V's Tama Diary


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2010
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Hello, Tama-fans alike. I am new to Tama Talk, but not new to Tamagotchi's. I previously had 2 others, but right now I only have a TamaGo (White with Kuchipatchi), and a brother with one (Green with Mametchi). I currenly have a KuroMametchi called Orange. His growth line was Kinotchi, Mattaritchi, Kilalatchi and now KuroMametchi. My brother has a Lovelitchi (Nokotchi, Belltchi, Shelltchi, now Lovelitchi). They mated a few hours ago and had 2 girls.

Currently, at 9:32, Orange has 4 hungry hearts full and 4 happy hearts full. I will feed him and Nokotchi "Fried Chicken", and play a game of Long Jump. Orange reached 51 and recieved 600 in prize money. That makes my bank account exactly 14770 Gotchi Points. AT 10:00 I will probably connect Orange and SHell, since my brother left his TamaGo in my care while he is at Church.

Oh whatever, That's to much work to type like that. Please don't mind me if my logging changes every second. I'm all over the place because I ordered a Violetchi figure online. And because my camera doesn't have any batteries, I can't take pictures.

I have decided on a name for Orange's baby girl on my Tama-Go. I will call her Shy.

Orange - Hello everyone, V wanted me too say something, or make a diary entry thing. Well, today I got married to the Tama of my dreams. I was worried that Shell wouldn't want me because I was a bad care character for part of my life. But she did! I wouldn't have thought when V hatched me that the first Tama I ever met would be mine. Oh, and I was a bad care character because I aged up before V could feed me. She fussed so much, but then her Ma wanted her to help with something, and I didn't beep to tell her I was hungry! I hope SHy will grow up to be lovely like Shell. Last night i watched Back to The Future 2 - but I won't be here to watch 3, since I will go back in 2 nights.. I just hope Shy will forgive me and that V ill take care of her when I'm back home... :sighs:

Shy - Gyegghh... Paapii... :blinks sadly:

Me - Shy's first word is Papa! Aren't you proud Orange? I am so proud of my Orange and Shy! That's why I'm boarding up the house so no UFO's can get in. Just for .... reassurance :Tries to look innocent and whistles:

Around 11:00, Orange visited his wife. Shy followed him through the street but did not appear inside Shell's house. Neither did Shell's bub. Bad parents x3

Me - Nyaahh! Bad Orange >_< You left Shy an' your other kid alone while you ate Ice's nachos! Not that I care that there his, but they make you gain 4 POUNDS! And think about hen I finally get Christmas money and buy a v 4.5 or 3! :Hearts:

Shy - Wepwace us?

Me - Nuupe, just care for another. To bad TMGO can't connect with 4.5 (or 3), because they're cool and have got Jump Rope...

Shy - So nu newd fwend?

Orange - Everyone knows only 5 and 5.5, and other TMGO's can connect with us.

Me - :nods:

Shy - :Does the pee wiggle dance:

Orange - :looks at me:

Me - :looks at Orange : Your her daddy AND your potty trained!

Orange - :sighs and takes Shy to the toilet:

12:30 Orange and Shy were down one happy and hungry heart, so I fed them Beef Bowl for lunch and Cheese Cake for dessert! Will play 2 games later!

Shy - Can I eatda cake fiwst!

Me - No.

Orange - :waiting for Shy to finish her beef bowl: Please eat it! Why not let her?

Shy - :innocent look with halo:

Me - Your not an angelgotchi >:3 If you were you'd eat your lunch! Orange make her eat food! All that virtual food is making me hungry!

Shy - Fyne :sad upset tormented look: Nom. Nom. Nom. :pretends to be sick: Now imma die cos of you!

Me - I wish you be quiet sometimes...

Shy - Now we go to the park and the shop and play games!

Orange - :chuckles as he sees the irony of it:

Me - :Stares as she sees the irony of it:

Shy - :Doesn't know what irony is, but if she did, she wouldn't see the irony anyway:

Me - I should change your name to NotShy!

NotShy - Nuu! I'm Shy! I wike my name!

Orange :watches, and reaches for popcorn:

One pound gained

Shy - :pouts: Papiii eats food!

Me - :turns on Orange: Your setting a bad example : disappointed look:

1:15, and Orange lost a hungry heart. I fed him some Beef Bowl - He's 33 pounds at the moment, and the beef bowl adds 1 pound, so I only have to play 2 games! Shy and Orange called because they were lonely just before.

Shy - Mammii!

Me - :looks around for Shell:

Orange - :sighs: Shy, V isn't your ma. Shell is, and she's taking care of your sister.

Me - :Is staring: Someone's been actually reading our log :mellow: :eek: ;)

Shy - Mamii is mammiii! Shy wants mammii!

