x.Chasing Sunshine


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Ahh, okay, I see.

It's odd, actually, I don't know anyone in this country who started school early or late. Only one that got held back a year.

Brandon took the car, since they'd be going into the next town, and was at Avery's house at almost seven on the dot-- just luck, not perfectionism. He rang the doorbell.

Ahh. I'm the only one I know. XD

I just know people who were held back/skipped. I guess it's not very common.

Avery got up, and half ran to the door, followed by the dog.

"Hi!" She smiled, after opening the door. The small white terrier danced around his feet.

She glanced back, wondering if her parents had heard the doorbell, but it didn't seem likely.

"You don't mind her, do you?" She asked, referring to the dog.

One of my German friends started school a year early, she's the only one I know besides you.

I have to go now. You on tomorrow?

See ya :3

Brandon smiled-- the kind of smile that shows off your teeth-- as the door opened. "Hey," he said, and shook his head he looked down at the little dog before him, "Of course not, I love dogs." He averted his gaze back up to Avery, and held out a bunch of orchids to her, "I had no idea what kinds of flowers you like so, forgive me," he chuckled weakly.

He was well and truly stunned by how she looked-- particularly because of the colour of the dress. "You look.. beautiful, by the way."

Yep. (;

I'm guessing it's night there so good night. :)

"Thank you." She smiled, taking the flowers. "These are gorgeous, by the way. Do you want to come in? I'm going to find some water for these."

She picked up the dog, giving him easy access into the house.

Awesome :)

I slept until 10:45 this morning.. I had no idea I was so tired! But then, to be fair, I was out partying until the early hours of the morning and then had to get up at about 6:20 am to go home..

"I'm very glad you like them." He sais as he stepped in, and took his shoes off out of habit. He looked around the house, which was a hell of a lot nicer than his, as he followed her through. "You have a beautiful house, too."

Gosh, you reckless child. XD

Sounds fun. I'm not that trusted yet. XD But only four hours of sleep? I dunno how you do it.

I just woke up after five hours.

Avery was in another room when he had spoken, but she returned soon enough.

"Really?" she asked "You really do?" Without waiting for a response, she asked him yet another question.

"Do you by any chance want to meet my parents?"

It's hard not to be out partying on a cruise ship. Teen nightclubs with dancing practically every night, pool parties.. I never came back before 12am every night, and I have no idea how I did it, either xDD

"To the first question, yes, really," he nodded. "And to the second, that's your choice, I know some people don't like having their date meet their parents."

OH. I just fully understood what you meant. I read it completely wrong. ):

Guess what. I found a website better than FML.


Avery looked at him and than towards the office-room her parents were in.

"Well...they're working. I'm not sure it'd be smart to interrupt them."

What did you think I meant? -confuzzled-

What's FML? xD

MLIA is funny, though xP

"Oh, okay. Some other time, then, I guess," he followed her glance into the office, where her parents seemed to be burning up the keyboards. All he could see were the backs of their heads, and it was obvious where Avery had gotten her hair from.

That last night you slept from 6 to 10. XD



I don't know why but these sites make my day. I have been reading them for almost 2 hours now.

"Maybe when we get back." She said "They should be done by then. Should we go?"

xD Okay, lol. I still only got four hours sleep that day, so you were half right x3

Wow, that's funny. I could read those all day, if I weren't failing at playing Stairway to Heaven xDDD

"If you're ready, then, yes, we can go," he smiled, and offered her his hand.

I'm googling that right now so I don't have to ask you what it is and feel stupid about not knowing! :)

Today, I was at my grandma 's house. I was trying to connect to her wifi on my iPod touch, but I didn't know the password so I tried random words. Jokingly, I typed in 'nakedboys' it worked. My grandma rocks. MLIA

That may have made my day.

Avery smiled and took his hand.

"Yeah. I'm ready." She led him outside.

Edit: as soon as I pressed search, I was like "...it's a song."

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xD It's not just a song. It's a legendary song.

That's a good one! xDDD

"Okay, so I have no idea how far it is to the next town, nor do I know what's there, but we shall see," he smiled, one of his signature crooked smiles and lead her to his car, opening the passenger side for her and then went over to the driver's side.


I feel so out of touch with society.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's much nicer than it is here." She replied, pulling the seatbelt across her chest. "Tell me about yourself. Well, more."

I have to go. My mom woke up and I have to vacuum. I'll be back later. :)

It's okay. Only those us with a taste for old music and guitar heroism would really know this song in today's society. So you're the majority, and I'm a minority-- of this generation anyway. I mean, Led Zeppelin were from way back in the sixties.

He clipped in his seatbelt and looked as if he were searching for something to say. "Well, the basics. I'm Brandon Michael Rose, aged seventeen, and from West London-- though you know that already. My mother stayed at home until I was old enough to look after my younger siblings along with my twin sister and then she worked as a primary school teacher. My father was a self employed painter and decorater. And all of them, parents and my five siblings, were murdered last month. The huge story in the news that's been running, it's my family's case."

Okiedokie :3

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I completely lied. I'm staying.

I just feel as if I should know it was a Led Zepplin song. It seems like a necessary part of life. D:

Avery looked at him. She had heard of that. She reached out, for his hand, and held it in hers.

"That's terrible. Nobody, absolutely nobody deserves that."

She felt awful hearing it--heartbroken, perhaps.

xD Yay, that's good, except I decided that since you were off, I'd take the opportunity to play November Rain as well, which I worked out today xP

Not Zeppelin, but I think I like it better. Guns 'n' Roses FTW.

"It's sad, but it could have been worse for me. I don't remember why, exactly, but I wasn't there at the time it happened. It could have been me, too, and at least I'm thankful that it wasn't," he said. "I have no idea who did it or why, not even a hint of a clue, none of my family would do anything to hurt anyone."

Wait--are you playing an instrument or is this like Rockband? XD

Avery kept quiet. She had never experienced a situation like this, and had never thought she would. She just sat there, listening silently.

xDDD Rockband is fun, bu nothing beats real guitars and pianos (;

There's your answer xD

He was quiet for a moment, yet again thinking of something to say, still on the subject of himself, because that was what she wanted to hear, but away from his family. "But besides all that, I want to be a musician. Always have for as long as I can remember.

How awesome. :)

My keyboard is in it's box. I hate moving.

"That's nice." she replied "You would be amazing. You know I think that."

I gave myself a splinter. It's the seventh bandaid I've used in the past three days.

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