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  1. iluniss

    Where to buy?

    as if i had 100 dollars... i want one, too. *whimper*
  2. iluniss

    Hair Color? =P

    I have shoulder length dark brown hair, which is too curly to be straight, but too straight to be curly. It's also seriously frizzy by my neck. I have blond streaks in the back, and whenever i can afford it, i dye them killer PURPLE!!!
  3. iluniss


    Tamagotchi's Name: Spyro Tamagotchi's Age: 5 Date of Birth: ??? Date of Passing: May 9, 2008, 3:45pm. What Generation? V4, 7th generation. Your Comments: I thought he was ok... I left him by my v5, took a quick shower... I came back, scooped him up in my arms... He turned into an angel... I...
  4. iluniss

    Tama Help

    a glitch is when an electronic device goes crazy or has unexplainable problems. A very common (and irritating) glitch is the name glitch; your tama's name gets changed by one or more letters, turning it into pure gobbledygook. <_< I don't know what to tell you, PrincessAlesha. Maybe you...
  5. iluniss

    The wrong father!

    Hmm... what generation are you on? Just a thought (I only have an American familitchi) but perhaps that was a grandparent? The father of the mother? -Hope I helped! Iluniss <_<
  6. iluniss


    I personally like the Nano puppy. I had a friend named Andrew, and he moved away a few days before my nano arrived. ;) So I named it Andrew, to help me through my grief. I still miss andrew, and my nano is out of batteries. > :(
  7. iluniss

    It's falling apart!

    The blue panel that says Nano and covers the screen on my Nano puppy is falling off. At the moment, I have it stuck on with a piece of tape. Does anyone know what I can do to to stick it back on without harming or disfiguring it? Also, does anyone know where I can find batteries for it...
  8. iluniss

    weird stuff my siblings do

    Today, I have heard these phrases being said at my house: 1. "Spaz, don't hit your brother with your pants!" 2. "The cat ate the meat off my burger..." 3. "Where is the rest of the duct tape? And WHY is it spread all over the wall!?!" 4. "Iluniss, where did you put my DS?" "Um... somewhere...
  9. iluniss

    Funny Moments at School

    *snicker* Ok... Which one first? 1. On May 1, I for some reason thought it was April 31, and, as everybody knows, that doesn't exist! So I dated all my papers as April 31, and my second period teacher called me over because I didn't get it! :angry: 2. On the same day, in first period, I had...
  10. iluniss


    UG. I got that once. Talk about irritating. But it usually only happens to one letter... I have no idea how Sugar turned into Quler. That's a complete 3 letter change. Mine was named Onepu and it changed to Mnepu when I connected with my brother's V2, who, coincidentally, had the name glitch...
  11. iluniss


    When I answered one, but got rejected from all the jobs (what a very sad tama Tor was!), another [!] was sent soon after. I suggest playing more games and getting more skill points. -Hope I helped! Iluniss :P
  12. iluniss


    :P On Monday I woke up to a tamagotchi beep. I forgot that I had set the clock a little early the night before so that it went to bed early and I didn't have to stay up to look after it; I was dead tired, and I wanted to go to bed. I blinked open my eyes, reached up to my headboard, and pressed...
  13. iluniss

    [x] List

    [ ]had alcohol. [x] believed something stupid. [ ] ran away from home. [ ]Met Pete Wentz [x] own an iPod or MP3. [ ] curse regularly. [ ] am a sports fanatic. [ ] have worn pajama pants to school. [x] am sometimes self conscious. [x] like to laugh. [x] laugh at really random things...
  14. iluniss


    Wow. Bet the weather man didn't forecast some of that! Anyways, my backyard hasn't flooded before, but the school field often looks like a pond with big ice chunks in it during the spring. Then one day it froze over into a huge thing of ice, with points sticking out at odd angles. Needless to...
  15. iluniss

    scary evolution

    I would love to help too, although I don't have a v4.5. Oh, yes, Hitodetchi looks like this: :wacko:
  16. iluniss

    V5/Familitchi screen

    Glad that your problem was solved! :huh: (I didn't know that you could change contrast. Does it work on V4s? :wacko: )
  17. iluniss

    V4 busted...

    Hmmm... kinda reminds me of this post and this post. Anyways, here's what I would do: 1. Take out battery 2. Flip tama over, screen up, and wait for a few hours for it to dry. 3. Stick a new battery in and check the buttons and functions. hope I helped!
  18. iluniss


    I found it! You go to the work building in tamatown and click on the right side door, and click on the laptop!
  19. iluniss

    New kitty!

    Update: He gives me wet willies at night! Eurgheyichk!
  20. iluniss

    To my v3

    i dont connect with my other tamas. im bad at getting them to fall in love. and i keep my sound off most of the time. still, it sucks them up like soda pop. I really dont know why it does this.