Me - :snaps out of it: Ice's out with Shell~

Shy - MAMI!

Orange - Shy, Mammi's not here..


Me - :(

Orange - <_< Take me to TamaTown so I can get away <_<

Okay, italics will be little information bubbles which aren't facts. I am taking Orange to TamaTown. My id is ET1329. I'll give some screenshots of him online

At 2:32, I got back on (Ma wanted her computer) and am going to update on Tamatown...


I was hoping Shy'd also go on, but she didn't.


My room :)




AN' Orange after cruising the town. B)

Shy - Pappi can I come next time?

Orange - :shakes his head: You on't be able to go for a few days..

Shy - Why not den? :huh:

Me - :sighs softly as a tear comes to her eye: Orange will be gone. =(

Shy - NO he wun't! >X

Orange - I will. : Sighs sadly: I'll go home. And when your older you'll go there to.

Shy - I WON'T!!! Neider will you!! :sobs:

Me - Shhh... Why don't you have a snack? Have a cookie <3

Gains one pound

Shy - :nibbles quietly on her cookie:

Me - :watched Shy wistfully:

Orange - Shy--

Shy - :glares: :angry:

Orange - I'm sorry I have to go. But you will under stand one day...

Me - We'll get off the subject.

Shy - :nods slowly, her little face scrunched up:

Orange - Agrees silently..

Poor little Shy <3

At 4:03 Orange called for attention ith a ! over his head. As I pressed a button it dissapeared - he was lonely. I checked his stats and he was down one hungry heart. I fed him a kebab, then played shoot the bug, scoring 84. I just realised, that I'm using EST time, but TamaTalk is different... Sorry about that!

Shy - :yawn: Pappi~ Desu~

Orange - Desu? :raises eyebrows and looks at me: V...?

Me - :whistles and turns head away: No idea where she learn that... Desu~

7:15 and Orange has 3 Hungry Hearts and 4 Happy Hearts. I fed them 2 steaks and played Long Jumper Twice.

Shy - :yawns: i staying up late : )

Orange - No.. You'll go to bed in about an hour.

Me - :nods:

Shy - Fine.. :pouts:

Good night :3 Last update for the day! Hope you enjoyed my first ever Log Post! Tomorrow I will continue to update it every few hours as much as I can!


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Monday, 20th of December

8:48 - Orange and Shy woke up at 7:36 today, and I played Cradles with them, reaching level 8. They haven't lost any hearts yet, but I'm keeping my eye on them.

Me - Nyaa! :wipes eyes: hy did you wake me up? I was having the most wornderful dream... :D :imagines flying through a field of chocolate and all the Tamas:

Orange - It wasn't the Chocolate and Tama dream again, was it? :sighs:

Shy - :is still asleep:

Me - Of course not talking chocolate! :drools:

Orange - <_<

Me - GREAT CUPCAKES! I'm awake now ^_^ :stares at Shy: Why does she get to sleep in, but you BEEPED at me for no reason >_>

Shy - Talking Chocwates And Fwiends! No pappi no more pasta want chowwy! Nyaa!

Orange - :stares at me: V...

Me - I did nothing :looks away with stars in her eyes.: Nyaa~ Shy's learnt well!

12:19 Orange and Shy have lost 2 Hungry Hearts and one Happy hearts. Pork and Beans x2 and played Longjumper once (if you win, you lose 4 pounds!)

Shy - :shivers:

Orange - :glares:

Me - I didn't know Shy'd be scared by the SIMPSONS Halloween Specials! There not scary.. Not even the bit with the cartoon disembodied parts..

Shy - :sniffles, while holding unto Orange's scarf:

Orange - It's okay Shy.. 'twas just a show... :glares again:

Me - Why are you looking at me! Who's scared of a raven quoting "never again" or something like that... :sniffles: She'd be way more scared if I watched Nightmare on Elm street, or.. or Village of the Damned or Childs Play!

Orange - You got scared even reading about the last two... And the last (and first) time you watched Nightmare on Elm street you had to hide under the blanket and block your ears. And run out of the room and hold on to YOUR mama.

Me - I was 7! Give me a break! :angry:

Orange - And Shy is 1.

But it I bet it doesn't say that in stats when Orange leaves! >->

Orange - But your still going to watch more!

Me - Who's supposed to be scared of any of the Simpsons Halloween Specials? :lol:

Shy - Chocolate will make me not scared :)

Me - I think she learnt that from me.. Shy's bribing me! DX

Orange - <_<

1:59 and Orange called out in loneliness. I checked his stats - one food heart short of full. I fed him a kebab.

Orange - And you continued to watch...

Me - Oh c'mon.. I GAVE her the chocolate.

Shy - :nods:

Orange - That made it worse :angry:

Me - If I'm not wanted, I'll see how you do without me. :turns away: =(

Shy - Chocolate is good. V good!

