Bullys at school


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I've never been bullied before, but people do try to spread rumors about me. Here is a tip.

Act like you don't care, they want a reaction from you, so don't give a feeling.

I've been teased all of my life so I definitely have had first hand experience in this matter. I think the best advice that I have formed over the years is to either ignore them, or report them.

  • Ignoring them and walking away will show them just how strong you are and that their insults don't phase you.
  • Reporting them will scare them and they'll learn to stop.

It gets better as the years pass, trust me. In Primary School and early Secondary, people are very immature and don't know how to properly respect others, but once they start getting older, they'll learn. :blink:

I've only been bullied twice in my life. (that i can remember anyway.)

Once, when I was in Kindergarten playing with this one really mean girl at recess and she told me to kiss this pole thing on the playground pretending it was my boyfriend, but the funny thing about it is that she did it first, so I did and for some reason she made fun of me for it?

Another time was at church, (yes, CHURCH.) but that's a really long story.

However, I have been the bullier multiple times since about 6th grade to the middle of 7th grade. I stopped and i'm definitely ashamed of the things I've done. If you ever heard anyone say that bulliers only bully to make themselves feel better, or to build up confidence, or to seem cool etc.. it's true.

My friend was so deeply touched by bullying that shes actually writing a book about it with her youth minister.

Recently there have been rumors started about her saying that she does drugs and is a wh*re ect, when just about a month ago she was one of the most popular girls in our school (for GOOD reasons).

It's sad, really.

Earlier this year there were some people in my class (Old school) who made it obvious that they thought I was annoying. I honestly didn't care, until they posted it on Facebook for everyone to see. The girl I liked, my friends, everyone. And the horrible thing is is that no matter how much you beg you can't make them take it down.

AFAIK it is still up there.

Earlier this year there were some people in my class (Old school) who made it obvious that they thought I was annoying. I honestly didn't care, until they posted it on Facebook for everyone to see. The girl I liked, my friends, everyone. And the horrible thing is is that no matter how much you beg you can't make them take it down.

AFAIK it is still up there.
That's why I'm not on Facebook. But still, someone posted on Facebook something mean about me except they didn't use my actual name. They identified me by saying about a very small skin problem I have...I'm really surprised absolutely everyone notices that, it's more trouble than it's worth. My friend Fwoggy told me about the post, I didn't actually read it.

I've been minorly bullied since 1st grade (I'm now in 5th). Back then people just threw conkers at me and pushed me off play equipment and stuff, and a few 3rd graders always made fun of my name. I didn't really care. In 4th grade it got worse; almost all the girls from 3rd to 5th grade were ganging up on me, and invented some imaginary disease named after me that apparently everyone caught when they came near, and they spread unkind rumours about me. Around the middle of 5th grade some 3rd grade girls pretended to be my friend until I realised what they were doing and just stopped having anything to do with them.

Nowadays, one girl who was in 2nd grade when I joined this school and is now in 4th grade always bosses me around and tells me nasty rumours about the secondary school I'm going to. Along with a 2nd grade boy who constantly threatens to beat up my best friend (the one in Australia or the one in California, I wonder, LOL. That boy is pathetic). It's not nearly as bad as it used to be, but almost all the kids in my school are a pain.

I generally see myself as quite a nice person, but I modelled and did pageants for a tiny bit when I was 5, and I've always done

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png type of dancing, with spray tans, make up, and costumes. My Mother said it was because they were jealous of me (the teachers were very tolerant) wearing my crown to school on Monday if I won a sash or crown on the weeked. That generally never stopped, then it was 'Daddy's Little Princess' or 'Snob' or 'Rich Whore'. It didn't help when I dropped out of my school and joined a rougher one in the area, because eventually this girl came up to me and kicked me, so I pushed her to the ground, and she screamed 'those pageant whores won't recongise you when I'm done' and started punching me, resulting in concussion and a lot of cuts and bruises (this was when my self esteem was particulaly high) and I want mental because I was sick in my hair due to the concussion.
Don't get me wrong, I actually hated myself after all of that, and that is when the Anorexia, Cutting, Bulimia ect started. I don't blame my mother, I wanted to do these things, she was proud of me but begged me to 'retire'. Some kids enjoy it, most of what you see in the media is the bad parts, because Media wants to show the bad in everyone and everything. The Internet has also been a source of bullying, Youtube hate videos, Hate pages, Petitions (That's why I finally left the rougher school)

Now I've moved from that school, and I have the odd argument but I'm generally much happier, and these things damage children. Now everyone is really lovely to me, as now at the end of Year 8 or 'Grade Nine', they understand how much I've been through, and they have realised underneath all the rumours, I'm just me :) .


