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  1. H


    I really like this one show EUReKA It about this really smart Town full of super genises and they have to deal with time travel,dimensional portals and stuff like that. // That was the episode where everyone turned dumb. I'm not gonna...
  2. H

    How do you

    I just had to join YouTube again. (long story) anyway I wanna know how to make videos on YT but the problemo is,my dad's video camera is like, him prized possesion and he won't even let me,his own daughter,use it. Any suggestions?
  3. H

    South Park

    I love to watch "South Park" from Comedy Central. I'll admit it's not approperiate for young children because of all the "language" and some of the storylines but I still think it's HISTARICAL! Here is a movie I found (did not make) about one of the main characters,Eric Cartman. (p.s. do not...
  4. H

    Slow Dancing/Boy-Girl Parties

    Ok I went to a boy-girl party and I've been to alot,but this one had,slow dancing. I danced with 2 of the guys that I liked and both tried to kiss me! Alot of my friends were there and about 25 other 5th graders so no one could ever be alone. Wheen they both tried to kiss me on the dance floor...
  5. H

    Cash Cab

    Ok I just watched a hilairious one! Cash Cab is a game show that takes place in this guy's taxi and he asks people questions all the way to their destination. One of them had this retard girl and her bf. One of the questions was like, "Most common in adults over 50,this sense is most likely to...
  6. H

    Help please

    Ok as I've said many times before,I have a MAJOR crush on this one guy. Well I think he likes me too and he's been dropping hints for almost a year and tried to make the first move today: At recess I was walking with my friends back towards the woods and he came up and tapped me on the shoulder...
  7. H

    Jeeves and Wooster

    Ok Jeeves and Wooster is a Brittish type of show that can be funny but it has that sorta sutle humor. I like it but I was just wondering if anyone else has seen it yet.
  8. H

    What's on your Christmas list?

    This pic pretty much says it all I would also(yes that will be on my Christmas list) an iPhone a Wii *crush's name* a TV for my room and there's more but I can't think of it right now. Edit: CRUD The pic won't show up!!!! But it said in just plain words on a green backround: 'All I...
  9. H

    Dream Cell Phone

    I was just curious.I don't have a cell phone yet but I got to play with an iPhone at the mall and LOVED IT!!! I'm not exactly sure what a Sidekick is but my friend Abby says she wants one.
  10. H

    Simpsons Songs

    I know that i already posted a lot of theese in the "What's your favorite song topic but I forgot about some. I'll only put one in right now cuz after this post I gotta go o bed.It's 1 am.The song is called The Land of Chocolate If you really wanna see the episode it's called "Burns Verkaufen...
  11. H

    Akward part in HP!

    On page 427 in paragraph 2 I guess?The first big one on that page: "...Harry looked around,back up the path,and saw Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies standing half-concealed in a rosebush nearby.He tapped Ron on the shoulder and jerked his head toward them,meaning that they could easily sneak off...
  12. H

    What's the strangest thingt that you can do?

    I was just boerd and decided to make a topic on this. I can bend my fingers back almost 360 degrees without using my other hand. Spooky stuff man.LOL! :D
  13. H


    In the PotterPuppetPals version of "Rockstar" by Nickelback they have funny but inapproperiete pics but my point is,does anyone like the song.I don't necessarily like the band but the P.P.P. make it awsome!
  14. H


    I LOVE PPP!!!!! They're sooooo funny!x3!I'll post a few that are ok for almost anyone to watch.Most of them are VERY inaproperiate. "The Mysterious Ticking Noise"(need sound) // (Might I suggest "Wizard Angst" it was too...
  15. H


    Hi I just joined.I am also TPTTI(achronym for TamaPowerToTheIzzalicious) :D