Me - Yay! I'm loved ;)

3:30 and Orange and SHy are missing one hunger and one happy heart! I fed them a hotdog and some cherries.

Shy - Why hasn't my sister has a nyme?

Orange - I think she does..

Me - I can ask Ice :)



Orange - ? Huh ?

Shy - :eats chocolate:

Me - I know v.v

Orange - I know you wanna go out in the rain and jump on the trampoline abandoning us inside...

Shy - Waah?

Me - So you don't -- Rain's stopping DX Seeya Orange and Shy.

6:09 A few hours ago I fed Orange a hot dog. Now I fed him a DrumStick

Shy - Simpsons! =3

Me - Mhhmmm. And we're missing it.

6:39 Quick update~ Orange lost happy heart, played shoot the bug, earnt 90 points! =)

Me - Mhhmmm... Good work!

7:44, last update of day, Orange is down to 3 hungry hearts. I'm tired so I fed him 2 meals and one snack

Shy - Goodnight daddy : ) see you tomorrow.

Orange - :smiles half heartedly:

Me - :boards up house: No UFOS! :glares at Orange:


Orange - :silent :

Me - :glares:


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Tuesday 21st

7:26 starting today early... Going to care for a baby tama. WIll try to log accurately

Me - nyaaa... :sad:

Shy - :asleep:

7:30 - 8:30n

No hearts filled. Feed her food and snacks. Checked "memory" to visit Orange's stats again. ot password to log unto TamaTown. 53398F - A157CD (Name - Vivian). So you can log on with Shy on TamaTown. Lost a happy heart. Fed a snack. Fed a meal. Fed Snack. Missed PeeWIggleDance. Cleaned up room. Fed meal. Wouldn't eat! Gave medecine. Fed her and gave her snacks. Cleaned up room. Shy went to sleep. Lost happy heart, but still asleep. Woke Up. Fed meal and snack. Fed snack. Cleaned up. Fed meal and snack. Connected Shy with Furclaw. Fe snack. Fed meal and 2 snacks. Cleaned room. YAY! Shy is Bellchi!

Shy - Pappi? ;sniffles:

Me - :sighs: Orange is gone..

Shy - WAAH!

Me - :eek:ffers chocolate:

Shy - :refuses:

Me - :points:

Shy - :turns into Belltchi:

Me - Shy... I'm upset to.. But he's happy... :huggles Shy:

Shy - :sniffles: V... :huggles back:


10:05 - Fed her a few times, played a few times and went to the park... Meeting a KuroMameTchi!

Shy - Nyaa! Pappi!

Me - <3

Orange - :building sandcastle with Shy: Nyaa? I see you've raised her to be like you.

Me - You said you were going home!

Orange - I visited the park.

Shy - Pappi! I'm a Bellchi!

Orange - I can see! You'll grow up to be beautiful like your ma - she was a Bellchi.

Shy - :smiles:

Me - Nyaa!

Orange - I have to go.. Grow up to be wonderful Shy! Bye!

Shy - Bye! But Papa, I wanna be a :furawatchi: Violetchi :furawatchi:

I worked out what I want her growth to be.. I want her to turn into a Chuchutchi (Bad Care I know, but I think it's cute!) then into a Violetchi!

6:10 I don't remember much of the day... I was at a friends place and played lots of games with my friend, her sis and my bro.And my brother broke his tama (some rows of the screens are just grey) and gave up. But then I made him take it up part time!

Shy - Nyaa!


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9:16 Shy grew up into SHelltchi. fed 3 meals and played long jump. Won 1,000 GP.

Me - Shy! Why did you turn into SHellchi?

Shy - Because you took good care of me :)

me - I left you alone for 2 hours... I wanted Chuchutchi!

Shy - CHuchutchi is horrible care. 2 hours abandonment is not enough =3

Me - Smart pants! Coulda told me that before I ripped out my heart to get CHuchutchi!

Shy - Sorry!

Nyaa! Shellchi's not my favorite....

11:24 fed fried chicken and lobster /b]


Shy - Yum!

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We had Christmas stufff >-< Shy couldn't come, so I'm SURPRISED (and annoyed) she's a Violetchi.

Shy - I'm so cute! :looks around: I'm just like mamma!

Me - :glares. Shy used to call me mamma:

Shy - :plays with her bows: This is much better than Violetchi!

Me - Tisn't.

Shy - Oh V, don't be upset!

Me - Why should I be upset? :annoyed: Hopefully your sister won't be Lovelitchi. Ice wants a bad care character!

Shy - You and I know it's just because he doesn't want to play with a half broken Tama.

Me - V_V Well, off you go to the park!

- at park -

Shy - Hey!

Gozarutchi - :wub: Hello.