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Ugh...I've been bullied since kindergarten. I still am. And it sucks.

I'm always called names and I'm always told I'm not good enough, and just other things I don't even wanna mention. It's the worst feeling ever to be treated like this. I'm not looking forward to school in September :(

I was bullied so bad in 7th grade and it's been horrible ever since. I'm going into 10th grade this year.

Constantly being bullied got me into a really depressive state and a lot of self-harm occurred. No one knew about anything until I finally opened up to one of my friends. I've known her since birth, so I know I can trust her not to tell anyone. It felt good to get all of that stuff out and just get it all off my chest.

That's why I love summer vacation when school's over. I feel a lot better...sometimes (some summers I just feel absolutely disgusting about myself)

But in a way, all of this has made me a better person. It's helped me become a very understanding person and to never judge anyone before you get to know them. You don't know what they're going through.

So, I'm here if anyone ever wants to talk about anything. I can keep a secret and I'm open to talk to anyone, even if we've never spoken before. Just PM me ^_^

Welllllllllll...yeah. That's my story everyone. I'd go into a little more detail but I don't wanna talk about it and I don't wanna bore any of you xD

Your stories somewhat scare me. There's just something not right with kids nowadays. Remember the video of the old woman being bullied by kids in a bus that was on the Internet lately? It's so disturbing. :(

Sorry to hear about your bullying experiences, everyone. :(

I could say I was (in a way) bullied when I was still in school. During the primary years, I was so little back then, so bigger guys often make fun of me. I was quiet and introverted so I just shrug off and move on, until when I was in 6th grade that I had enough of it that I started to learn to "fight back".

I know I'm not setting a very good example for kids in here, but for the sake of "sharing", yes I did fought back. I just had this idea that I should put them in their proper places and not to mess up with me. I became an instant prankster and I began the war myself. Every time someone makes fun of me, I would play tricks on them the WHOLE day. (WARNING: Do not imitate what I'm about to say) I would retract their seats when they attempt to sit down so they'd fall flat on the floor, put chalk dust in their chairs, hide their stuff and any small trick that will drive them nuts. In the next few weeks, I turned into an instant bad guy. The funny thing is, I have been bullied so many times before but the people who made fun of me before are now the ones complaining to the teacher about me. Sometimes, I didn't even have to do anything to scare them off. I'll just give them a scary look and they'll start being paranoid and all. My teacher talked to me about it, and when I told her that I'm just being "defensive", she told me that she already knew about it but advised me that I shouldn't take matters into my own hands.

Over the next few years, eventually those people who made fun of me have started to change and presently, they are my best set of friends. I've graduated from college already but we're still hanging out. We never even talk about those things anymore.

Anyway, that's quite a long one --- but what I would really like to say is that you don't have to be a bad guy for bullying to stop. You just need to let them know that you're not the right person to be messed up with. As a matter of fact, bullies need help as they are a victim of their own wrongdoings.

If you're being bullied, you'll have to learn how to stand up for yourself. If they speak hurtful words, learn to ignore them; it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The thing is you don't have to let them get to you. There will always be people like that everywhere, what matters is how we deal with it. If they hurt you physically, don't let them get away with it. Do stuff that will make you stronger so you could always defend yourself or run away from them as fast as you can. One more thing - always make friends. Often bullies make fun of people who are alone and defenseless. If you're in a group you will basically be more secure. If things get out of hand, you will always have your teacher, friends and family to talk about it. If you don't do anything about it, you will only attract more bullies and encourage them to take advantage of you.

School is supposed to be a very fun place. There are only a few bad guys in there, don't let those small percentage of waste ruin your school years. Nobody wants to have sad memories of their childhood! :)

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There was one kid in my school who had maaaaajor bullying issues.

Once he pinned a kid against a wall and tried to choke him. Once I knocked down a book on his desk by accident, and when I bent down to pick it up he grabbed my hair and tried to slam my face into a desk.

Ummm what else....in general he was just a hateful kid.

