Confession time xD


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I laughed at Micheal Jackson is dead jokes. 'His family is unsure whether to bury him or put him through plastic recycling'

I laughed at Micheal Jackson is dead jokes. 'His family is unsure whether to bury him or put him through plastic recycling'
I too laughed at that joke ;o I'm sorry...

I confess that NOBODY ,as far as my knowledge goes, understands me. There are two sides of me the one I show & you see and then the one you will nver know. (this applies to people in the real world offline) But, sometimes my virtual buddies actual see the real me speaking(all the time) so consider yourself lucky.... i'm kinda like- :D [i know I probaly flucked up with punct.] :lol:

I fear showers. They're freaky.

So I prefer baths, but mum makes me have showers anyway.

I can be incredibly mean, but I don't show it.

I have to get glasses today and I REALLY don't want to, and I'm never going to wear them. xD Ever.

I admitt that I like Miley Cyrus's songs.

I admit that I love the song lyrics that r in my signature. Its a christian rock song so. :)

I admit that I don't have thatmany friends from school. But some I do have

Miley Cyrus is my idol<3 i love her.

I love n00bs and trolls, they're so cute :3

i'm a troll on yahoo answers.(not saying who)

i love making fun of my boyfriend's ex. she's ugly lolz

Sometimes I feel really bad about myself, and wish I could change.

Sometimes I feel really good about myself, and then feel all snoblike.

[Yes I did just say snoblike.]

I think the guy I like stalks me, (Weird, huh?) I am not sure if my band will get so famous we are on Disney channel and get totally popular, (Popularish, yet an outcast. Freaky, huh?)I have Arachnophobia, I lied to my parents once or twice, (NOBODY knows this!) And I NEVER let go of the person I set my heart to.

I have so many confessions to make which I'm too embarrassed to say.

Some are reaaaally embarrassing, which I wouldn't even tell my best friends :)

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