Shy - :)

Gozarutchi - I have to go...

Shy - Bye!


Shy - :sighs: There's no one here...


Kunoitchi - Hey!

Shy - Hello =3

Kunoitchi - So your the Lovelitchi who my brother likes...

Shy - :blushes:

Yes, I'm hoping to find Gozarutchi in the dating place in 2 days time.. (CHRISTMAS?)

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Short update today!

Shy went to park and met Gozarutchi again. She's 3 years - just 3 more until she can marry him...

She also met a Mametchi, Ojitchi, Woolchi and Violetchi! (And no-one, sometimes.)

Not much at all. She's a perfect care character... Today was Christmas. Lots of people, food and presents. Got through the day though! Last night nan ordered a cloud v3 and a honey bee v4! Should arrive in January! Hoping Violetchi will come soon - can't wait to play her games and visit her shop!!! Might leave Shy to grow up to an oldie - won't get Goripatchi or Oyajitchi, though. Have to connect, and Ice's tama is one, a girl, two, Shy's sis! - Talking about Furclaw, she's grown to be Pipotchi, the terrible care character! He said it was on purpose, but he's been out of Tamas since his screen broke! Turns out this update is a bit bigger than meant! If you send me any letters for Shy, or me, or just something random, put Tama Log in the title of you PM and I might put it on here x3


Shy's sister is 5 now.. But a female oldie and married! Shy's still a Lovelitchi and can't be married yet... Strange? Have $20 = might get Music Star to add unto expected in mail list! or maybe a figure =3 Not much today - I got lazy... SHy's 42 pounds and gaining! Had to visit opther familty, then go to jBHiFi and buy Super Mario Galaxy 2 for $89, and jbhifi was crowded... Spent 2 hours choosing the game, 1 hour in line. Really wanted an mp3, but 110 wasn't enough! ($80 voucher, $30 cash)! Shy was fed in that time - but didn't play... Sort of waiting for figure - and v3 and v4!

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Shy married a Mametchi - figured I wouldn't find a gozarutchi. And Mametchi seemed smitten - after seeing him yesterday in dating place I met him TWICE at the park!!! And hen he appeared today - they got married! They should leave their baby (When they have one) on New years!

Sorry there was no post earlier - nothing happened! Today they had a baby girl - taking name suggestions! Violetchi should arrive soon, post office opened again. I'm really hoping it'll arrive today or tomorrow! SO basically, I want it to arrive this year~


Just made this.. First image with new tablet! Will make one for Shy soon.. She'll also leave in a day or so!

- fixed dates -

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Hello peoples! Miscalculation :p Shy leaves on the first of January!! Already drawn her pic - waiting for confirmation of the dates! Not much happened. I paused them as I watched a movie at the theatres and I forgot how to turn sound off! Unpaused them straight afterwards. ~ V

Shy left Marlene today - I'm going to try for some of the lower care characters though. I know toddler is random though, so I'm just crossing my fingers for Hoshitchi! I don't like Shelltchi that much either. Any teen other than her! And any adult other than Lovelitchi. It's lucky they don't let them go - you have to press a button to start their life! Otherwise Marlene woulda been dead! I slept in!! Will finish Shy's memorial in a bit later....

Just realised v-v HAPPY NEW YEARZ! I guess I'll make a graphic for that later, too!

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Marlene turned into SHelltchi. Again :/ Gyagh! I tire of perfect care characters... Well, I wouldn't mind KuroMametchi again, but Lovelitchi isn't my favourite characters.. SInce my broither had Lovelitchi last time, then Shy.. if Marlene turns into Lovelitchi....

I left Marlene alone for awhile, and whill for a bit longer.. Want any character but Lovelitchi!

VIOLETCHI!!!! YAY!! Shame though.. She's going to be an oldie mum - with my bros Kuchipatchi. So she won't be a Violetchi in the stats when she goes >.<


Kuchipatchi WHite Tama-Go

Name - Marlene (Mentally)

Age - 2yrs

Weight - 66lbs

Gen - 3



Getting a Violetchi (Which I've been aiming for!) Really put back my Tama interest! Expect longer post and more mixes! So I guess it'll mixes between most types of logs! Oh, Marlene says hi!

That'll start next post, got to make Marlene thin - not fat!

Marlene - It's not my fault I'm 66 pounds!

Me - It's not my fault that the sun rises every day!

Marlene - So? That's a good thing!

Me - I miss Shy... But I won't punish you - your a Violetchi! :grins:

Nothing much - but I kept Marlene at 25 pounds today! I've been looking at Osu-Mesu set, Music Star and Famitama for my birthday, as well as a + Color. And no I don't usually get that much... Anyway, Marlene called out repeatedly, and came up when I pressed a button. Is she feeling a bit lonely? I dunno - but I have to get off now.
