Your photography/art~


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I'm taking Photography at school, and I love it.

All the computers for photography (yes, we have a room JUST for photography class) have Photoshop CS2 installed, and we get to use the super expensive Canon cameras. :D

It's fantastic.

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I couldn't find my Photoshop CD in install it so I tried to Download gimp and Couldn't figure out how.
I'm currently using Picnik to edit my pictures. Honestly, I like it better than Photoshop (I found the CD XD) It's easier and does a better job than Photoshop in my Opinion.
Mhm, installing GIMP is a real pain. It took my a couple to tries to figure it out.

Just try different mirrors and such and eventually you'll get it. It's a great program.

I used to use Picnik too actually (thanks Facebook!) when I was starting out. The simplicity is great, but really annoying that it's online and such. Blah. Photoshop takes a while to get used to though, but it's awesome.

^ Verrrry cute.

Tamtamkitty; I read on the last page about your camera info and it helped me as well... I've been looking into a new good camera. So I'll ask my mom about the Canon and such. ;3

^ Verrrry cute.
Tamtamkitty; I read on the last page about your camera info and it helped me as well... I've been looking into a new good camera. So I'll ask my mom about the Canon and such. ;3
It's a good camera. ;]

Don't rule out Nikon yet though, try out both models because what it really comes down to is personal preference. When you get more into photography, the brands will matter a lot more based on the more complex features, but for now it all comes down to which one "feels" right. When you go buy it, try out both models before buying. ;D

Also, maybe try using an SLR before buying one, because believe me, you're probably going to get frustrated and want to take it back when you don't know what you're doing, lol. It's not like a normal point and shoot, because it takes longer to learn your SLR and all it's capable of doing. I'm still learning mine. It's an ongoing relationship. :)

Here's some pictures I took about an hour ago. I've had this idea for a while so..

And I got to use my new lens for it, yay




^ Okay, thanks. You're super helpful~ *Hug* My mom's a big researcher anyway so she'll help me out. Plus, my aunt has a Nikon I believe so I'll ask her if I can take it out for a test drive. x3

And wonderful picture too. So different and creative. <3

[SIZE=6pt]Totally off topic but everyone on this page has some karma. xDDDD[/SIZE]

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^ Too cute! >3< You're good at making me want to go hug something cute. xD

Good news! My aunt let me borrow her camera. It's a Nikon D60. She said it was 1,000 dollars. x__x If I like it, I guess I'll have to save up. :'D My parents said that they'd pitch in a little bit since I'm so into photography...

Tamtamkitty's photos are absolutely gorgeous. <3

They always are though. ;3 Just amazing.

Like Krystal, I'm dying for a good quality photography camera. o: I swear, it'd be the best Christmas present ever. During Social Skills yesterday, the teacher was like ''Okay, it's a new term, so we all gotta set ourselves are goal.. anyone willing to share?''. My hand popped straight up. xD I was like ''GET BETTER AT MY PHOTOGRAPHYYYY!!!!!''. People seemed all disappointed cause they think 'taking random pictures of things' is just plain boring. D:

But on-topic: Nicki's pictures are just super cute. :)


So, I broke *another* digital camera. I would love an SLR camera, but I definitely can't afford one right now. (I'm going to Japan in the spring of 2012 - so I'm planning on saving up and getting one before I embark on that trip. n_n) But for now, I need a new camera.

Since I have photography class in school and get to use the amazing SLR cameras there, I'm not in a huge rush to get a new camera. But I want to get one for Christmas.

I want something $200 or less. I don't want a Kodak - I've broken two or three of those in less than a year (Durability fail). I want somewhere around 10MP and at least 3x zoom (4x or 5x would be even better, but beggars can't be choosers). I also want something that takes video and is compatible with Windows Movie Maker.

I was looking at these, but I don't know if Canon is compatible with WMM.

I was also looking at this one, but I don't know.

So the long and short of it is if you have any digital camera suggestions / recommendations, let me know. ^_~

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Katie - Canon camera's are pretty good. My friend has one. this one is nice. Here's some info off bestbuy site of it

◦12.1-megapixel CCD

◦3x optical/4x digital/12x total zoom

◦2.5" PureColor II LCD screen

◦Canon's DIGIC 4 imaging processor

◦Optical image stabilization

◦Face detection technology

◦Shooting modes

Include portrait, foliage, sunset, snow, beach, fireworks, aquarium, underwater, indoor, kids & pets, night snapshot, color accent, color swap, digital macro, stitch assist and movie for the right settings every time.

◦9-point through-the-lens (TTL) autofocus

◦High ISO sensitivity

◦White balance controls

◦Built-in flash

◦Movie mode

◦Memory card slot

◦USB 2.0 interface and HDMI mini outputs
And I dont think the camera's have to be WMM compatible, cause can't you just drag it onto your computer, then WMM?


I reallyreallyreally want this camera.

Katie - Canon camera's are pretty good. My friend has one. this one is nice. Here's some info off bestbuy site of it
And I dont think the camera's have to be WMM compatible, cause can't you just drag it onto your computer, then WMM?


I reallyreallyreally want this camera.
Nice. It's a little above my price range, but I'll consider. ;]

And yeah, because my old Kodak camera's wouldn't let me import my videos to WMM. It always came up that the file type was incompatible.

Total fail drawing.

We have to make some sortof mythological creature, and mine turned out really retarded.


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Nice. It's a little above my price range, but I'll consider. ;]And yeah, because my old Kodak camera's wouldn't let me import my videos to WMM. It always came up that the file type was incompatible.
Ugh I hate that!

My little digital camera won't upload with WMM either.

It has stressed me out with so many video related projects, lol. Makes my life so much more complicated.

Ugh I hate that!My little digital camera won't upload with WMM either.

It has stressed me out with so many video related projects, lol. Makes my life so much more complicated.

Which is why it is now a requirement in my new-camera search. XD

You guys are all so talented. <3

Nicki - Awh, the kebab thing was too cute.


WeiWei - I think the creature thingy is adorable. n_n

TamTamKitty: You're incredible. Yay you!

I like my current camera, because it's pink, and takes good pictures, but I'd really really love one of the cameras with the 'Beauty' feature - where they, like, airbrush your skin whenever you take a picture. That would be IMMENSE and you know it.

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