Your favourite insults.


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x.P O K E R F A C E

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
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I have a few. I can't remember them all, though. Here's one:

Betty Crocker makes a better batter than your mother.



I use that a lot. Way more than I should. Actually, I use it as an insult, but also as a compliment. Usually if there's no adjective before the word ''child'', than it's an insult. If there's an adjective, it's a compliment.

And that's about it. My mind isn't working very well.

I try not to insult people.

It's not really an insult, but if someone says 'You can't even take a joke' I'd say back, 'I can when it's funny'.

If anyone watches Good News Week;Go stick your head up a... Fluck off...

I say fluck lol.

You are now my fluck buddy :)

I say fluck as well.

Though teachers think it sounds too similiar to the eff word, so I try not to say it at school, haha.

Your mother

and nerd

My cousins use those all the time too.

the only one that i use is buttwipe. :furawatchi:

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Haha. Impersonation time!

Ooh, look at me! I'm Name edited for personal reasons! I like rainbows and unicorns! I wear girl pants and a pink tu-tu! EEK! I chipped a nail! *faint*

My impersonation of someone (a BOY) at school. The tu-tu thing isn't true, and neither is the rainbow or unicorn thing. But the girl pants and the nail thing is true. I like to stretch the truth about him. ;)

Family insults about my uncle Kent:

1) He's so hot, if you tried to cook spaghetti on him, you could've sworn we were at the north pole!

2)Me: (shopping) Oh! Dad, there's the lard! Dad: You mean Kent?

(Lard is fat)

3)(At Christmas) me: Kent, you could easily pass of as Saint Nick! Kent: How's that? Me: All you need is the suit, hat, and beard and you're ready to go! You've already got the fat.

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I call people TOOLS a lot. In a joking way.

But I'm not much of an insult person, I suck xD I'm more of a bad comeback person. D:

The majority of the time my insults include vulgar language.

And a lot of the time I play on the words of the situation or whatever we're talking about.

Some of the time it will go something like this though:

FRIEND: ... and it looked like an orange-


But that's just a fail example.

But I do that a lot, with whatever we're talking about.

Some that I use:

Go die in a hole. and,


My current favorite

There's no 'i' in team

But there's a 'u' in stupid

My bro actually tried to come back with

Yeah? well i'm not stupid 'cause there's no 'i' in stupid


Usually it involves somebody eating something and commenting on how bad it tastes and me yelling, "THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU SAID LAST NIGHT! :D "

My sister and I have tons of insults toward eachother. I once told her that if she straightened her hair she might actually look like a girl from behind. xD

She usually just calls me jailbait and we settle it there.

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My insults need a lot of improvement. xD

I rarely start an argument, but I have some pretty good comebacks.

"Your Mum" and "So's your face" are classics, but I'm inventive with my dissing too. Saying things that don't make sense is a great way to throw people off, so you can run away. 8D

Oh, Esther, that reminded me.. It's a lot of fun to watch people's face when you say, "You know what I thought when I first saw your mom? 'I'd tap that.'" :3

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