x.Chasing Sunshine


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Name: Ashley Dominic

Age: (15-18) 16

Gender: Female

Looks: This is her mom: https://www.anime-wallpapers.ws/anime/anime...me_girl-011.jpg

This is Ashley: https://api.ning.com/files/aZAZJVXyCjOrPq03...eSchoolGirl.jpg

This is Ashley's dog Sugar: https://media.photobucket.com/image/anime+p...potato.jpg?o=25

This is Breanne: https://simplicityanime.files.wordpress.com...png?w=500&h=375

This is Emma: https://www.cgartworld.com/albums/anime/Sexy_School_Girl.jpg

This is Aimee: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rVSztt8t9ek/Rvz_...purpleangel.jpg

This is Miyaa: https://www.quizilla.com/user_images/I/IN/I..._sAnimeGirl.jpg

Personality: You'll see.

Background: Her dad died when she was young and she one of the five children her mom had child. Her mom has been depressed ever since. They had to move away from their home because her mom needed to get a job somewhere else. Her only choice of school left her with no friends and broken hearted. Her new school was full of bullies and preps, so she felt left out and alone. Her mom got her a puppy recently so she could has some sort of friend. Her sisters just bug her.

Family: Her mom, Lillith, her dog (9 months), Sugar, her younger sis (12) Breanne, her older sis (18) Emma, her younger sis (10) Aimee, and her last younger sis (8) Miyaa.

Crush: No one yet

Other: Nothing really

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xD I did that to one of my other friends once. We hadn't spoken since I got a new account, so when she finally came back I sent her a message that was like, "I know where you live!"

It was so funny.

"It means exactly what I said. How could a pretty girl such as yourself say that I would have good reason to be vain-- if I actually were--, when, frankly, I'm not good looking," he said pointedly, shrugging.

If it were me I would probably have a panic attack. XD

how did she react?

"I don't know what people's standards are in London, but I, and probably another couple of thousand girls, think that you are very good looking." Avery replied. She placed her right hand on her hip, almost daring him to contradict her.

She said something like,

"Jesus, who are you and how the heck do you know..?"

So then I told her she knows me from somewhere and then said.

"Um, Tazz, is that you..?" And when I said yes she said, "You gave me a freakin' heart attack!" xD

Brandon raised his eyebrows, smiling slightly. "I have nothing to say to that other than, I disagree, but.. Thank you very much."

You're lovely. XD that made me laugh so hard.

"Fine." She replied "You're welcome."

(wait, where are they? I completely blanked.)

She looked at him, smiling slightly. She did think he was good looking, and wished he thought so too.

When I saw the opportunity, I just had to. xD

Ehh, I think they were walking home from the restaurant.

"And I'll say it again, you're a very pretty girl. Or, at least I think so, and I'm sure I'm not the only one," he replied, his smile now less amused.. Softer, much nicer.

Ahkay. Has that ever happened to you though? Your brain just blanks? Second time ever. First time, I was giving a duet performance I had completely memorized. It was awful.

"Well, you're right about that. I've heard it many times. Though, mostly from people I don't trust. Not you, though. So thanks." Avery replied, realizing she was just sort of rambling on.

The car stopped and Breanne barged out with Sugar. She breathed deeply then let it all out.

"OMG, OMG, OMG! This is terrific," She said sarcastically.

"It is nice," squeaked Aimee.

Maybe it won't be that bad after all, Ashley thought. She sighed and stepped out of the car.

No, I don't think it has, actually. I seem to have an amazing memory of things such as, I'd meet a person only once years ago, then see them for the first time in years and still remember their name.

Ask Janna sometime about people she knows with a good memory, and I reckon she'd say me, we've talked about it before xD

He didn't seem to mind that she was going on a bit, hardly noticed in fact. "My pleasure," he said, once she was done. He was quiet for a bit as they walked now, in his thoughtful mode. Eventually he came out of it and said, "Listen, about dinner tonight. What exactly would you consider it to be?"