He has no real parents, his mom is in jail, his dad was killed in war or something. He lives with his grandparents who really don't love him.

I pity him because I used to talk to him online and he was very intelligent and funny. Then he started trying to flirt with me and it just got REALLY, REALLY creepy and I blocked him.

Everyone bullied at my school, though. Everyone was tough, we all learned to withstand it.

Bullying exists everywhere.

End of story.

I used to in Grade 4 and 6 but they where pretty silly. In grade 4 this kid named Brandon tried to steal my stuff (and this whole thing started just because of a stupid Pokemon keychain!) and once he and another guy tried to trip me when I was almost off the afternoon bus one day but I just hopped over their legs. :D

In Grade 7, back when I was a huge Farily odd parents fan (can't stand it now) people kept coming up to me and said "Timmy Turner's dead!" but after 2 weeks it stopped after I just said "Yep, he is." because I used to get mad everytime they said it.

People in school do bully me, but not always directly. They just laugh at me saying that "Samara Morgan/Death/The girl from The Ring/The Ring is coming!", etc... Sometimes some popular girls try to talk to me while laughing like they were making fun of me, asking if I ever smile and other stupid things. They used to throw stuff at me too..

Its all because I have long, dark brown hair, I'm pale, never talk to anyone, stay away from everybody, etc...

And I wouldn't even try to talk back to them, because I have a terrible lisp. Go figure.

And I always seem sad and quiet... its because i feel bad near crowd, that's all.

When I was in Middle School I didnt have any friends (for 3 years >.<) because I was poor and kids liked to make fun of me because I didnt know who Brittany Spears was (yeah lol) and didnt have a ton of different outfits. By the time I got to highschool I met some people that I got along with but at this point I was so tired of being alone I approached anyone who was sitting alone or being bullied to join our group. Needless to say our group literally got HUGE. Over 40 people all hanging out over breaks and lunches, and we all stood up for eachother if crap started up, eventually no one tried to pick on anyone in our group. Every year we'd invite new freshmen as seniors left, up until I left.

I had thought the group probably shrunk and faded off, but my brother goes to my old highschool now and told me theres a huge group of weird kids who always hang out and pick up the loners, nerds, and book worms that dont socialize well. Its kind of a silly thing but I am proud we started something like that.

So in my opinion the best way to avoid bullies is to have friends in numbers, you protect them and they protect you. Be confident and dont let them rule your life, these are suppose to be your easiest and most fun years of your life before you get to the drudgery of adulthood, dont let some a** clown take that from you.

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I had been bullied by this one girl on facebook all throughout 7th grade. THANK GOD SHE MOVED.

Right now, I just have people talking behind my back. The usual.

I hate people judging you by what you wear. Okay, I might be a slob and sometimes wear the same clothes for a week (and yes I am a girl... if I was a guy they wouldn't even notice, sigh) but it doesn't mean I am that completely poor. My mom actually makes more money monthly than most in most other jobs, I just don't care about how I look like...

I am a freshmen in high school now and bullying dosn't seem as bad as it was back in middle school but its there because some kids tell me to "shut up" in science but I asked them to be quite ._.. and once some kid called me a cuss word I swear I just wanted to scream actaully the bullying was so bad in math I had to move classes yes thats how bad it was. at least it isnt everywhere you go like it was in middle school....

Personally, I have never been bullied, & I have never bullied anybody, If somebody bully you, calls you lame or ugly, I'm a junior in highschool, & everybodys sort of grown up.. their usually just jealous of something you have, like REAL friends or natural beauty, ...Fake is the new fad, & everyone seems to be in trend. But keep your head up , there's better days ahead♥

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I could not believe it when there was no bullying at secondary school. I mean none. Even no slighty unkind stuff. Nobody whispering about me, inventing imaginary diseases that anyone caught if they came near me, shoving me, tripping me, yelling about how bad at sport I am...people who have been to this kind of place your whole life, you don't know how lucky you are.

I never had any friends until I was 8 or 9, when I moved to my fourth school (if you count home education). The most time I have ever stayed at one school is just under two years, and there was no way I could make friends in that time. But I didn't even know I was supposed to have friends. Even now, I spend free time at school reading, but I consider myself very lucky to have only been teased once about not watching much TV and only knowing the smallest thing about one celebrity.

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