Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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Well I randomly looked down at my Music Star and to my suprise it was an Androtch :( (Robot adalt)i!I can't remember if I had him on my V1 a long time ago but it's a pitty that he is classified as 'Very Unhelthy'. Well actually he is 2nd most unhelthy even generation male adalt on the music star (Too much detale!!!). The unhelthyst even generation male adalt on the music star is Tosakstchi, which is also a pitty because he is also cool and kinda cute. Anyway it's nice to have him!

In other news my V1 will be leaving the baby tonight! I wonder what i'm going to name her...

Well that's all for now!

Edit. Something I didn't notice untill I finished this post is that this is my 500th post on my blog! Just to think back in May 2008 when I started up this blog I never in my wildest dreams thought it would grow so big! I don't like to sound like i'm bragging but this is a big milestone in my blog. Now my goal is to hit 1000 posts!

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Overnight my Chamametchi grew enough to evolve! So I set the time ahead and she evolved into.... Memetchi! :furawatchi:

In toher news my V1 did leave the baby but since i'kk be busy untill later i've decided to pause her untill later.

Well that's all for now!

Well like I said this morning I unpaused my V1 and had a baby girl looking up at me! I named her Kimmy. I plan to unpause her later today or tomorow.

Also my Fireball V4.5 evolved into UraVioletchi!

Thai's all for now!

Well as I unpaused my V4 I was shocked to see that he was 10 alredy! I expected him to evolve on the spot but he didn't! I got him to the matchmaker and he had a baby boy! That was close!

Also my Globe V4.5 became UeaMemetchi and my Green V4.5 evolved into UraTogetchi!

Well that's all for now!

Yikes! I've been gone for almost 3 weeks! I gess I have some explaning to do...

What can I say! I got a bit overwhelmed! Since that day I stopped posting i've had 5 tests in school. BIG tests! Infact I have probably the biggest one of all this Friday! Besides that for thoes out there that are Pokemon fans the new Hart Gold and Soul Silver games came out a little over a week ago and i've been playing mine quite alot latly! And of course theres the fact that after a month I became overwhelmed by taking care of 14 tamas at a time!

Anyways I plan on starting up some tamas again! To start i'll porbably only un-pause my P2 and Angel. I really enjoy playing the vintage tamas! Thier both fun and simple!

Wow i've used a ton of exclamation points!

Anyway i'll plan on starting my vintage tamas up sometime between today and Friday after my test!

Well that's all for now!

NOTE! I wrote this a few days ago but it didn't go through for some reason! I just thought I'd post it anyway!

Hi everyone! I'm happy to say that long string of tests are finally over!!!

Anyways I have been doing a bit of un-pausing latly! I've un-paused my P2, Angel, and Music Star!

My P2 and angel where both at the screen indicating that they departed just before I took that 3 week break from tamas. They are both still babies.

When I un-paused my Music Star I saw my cute little Androtchi (Robot Adakt) looking up at me. A few minutes later the band manager came and I remembered that he was alread 5! He married a Violetchi and had a baby boy! Right now he is playing his Key Bord.

In other news I recently wrote up the 1st issue of The Daily Dohnut! Now for the hard part, typeing it up!

Well that's all for now!

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Hi everyone!

Nothing new with my tamas BUT after seeing

// I'm deturmened to get the playable lucky poo on my Japenese angel! (Yes I know it's the English verson in the video but I'm going to try anyway!) The hard thing is that there is littery a 1/100000 chance of me (or anyone for that matter) getting it! To think that the angel has been out for 12 years and this is the first time that this has been proven is just astonishing! So from here on out this is going to be my biggest tama goal!
Me. 0

Angel. 0

Well that's all for now!

Sorry that I didn't update yesterday. It must of slipped my mind. :D

Anyway my P2 and Angel had an interesting experiance last night. Apparently whan I set the time on them I mixed up AM and PM. So as soon as they evolved into tots they fell asleep! When that happened I thought "I'll set the time back later." because I didn't want to age them. Well... I gess I forgot to set the time back because whan I got up they where Very hungry and un-happy! To tell he truth I'm quite lucky that they didn't depart! I highly dought I'm going to get a helthy character after this but that dose mean that I might get my plant tama again! :)

Besides that my music star left the baby this morning! I'm going to up-pause him later.