I will ask. :D

Actually, my memory's weird. If I want to memorize something, such as my lines in a show or facts for tomorrow's quiz, I can do it without much effort. I only have to read something twice or trice to get it down.

But I screw up with names once in a blue moon.

But I fail at dates.

"Well, I think we can safely say it's not a...normal, two friends hanging out kind of dinner." Avery replied. She was about to continue, but hesitated slightly.

"Maybe... I might call it a date. But not officially. You?"

Hmmm, yeah, that's true, actually, dates aren't my favourite things to remember, either..

"Welll.." He said, dragging out the word and pausing afterwards. "I had thought about asking you about considering it to be a date, but I really wasn't sure what you'd make of it."

That's the hardest part of history for me. O:

"That's fine with me." She smiled. "I'd like that."

She looked up at him as she walked. Part of her still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that she had known him for only a few hours. It seemed like much longer.

My thoughts exactly :S I hope I remember them better considering I'm taking a Gcse in it..

"Then it's a date," he said, chuckling. "Officially." He smiled to himself, though he was trying to hold back a much wider one because he honestly couldn't get his head around it, particularly at how fast it had happened.

Is that like an advanced class?

My only college level course is world history and in only the first week I have a crapload of dates.

Avery sighed--they had reached her house.

"Well...I guess I should get ready." She laughed slightly. She spun around to face him. "Seven, then?"

They're the national exams for year 10s and 11s that serve as important qualifications, I suppose.

Brandon smiled and nodded. "Seven," he agreed. "You'd better be ready, or I'll just leave you behind," he teased. He was reluctant to turn away, if he was being brutally honest. "Um, so yeah.. See you then.."

Ahhkay. What grade are you in?

"Bye, then." She looked fairly calm, though it was more or less obvious by her quick movements that she was really very quiet. She smiled, waiting by the door, watching him leave.

Um.. It works slightly differently over here but I would assume I'd be in the 9th grade.

He waved as he turned in the direction of his house, which was about a fifteen minute walk from hers. When he got in, he felt quite bad that he had to turn down having dinner with the family since it was their first night there, but he knew he'd rather see Avery. He changed into a black pair of trousers and a shirt-- of which he pushed the sleeves up and left the first button undone-- that was white, and slipped a black tie around his neck. Because it was loose, and with his sleeves of his shirt pushed up, he felt that it was neither too formal or casual, just right, and he seemed to look even more handsome in this sort of attire.

Ahh. I'm in tenth--and everything's kind of getting much harder. ):

Avery headed to her room first, not at all surprised to see the scattered boxes and a bed. She would have to open a few of them to find what exactly she wanted, but that didn't fake her too long. She found a strapless green dress in one of the boxes. It seemed to be the same emerald color as her eyes, which was why she liked it. Everything else would be easy--the hair, the makeup.

Hmm.. Wait a minute. I think I'm older than you. Ohh, that's right, because of how close my birthday is to the beginning of my school year it makes this complicated. I'd be in the tenth grade as well.

And, yeah, this year's gonna be much harder than the last ones :S

Brandon's auntie, bless her heart, had already started to unpack all of his clothes and most of them were already hung or folded up in his wardrobe. He was finished getting ready fairly quickly, so for a half hour or so he sat with the others at the dinner table while they ate and talked-- they had a lot of questions for him about Avery, so by the time he'd set off they probably knew almost as much about her as he did.

You probably are older. :)

I started school a year early--so I only just turned fourteen this May. Agewise, I should have just started high school. It's going to awful. I can't drive until like a year after everyone else. D:

Avery's parents were busy--working, she guessed, as they were both typing furiously on their computers. Her brothers--she had no clue where they were, and she wasn't in the mood to find out.

She was sitting on the couch, watching the news, with her dog on her lap. Her eyes kept flickering upwards, to the clock on the wall.

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