Confession time xD


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I'm a perfectionist, but I'm really messy.

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I like screamo, but I've never told my friends because they think it's trashy.

I had 1025 calories in five minutes. And I didn't make myself throw up afterwards.

I get really turned on when people bite me.

I always carry around this big purse, but the only things that are in it are ipod headphones, random cash, and candy. Lots and lots of candy.

Although I probably should have thought what VeganCheeseburger did was mean, I think it's hilarious. 8D

It happend today;

I was at my friends house, and we were gigling(as usual) and I made the rolling chair I was sitting on touch the wall, and it didn't make a thump. So, a picture fell on my head. A HE-UGE pictuter. I didnt't cry. I am so proud of myself after a picture frame fell on my head.

Sometimes, I eat miso soup even though I'm a vegetarian.

I trust my online friends way more than the real life ones.

I just lost the game. *shot*

My real social life is online. People understand here. They care for you. Unlike certain "friends".

I envy girls with bigger front carriage.

Tamatalk: It's okay, kickthekan123.

*I sniffle and nod*

Tamatalk: Let it all out.

Me: *seems unsure* Okayyyyy...

*Most of the time Im online

*I'm really smart and everything (11th grade reading level, baby! =D) but ditsy. Mom swears Im blond, but Im a brunette

*Sometimes I do hurt other peoples feelings to make myself feel better =(

Me: And then....

Tamatalk: Okay, you can stop now.

Just remembered more!

*I want to go back to school already

*I like Tamagotchis a lot more than I like real people

*I prefer being in areas without people. Someone follows me to an empty room and calls my name. I leave the room, they follow me, and I find a corner to hide in

*I actually am reading books IN THE SUMMER!!!

*I like Wheat Thins with cream cheese

*I try being funny and I fail miserably

*I love Chuck Norris jokes, they are HILARIOUS

I said 'Haha, loser' when I heard about Michael Jackson's death.

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