One last thing! Since my angel became a tot looks like my Lucky Meeter is now

Me. 0

Angel. 1

I'll post more later! ;)

Well since this morning I've un-paused my music star (Well I gess it wasn't paused but you know what I mean!). He was at the nameing screen. I named him Dylan (After one of my real life friends! Infact alot of my tamas names are based on real life friends and family!). This generation I'm deturmened to take very good care of him! After an hour he evolved into the dohnut tot! He is happily bounceing across the screen now! Still no sighn of the pre-school teacher. Maybe later.

Anyway for thoes that are curious my spring break begins after school tomorow! Finally a well desurved break (Even if it's only 5 days!)! Tomorow is an incentive day meaning that I ha;f of a day of school and the rest of the day as sort of a free time! I'll be takeing Dylan (My Music Star) to school! I'm actually suprised that I'm allowed to bring my tama. But hopefully I won't be the only one with a tama. One of my friands will be bringing her music star as long as she can get a battery for it!

Oh my! It seems that my Angel must have evolved as I was typeing this! It evolved into the un-healthy teen (As I expected). Sadly the sound glitch is back and worse than ever! Most of the time it gose on and off randomly but this time I havn't heard a sound from it since I started it! I'm starting to think that my angel's sound will never return. Oh well.

Well on a happier note here is my Music Stars stats (Well some of them).

Tune. 174

Rythm. 217

Oridganal. 190

Music Type. R&B

Well that's all for now! :(

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As of now Dylan (My Music Star) like Rock 'N' Roll music. He just fell asleep but oddly the pre-school teacher didn't come today! She'll probably come tomorow.

Well that's all for now! :(

Hm! Its been a month since i've updated thid! Where did the time go...

Anyway with in that month I had a 'no tama phase' where all I wanted to do is play my Pokemon games. But since i've had Pokemon Soul Silver for over a month now the worst of the obbesion is over and I can focus on my tamas again!

Unfortionally since my last post something tragic has happened to my Color. It must of up-paused itself and departed. :( I'm really upset because I worked so hard to get so many items and generations just to be taken away. This isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. Because of this I have really taken to the vintage tamas latly. I've always loved the old tamas! One thing that I like about them is since thier older they have no generations, items, GP, shop, Ext. Because of this if they depart or reset I don't have to worry about loseing years of hard work.

Because of this I am currently unpausing my P2 and Angel. Since i've never had my V2 or V3 reset on me I may unpause one of them, but that is uncerten as of now. In the feature I will play my other tamas but as of now i'm sticking to the basics.

Anyway my P2 is a at age 15. He is getting very needy so I don't know how long he'll be around.

Angel. Is a totiler.

Well that's all for now! :kusatchi:

Ps. I made an acount on Blogagotchi! You can find my blog Here

Well some how even on a 4 day weekend I've managed to stay busy!

Anyway I have some exilent news! My brothers into tamas again! Since I don't know any other way of telling this i'm going to tell it in story.

Well it all began on thirsday night. Me and my little Bro. were jumping on our tranpinine. We were just talking like usiral when I started to talk about vintage tamas. Insted of shooing me away like usiral he actually seemed interested! That's when I asked him 'Do you like vintage tamas?' and to my suprise he said yes! Ok skipping to the next morning. We were talking like always when I broght up his old Music Star that went lost ages ago. I can't remember exactally what he said but he said if I could find it he would be happy to play it. Now this is were it get's really weird! As he said that a flash-back of him setting it down on an old chair ran through my mind! I would think I would be some what taken back by that experiance but at the time all I was worried about if finding that tama. So I ran to the chair and looked under the cushens and... nothing. It was then that I noticed a small tear ,bearily big enough to squeeze my hand into, in the chair. Well I reached inside and felt along. At first nothing but just I was about to give up my hand bumped something! It was his tama! It's battery was still working and it was a Chamametchi! Well from there on he's been takeing great care of his tama. Eventially it evolved into the adalt female verson of Mametchi. Well that's his story!...

