When and how did you last injure yourself?


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I went to Maddy's and we went for a bike ride and I almost got hit by a car 3 times then I rode into a lamp post.

At school, I pretended to put my head into the bin and Jen pushed me in so I was stuck in the bin for about a minute. It hurt my head terribly.

That resulted in people hating me and calling me a feral x_x

At school I had fun 8D But in the morning I was rushing to do my homework cause I didn't finish it XD I was procrastinating, and I had a lot of homework too. I wanted to spend more time on the comp xP

My teacher said that if one of those really strong kids in our class threw a frisbee, and it hit your head, it would bleed.

At the end of PE, this really strong girl randomly threw a frisbee, and it hit my head reallyy hard, so I said, "Is my head bleeding?"

At Gym.

We had to jump over the benches [don't ask] and I got tired so I sat down. Then I fell off the bench onto the hard brown floor and hurt my back. Now it hurts to lie down.

I was rolling under the bed while on the phone to Maria and could hardly get out so I hit my head on the top of the bottom of the bed. It really hurt.

And then I finally got out, with a struggle. But my legs are getting all bruised and I think a big bump is developing on my head. Therefore, I shall never ever roll under the bed ever again while on the phone.


Yesterday my friends and I all went up to the lake to celebrate it being summer vacation and all. We were chilling on the dock and my friend threw my flip-flop into the lake. I thought the lake was really deep, so I threw off my sweat pants and tank top and jumped in. (I had my swim suit on underneath.) However, the lake in that area was only about a foot deep.... so I hit my right knee off the bottom of the lake TWICE. There were a lot of sharp rocks down there. >_>

So really it was pointless. I could have just rolled up my sweats and stepped in the water. I would have avoided getting soaked AND killing my knee. I have big bruises and scrapes all over my knee now. I haven't hurt myself this way in YEARS. >_<

But I guess it was funny. My friends thought it was hilarious and you couldn't help but laugh.

EDIT: Rereading this, I guess I should have emphasized that I JUMPED in the lake. Like, I threw my self into the air and came down on my knee.

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This is getting pathetic.

I have two bruses on my legs, and don't even know where they came from. XD

I'm becoming invincible to pain! 8D

I just poked myself in the eye.

... That seems to happen often.

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^ Ouch. Dx

I just skinned my wrist while I was transferring Kandi. Ouch, the elastic was kindaa rough.

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