What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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When people ask for advice or imply they need advice (Jennifer I'm so bored!), then when I try to help them they refute all of my suggestions.

If you have an excuse for everything I say, you obviously don't need my advice :l

When people are suddenly like "Do this right now and finish it ASAP" to me when I'm just trying to chill. Please understand I have a life and there are other things I do besides let you tell me how to spend my life. .-. I mean do people think I just sit around doing nothing until they tell me to do something? At least let me eat!

Sorry, it just annoys me a lot when people control me... especially since I'm a huge pushover. To be honest I think I spend most of my time doing things I don't even want to do.

When people eat like this:

And when mama hears me typing on my keyboard and asks, "Who are you writing to?" every time.

I'm not writing to anybody, I'm just making a forum post. .--.

Slight major pet peeve: When people mistaken Tamagotchi as Tomodachi Life, or when people say "tomagatchi" instead of Tamagotchi. -_- It's friggin' pronounced Tamagotchi...

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When people cut their nails on public transport. COME ON, CAN YOU STOP IT?!?!?! So disgusting.

That I still can't play Animal Crossing: City Folk on my Wii. :angry:

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this annoying kid at my school. all he does is talk about how the FNaF characters are haunting him and crap like that. he also steals pants from the boys locker room...what the hell is he trying to accomplish?

My otherwise lovely cat likes to play with electronic wires. I hate that she does this, mainly because she could electrocute herself. She doesn't do it much anymore, UNLESS my tablet is plugged into the wall behind my bed. If that's the case she will yank that plug out like it's catnip.

Passive aggressive people are also one of my pet peeves. If someone's angry at me I'd rather them just come forth and tell me so instead of trying to be all "lowkey" about it. Passive aggressiveness does not solve any of the issues that are being experienced by either person.

When people don't walk to the back of the bus on public transportation.

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