at all...the only song that had a good effect on music was 'cant touch this' by MC hammer, now that song boosted the music industry out of a collapse.

Oh My Jonas!!! THose guys rock!! My boyfriend hates them though because i love them so much he gets jealous. Kevin is my favorite but he should loose the curls. He thought that since nick has more fans with his curls that if he had then he would be cool but it actually lost him fans. I dont care what he looks like though cause hes a GUTIAR GOD!!!
   Kevin :blink: ! Kevin :blink: ! Kevin :eek: ! Kevin  :D ! Kevin :D ! Kevin  ;) !
Ooh, yes! So right! I haven't seen you around in a while jobe3an! It's nice to see you! :D

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