Young Adult Girls!


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I do, because I need it, not because I want too.

What I think is bad is when girls don't wear them, and they NEED them. This one girl I know wears an undershirt, she's not "developed" but she's getting there, and she needs one. Yet, whenever I bring it up its like "NO! EWWWW D:<"

I'm like.. "...okay."

yup i do...

quick question: is it really bad if you sleep in a bra every night? like even if it's just a sports bra or something? because after reading some of these comments i'm starting to get a little worried. hehe. does someone know? :]

i wear a bra for two reasons

1. otherwise you could see through my shirt! 0_0

2. it hurts when you run or jump =P (if you dont wear one)

edit: and also not wearing one makes you feel 'exposed' lol

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I hate it when girls where bras to make them seem "older". Thats not the point of wearing a bra. The point of it is so that your boobs dont flap all over the place.


Its so annoying and desperate! I mean, I guess its okay if you want boobs, you just have to wait for them! Most girls my age or a bit older wish their boobs would go away anyway. My boobs get in the way, and I'm only 32-34 A.

Everyone is different when it comes to bras. Thats just how it is. If you started wearing a bra when you were younger but you NEEDED it, thats fine.

Yes because

1) I need one

2) In gym, we change in the locker room

I wear a bra. I needed one since fourth grade. I wear size 34D. I wear training bras because i think the real bras are unconfortable. My sister doesn't wear one because she is underweight and her boobs are still developing and she is in fourth grade.

Adious samizer0313

I'm really embarrassed to say that I'm 12 years old and I don't wear a bra. Why? Becuase I'm flat chested. I mean, I have little blossoming boobs, but they've stayed pretty much the same size since 5th grade. I want them to get bigger. I want my entire body to grow. I hate being 12 years old and able to pass as being 8.
dont worry i was exactly the same. i was completely flat chested in year five and i didnt wear a bra, crop top let alone a singlet, my friends would always be asking why i didnt even wear a singlet. but i didnt start wearing a proper bra until this year cause i really needed it. otherwise it'd be like everywhere LOL :) and i used to look so small and people used to ask whether i was in grade two when i was in year six O______O so so annoying lol. but since having my growth spurt i am quite happy !

lol I always try to fit into bras that are to small because I'm denying I get bigger. I'm like the biggest in my 6th grade class (which snt actually that much fun)

The last time i went shopping for a bra my mom accidently got me a push up bra >.< luckily my school uniform shirts make everyone look flat.

i went about a month ago to get new ones and now I'm in like a B-or C (i think i ft some C's from certain companies and some B's from other companies.

Right now i have the kind that crosses over your back and t opens n the front with a little latch between the cups.

i recommend the kind that opens in the front but make sure that the little latch does not dg into your skin otherwise it will feel horrible *i know from experience*

If you feel lke you are never going to ft in a bra chillax having boobs arn't that great. if you are big 'upstairs' and your embarressed, then either try to get your self-confidence up by realizing your are pretty the way you are or where baggy shirts until other people catch up to you n your age group or until you are more confident

sorry for the long post...

I don't wear a bra yet. I'm letting my mom decide.

... She says it's almost time. :huh:

Cecib :huh:

I wear 30 and 32, anyone know how I should ask my mom for small cup?? Just for once in a while?? I need one for the winter because how my boobs get hard.

I am actually kind of small and I am hoping I stay small, because I dance ballet and It can be hard if your bigger chested because of all that jumping and stuff.

8 wow.... I don't wear one cause I don't need to, 

my friend kinda needs one.. but she wears bathing suit tops o_O
I did that once when I was younger, Wore a bathing suit top as a Bra, But that was like, When I was 8. And its not like I even had any Boobs back then. In fact, I still hardly got any. xD

Right now I wear a 36 B, Even though I feel as if I'm not even in the alphabet yet. [They Feel bigger in the bra, but when i'm not wearing my bra, They feel small] My bff is like, a year younger [i'm 15, turning 16 in September, She's 14 turning 15 in the same month] than me and She's a 38C. She had to give her old Bra's to her Mom. o_O]

My Other friend, Was a D at age 13

My Friend calls me Boobless [as a joke though. Lol]

When I forget to wear my Bra when Going somewhere [i never take my jacket off though, so It wouldn't make much of a difference], I'll be all "OH CRAP. MOM! I forgot my Bra!" My mom will be all "Well its not like You got any"

My sister, Is like Huge. I think the Next Two sizes after a DD, She has to Order her Bra's

My bff's Little Cousin wants to wear a Bra. He's 3 years old. Yes He. Because he wants to be a "Big Girl Like Ashley" [Ashley being the name of my bff] He's all "....BUT I NEEEED ONE! My Boobses will be lonely without one" Strange Kid.

My my that is strange o_o'

I wear a bra, I'm 13. I used to hate the idea of wearing a bra. But when I got in grade 6 I was embarrassed that I was like... the only one without a bra, so I started changing in the stalls until I decided that I needed one. Mhm. That's it really.

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