What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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Sure, they are not better in any way, but minorities really have it bad, so don't get all pissy just because queers say that you are worse- they are kicked out of their houses, abused by their close ones or even murdered on daily basis just for who they are. A queer won't try to kill you just because you are straight.

Music in Professor Layton games. I mean, it's great, I love it, but.... It's not a sad/scary game, why is the music ALWAYS sad or scary or both?

Sure, they are not better in any way, but minorities really have it bad, so don't get all pissy just because queers say that you are worse- they are kicked out of their houses, abused by their close ones or even murdered on daily basis just for who they are. A queer won't try to kill you just because you are straight.

Music in Professor Layton games. I mean, it's great, I love it, but.... It's not a sad/scary game, why is the music ALWAYS sad or scary or both?
Even if minorities do have it really bad, it gives them no excuse to say they are better than anyone else. Saying I (being bisexual) am better than a straight person is just as bad as saying a straight person is better than me. I believe everyone is equal regardless of gender/ethnicity/sexuality etc. and no matter how someone is treated they should not discriminate against others.

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I also believe everyone should be equal, but they are angry for a reason, and it's not like straight white cis guys will get hurt by their anger other than being offended. They don't ACTUALLY think they are better, they are just trying to relieve their anger in a way. Nobody gets hurt, so who cares? I do agree that death/rape threats to straight white cis guys is a bit too much though, and it does happen on tumblr.

Anyway, but if the thing you see on deviantart is written by straight fangirls... Then it's just plain fetishizing of homosexuality and it's wrong.

Tests. The teacher spends the lesson being like HI DO U LYK DOLFINZEZ then tells us to learn things for the test rather than teaching them to us in the lesson.

When my all male co-workers expect me to vacuum and make teas because I'm the girl. When one even said as much and I pulled him up about it the amount of back peddling he did was ridiculous.

Hopefully now they'll pull their weight and not leave it all to me now that I have pulled them up. We /all/ share this responsibility.


What's happening to me right now - the girls in my school trying to talk to me when I'm clearly busy. I'm all for a conversation any time else, but they only seem to want to talk when I'm on my iPad. They keep asking me what I'm doing. If they knew, they would stalk me forever. :p

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I hope your pet peeves are comics like this, because... Yes, women and black and gay people have to get through all sorts of bad things every day, while white cis white men are privileged. You can be arrested just for being black. Or not allowed for a job just for being black. Or a woman. Or openly gay. Or trans. You can be proud of being yourself, but don't say that you are openly attacked if some people react like this. All you get attacked with are words, not fists, sometimes of your close ones, just for what you can't change. You have to have guts to be proud of being a minority, even though because of this your life is likely to be aliving hell. Not saying that people of majority don't have problems at all of course, we all have our own problems, but as long as we are divided for privileged and unprivileged people, unfortunately, there always will be people who are better or worse.

When I accidentally like the wrong post, like I did a few seconds ago D: Sorry Jhud, I meant to like AeroHail's post oops >w<;

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People not responding to long replies I send them, whether they're emails, PMs, comments or whatever.

I take the time to answer their questions in great detail and people don't even have the decency to give me some sort of acknowledgement that they at least read my response? That's just plain rude.

Having a crush on someone. I can't concentrate on ANYTHING because my thoughts always go back to them. My grades are actually getting worse because of it. I'm determined not to let anything interfere with my grades and so far nothing has, apart from this. SO ANNOYING. D: I hope it stops soon.

- When I get a crush on someone who happens to be gay :(

- When people lie just to get me to like them more

- People who call evolution a fact. Believing it is okay but saying it's a fact is dumb.

-Having people tell you that you aren't meant for MS because you aren't "supposly mature"

-Friends who want to make you into a 100% girl by painting your nails and flatting your hair flat try to make me wear make-up

I hate the 2nd one the most who I am I don't need silly make-up or nail polish for being a girl that's being a fake I like the way that I am it's my style not some Pop Star's style or any weird thing :<

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-Having people tell you that you aren't meant for MS because you aren't "supposly mature"

-Friends who want to make you into a 100% girl by painting your nails and flatting your hair flat try to make me wear make-up

I hate the 2nd one the most who I am I don't need silly make-up or nail polish for being a girl that's being a fake I like the way that I am it's my style not some Pop Star's style or any weird thing :<

I feel you. My friends in high school used to always only give me makeup as gifts even though I politely (and frequently) told them I never use the stuff. I rarely wear makeup and when I do it's just concealer to cover acne and scars I have on my face. No offense to people who like wearing a ton of makeup, but it makes me feel like a clown to have all that painted on my face.


-Friends who want to make you into a 100% girl by painting your nails and flatting your hair flat try to make me wear make-up

I hate the 2nd one the most who I am I don't need silly make-up or nail polish for being a girl that's being a fake I like the way that I am it's my style not some Pop Star's style or any weird thing :<
T H I S.

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