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  1. C

    I now found out that is giving out free codes. I am sure we know most of them. I have found one so far; if anyoen else finds one, please post. I just thought I would let you know. Current codes found: AABBCACB Please add more if found. Just surf the Tamagotchi website, it is...
  2. C

    Giving Tree

    Have you ever donated to a giving tree for a child? I just picked my card, its a girl my age who wants an art set. I think I can help her out with that. So, have you ever picked off a giving tree?
  3. C

    Little Manhattan

    Have you ever seen this movie? I did last night, upon recomendation from my friend. He said it changed his life, and it's true. It is a truley inspirational story. So, have you seen it?
  4. C

    I-I... Ugghhhhh

    Ok so, I love drawing wolves for my friend. But this, this made me not trust my BEST friend, at all. I drew her a wolf, laying down because she wanted one like the one in my sketchpad. After that we were fighting (I don't even remeber why) but we made up. ' Well yesterday we had play practice...
  5. C

    Wolf Avatars

    I guess if you are here you want an avatar? Well there are a few rules...: -Don't ask me a bagillion times if yours is done yet, heck, ask me more than once and your order is deleted. You have a two day ban for ordering one again. (Every tim eyou order again before your two days is up adds up...
  6. C


    Ok, Hi.. we all know who I am so I will skip the whole 'Hi I'm...' dealie just to make our lives easier. Ok. Well I am sure we all know about the child slaves in Africa, along with the child soldiers in Africa. Also all of those names on giving trees and all of those nice people, holding hats...
  7. C


    I had an idea, This based off of my real life, all characters I know except for Anthony and Cody so far: Chapter one: The small group, consisting of four girls stood, laughing in the hallway. “I wonder what their talking about,” Muttered one of the boys who was standing nearby. “Me.”...
  8. C


    Well today it has been rainy/snowy all day, and I had cheerleading practice (First one) So we get the the practice, stretch, and whatever else. TWenty Minutes into practice the lights go out, so we go downstairs to teh cafeteria (Thank goodness my cell phone had an LED light on it, XD) And...
  9. C


    I will draw you a wolf, Please, Only four requests at a time because I have a life too ^.^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: ~No Asking "Lyk, Croweh are j00 dun?" or anything, your order will be canceled ^.^ ~ If you want it to be fixed, PM...
  10. C

    Post your...

    Yea, yea Yea... Another one of these, XP My Most awsome Background EVAR!
  11. C


    Well I just had an idea *Happy-goal-reaching-music plays* In class today we had to write down our name on a peice of paper, then they got handed to someone else, you had to write a few (3) compliments for them (Not like 'your pretty' or anything) ABout how their personality is etc... I thought...
  12. C


  13. C


    Well I suck at Timezones so unless anyone can tell me what time it would be in Canada, Ireland and UK at about 4:30 PM US time then only people in the US can join :( Anyway, I plan on RESTARTING my Tama for a Halloween Hatch, then mating it with another one of mine, preferably an adult that I...
  14. C

    Do you?

    Do you? You know, Fursona.. I have two, Pyrrth and PaintSplotch ^.^
  15. C


    Ha, I am sure you have heard me rant about Michael and whatnot no? xD Well magor problem. My best friend Heather, likes him! HE LIKES ME! But they hang out and have 'inside jokes' I feel left out and I am not gonna go "Yo Heath, stay away from my dude" or whatever! HELP!
  16. C


    Ok, well I was going to get a flu shot with my brother and my mom, my friend Diana had slept over last night and was coming with us. My brother is three so he was in his car seat (Far left), Diana was in the middle and I was on the right. My mom was driving down the street two boocks away from...
  17. C


    Haz, Here you getz a cookie for looking *Unhookz cookie from fishing rod and hands it to you* ^.^ Ok well anywayz. Some of you might remember a topic called 'Laugh or cry' right? Well I guess U should start from the begining! (Gah six years ago! XD) So It all started about six years ago...
  18. C


    Hehe, I was looking at some of the Guides and Admins posts, and none of them ever seemed ot have role-played... I just wondered if you became a Guide if you were cut off from it? I mean, I love role-playing but I (Someday... XD) want to become a guide. This question always bothered me.... Sorry...
  19. C


    I have quite a few stories on my computer that I never finished... I will post a few here, I just wondered what you thought about them, Tell me which ones you like, what ones you don;t like and what ones need work! This one has no name.. EEK! Chapter 1   I sat at the...
  20. C

    Eating out?

    Can you eat out? I mean, I can but just a Little ebit otherwise I'll get sick. >.> Although I like made a pancake evaporate a couple of days ago MUAHAHAHA It tasted good... XD