Confession time xD


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^ :angry: I confess that I really want to know whether or not VeganCheeseburger's avvie is actually her.

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I don't have any real friends in real life. I used to, but now everyone hates me.

I ate over 20 antacid tablets last night and now I feel like puking.

I slept 3 hours today.

I'm going back to bed before my mom or dad wakes up so I can avoid going to church.

I'm tired as hell.

I confess I just told one of the first secrets I've ever told, and mum found out [it was her secret], and now I'm so darn angry at myself. And it's incredibly personal..

Why do I have to be so inconsiderate sometimes

I confess that I really hate unexpected visitors. That means I have to wear my regular clothes, and look good for them. Ick.

I hate making myself look good, so much work.

I confess I find joy in watching documenteries about murders.

I confess I wish there were more crimes in my area because thats what interests me.

I confess that I'm so paranoid that I use about 4 antivirus programs at once.

I'll confess I ate the last cookie!

I'll confess I freaked out my friends plenty of times before lol! (I love you all) x3

- I confess that sometimes I think that things that are supposed to be funny or cool just aren't that funny or cool.

I confess that I don't know Sarah Silverman, though I've heard of her.

I confess that I have never heard of Sarah Silverman. Or have I?

^ Shes so admirable though! I can see me being just like her when I grow up!

I confess that I don't play a sport because I hate being on a team unless its my debate team because they rock.

I confess that I hate musical instruments unless they make loud noises.

^ So do I. Unless its fool proof I hate it. Actually. No. Nothing is Michelle-proof. Not even a triangle.

I missed the triangle in a school production. "Michelle, you can do triangle because its possibly the only musical instrument you can do" And hey! They were so wrong.

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