But it dosen't end there! Because the second good news is.... I boght an UraTama and he boght an EnTama! We just ordered them yesterday and they will hopefully be here in a few weeks!

Well now about my tamas. I've unpaused a few more over the weekend! Eatherway here is the updates!

P2. Departed at age 17. He was so very needy at his age. I'll miss him.

Angel. Evolved into Pukuten (The chubby angel)

V2. Is the starfish tot!

V3. Has a baby boy!

V4. Is an unusiral teen.

Music Star. Sadily departed because he got un-paused. It's just like in DC. (You can find that story somewere in my TamaTalk blog). I don't seem to have much luck with this one.

Well I think that's everything! :kusatchi:

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Well there goes another 2 months of no updates. I'm not very good at this "keeping up with my blogs" thing anymore. Anyway at the moment I only have my V4 unpaused. Right now my V4 (Or what I like to call it "The nameless ninja) turned 7 meaning that the matchmaker should come today! Maby this time I won't get an unusiral character!

Well that's all for now! :rolleyes:

Sorry for not updateing yesterday! With the holiday neering thing are busier than usiral!

Anyway last time I posted I was only running my V4. That isn't the case anymore...

P2. Is a Zukitchi. Unfortuneatle, he didn't become the secret character. :huh:

Angel. I will be hatching her in a groop hatch tomorow!

V3. Is a Mizutamatchi (The rain drop tot)

V4. Had a baby girl! (I have to make sure to name this one right away so I don't get another "Nameless ninja"!)

UraTama. Is a Purimatchi (The angel adalt)

Well that's all for now! :D


Well since yesterday, I have unpaused a few more tamas!

I put new batteries in my V5.5. It was a paperatzitchi (Only one). After about half a hour, I mated it to a rosetchi. They had 3 babies (Which are now tots).

I also put new batteries in my color! Unfortuneatly, last time I played it, it must of got unpaused and departed. :) But I decided to give it a try anyway. It hatched into a baby girl! At first I was irritated that I spent months getting lots of items and GP but to my suprise, it still had everything (Besides the generations of corse)!!! I was VERY happy to see that! Well about a hour later, it evolved into Sakuramotchi (The pint tot with a leaf on it's head). I also remodled the whole house into a castle as well as bought all the possable items (I had alot of money!)! It was 5 happy sighns and is bounceing arount the screen!

Well besides that only one more of my tamas had much of anything happen. My V3 evolved into Nicatchi (The acorn-shaped teen).

Well that's all for now! :)

Well I don't have too mush news but...

I have decided to unpause my Music Star! He is a Kikitchi right now. He like laten music and plays the trumpet. His favorate toy is a skatebord.

Also I will be hatching my Angel in a hour and a half!

Well that's all for now! :p

Well about 5 minutes after I made my last post, my Color evolved into ChaMametchi! She's so cute! I can't believe that the color/music star are the last versions that ChaMametchi is a teen (Same goes for Kikitchi). They just seem too little to be adalts!

Well i'll post more later! :p

I'm a little late on the post, but I hatched my angel at 3:00 PM. She is bounceing around the screen. Her name is angel (So creative) and she has had neer perfect care!

And... that's it! :)

I'll post more later! :mellow:

Well something rather tragic just happened. My Zukitchi (P2) just departed at age 19. :D He had a rough last day. Last night when everyone was over for the cookout, I must of turned his sound off at some point. Well skip ahead about 2 hours and I was curiout why he hasn't beeped lately. Well it turns out he was all out of harts! Well at the time I paused him because it was time to go and see the fireworks! Well I unpaused him overnight thinking "I'll fill the harts in the morning. Well when he woke up, I was still on Music City. And 10 minutes after he woke up, I heard the long beeps indicating that he left. :D I plan on starting up my P2 again in just a little bit.

In other news as i'm sure you can assume, my Angel is a tot now! Besides that, not much has happened to it. It was 0 for deeds (The bat always steals the candy because I cannot scare it away without the sound :D ). Besides that, i've been giveing it neer-perfect care!

Well that's all for now! :D
