Do You Actually Like V5?


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i agree with Memetchi_queen four games is totally boring and the traning thing is hard to catch and plus you haave to have another v5 to connect with which sucks cause i have 2 v4 and i like the idea of 3 characters and the designs are preaty cool but overall im in the middle of liking them and disliking them

they're different in two ways: simpler because they dont hav skill points, jobs, etc. but harder, to connect for example. i realy would love any tama u put in front of me, but the v5 isnt the same... but still, i try not to complain with it! i miss getting to name each tamagotchi, i will say that much... i dont regret buying it or anything tho.

I like the v. 5, even though certain features like age and weight are missing. I think the idea of a family makes the v. 5 a bit different, but I also like the challenges that come with caring for 3 tamas at once. I do agree that the two side tamas should be able to do other things in the animations and with using the items, and not always focus on the middle tama. Having the option of choosing one name for the entire family is not ridiculous in my opinion. That's my thoughts on the v. 5 tama.

In my opinion, the v5 is probably the best if you don't have that much time on your hands. After all you don't even need to play the games to keep them happy and healthy because snacks don't add on any weight or you can just use items! Though if you DO have time on your hands the v5 can get terribly boring after a few generations. If you are going to run a v5, I suggest you run it along side another version.

I have four Tamagotchi, a v1, a v3, a v4 and a v5. I didn't like the v3 or the v4 (the games were too long and irritating in my opinion) so I just ran the v1 and the v5 together and I didn't tire of the v5, until I decided to take the battery out of my v1 (it was on 104th generation and I kept worrying it was going to die or break and all my hard work would be erased) and then I got extremely bored of the v5. It felt like I didn't have to care for it really. I just had to check on it every hour and feed it a meal or a snack.

The thing is, if I'm raising just one character on my v5 or three characters on my v5 (not counting parents) there's no real difference in how you care for it or how needy it is. It often did feel like jus tsomething to occasionally check on and feed. I didn't even have to exercise them or discipline them. Nothing.

Deffinatly agreeing with dancinkayley.

They are pretty decent if you don't have much time on your hands.

But other then that:

The V5 was really dissapointing to me.

-No getting no name them.

-No weight or age.

-Can't connect with my other Tamas (since they arnt V5)

- Wheres school and work?

-The middle tama is an attention hog

-Connenecting to Tamatown with V5 just isn't fun.

-I don't get the bonding thing at all. Maybe I'm just dumb.

-The games are boring....


Bandai, you upset me with the V5.


I agree with dancin kayley, too. The v5 will probably get boring once you've gone through a few generations and still want to play with an actual 'virtual' pet. All I really did on the v5 was cheat it. D: I used the codes to get items because the point system was dumb. 100 points for most games, and items cost so much already.

Right now, I'm currently playing with a music star and a tamagotchi chibi running on the side. :3

I like the chibi a little bit more than the v5 because there's no bonding so I don't have to worry about missing training calls.

but the chibi gets boring because it's screen is too small to do anything like play games.

I think the familitchi could have tackled the family perspective differently...there isn't really much to do in my opinion. To use one of the items 34 times for 10% bonding is very repetitive! I was slightly disappointed by the V5. It was plain, I prefer my other tamas. From the complex, attention seeking v4andv4.5, the v5 was uneventful. I do like the designs though. Mine was a limited edition special one that looked oh so pretty. :mimitchi:

I was planning to get a v5, but this topic made me have second thoughts. :mametchi:

Well, maybe I'll buy it anyway. I'll never really know what it's like until I actually try it. :huh:

(I'm planning to collect at least one of each version)

I really enjoy the complexity of the newer versions. I have a problem with my v5s, as they almost always end up Paparatchi family. I believe it is because I don't pay enough attention though.

I like the V5. I like it having no weight, since I don't like playing the games.

Bonding is easy to do, plus it makes a noice.

Also, they will not turn into oldies! Is that good or pitful?

THE v5 IS ..ok. The pausing thing takes too long and your family really does not play with the items. I saved up my GP to buy something i found in the shop, bougth it and it turned out it did the same animation as one I had b4! :( the games dont give u many points and... well i could go on but u get it. I dont hate them its just getting real complicated :(

I hate the v5 because they dont have other connect they only have 4 games and you keep the food? that is not what food does for reel life bottem line.[SIZE=14pt]V5'S STINK THATS RIGHT :D :p :D :p [/SIZE]







I personaly LOVE the v5's. i didn't love them so much at first, but now i'm really into them! Now the tamas don't have to be lonely, and i love the different pure families, and smart, cheerful, and easy going families, etc. I also love all the new characters, including kuromametchi! And the violetchi family! (okay, i'm done raving now :) )

[SIZE=21pt]The V5! Its good cause its easier to get the special characters and you keep the food you buy permanetly. Ya![/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]The music star is not like a pet anymore... :eek: :eek: :mellow: its a diva/pop star inside a egg-shaped house. :mellow: :mellow: no fun. You have to be successful just to get money and to live. You know what I mean? :eek: [/SIZE]

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Personally, I love the V5s! They are very interactive and I like the idea of having 3 Tamas at once! There are so many new characters as well! The Tama&Earth Expo is fun! Ialso like the "Pure Families"! I would give the V5 a 9.9/10 because you keep the items you've used.

The Music Star just isn't a pet anymore.,...but I still like it! I really like the idea of a band and Music City! The Music Star is very interactive as well! The games are hard, it's hard to get food, VERY difficult to get money, and challenging. 9.9/10! (I don't want it to be that challenging).

If you compare them, they are both 9.9/10 so they are equal with 0.1 left to get a 10! They are both good if you ask me. Just a simple comparison.

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The V5 has it's ups and downs just like any other tamagotchi.

Ups- very original and has a whole new concept to tamagotchis, has a larger screen, sometimes raising more than one tama can be a good and fun thing to do, introduces a lot of new characters and games, bonding times stay the same every day, I think the tamas are a little more independent which is good if you have a hectic schedule, etc.

Downs- the screen is really blurry and bad, it can only connect with other V5's and Music Stars, I think the house-antenna thing is big and annoying, the tamas wake up really early, etc.

But I honestly like the V5 and the family idea. I don't think it's my favorite version out of all the tamas but it's definitely one I enjoy playing.

Yes the V5 AND the V5.5 are both great, but they both have pros (good) and cons (bad).

V5 Pros: Very good fact of raising a family is great. TONS of new characters. Can connect with the Music Star and V5.5 Celebrity. Tama&Earth Expo is fun and very interactive. The game itself is interactive. They make a "Beep" when they poop. 5 hearts instead of 4. Bonding. Family name (for some people). Nice games. Tons of codes and cheats, and the "Pure Families". And finally, pets that have pets.

V5 Cons: Family name instead of name (for some people). No names, age (but you can track it), skill points, and weight. Very different from the older Tamagotchis (for some people). Not that ordinary. Only 2 games that you'll get tired of until the 2nd Generation. The middle tamagotchi (oldest) hogs ALL of the attention.

V5.5 "Celebrity" pros: Still keeps the Family feature. Tons of new characters. Introduces Gotchi King, Gotchi Quenn, Princess Tamako, and Princess Tamakoko as characters you can get. You can now go to the Celebrity Cruise Ship. Bonding, Family name (for some people). Codes depending on characters (for some people)

V5.5 cons: The point where they start turning into divas/popstars (not comparing to the V6 "Music Star"). No pets in the "Pure Families". Too many new characters (for some people). Not very original. No names, age, skill points, and weight. Characters might look a bit weird to you (because they are new). Codes depend

Just a Pros and Cons view. Hope I helped! :D :furawatchi:

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