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Thankyou for the compliment, RS. :D

TamaMan: If you find this topic 'interestingly' personal, then you shouldn't read it. By the looks of your name, I'd say you are male, so what are you doing here anyway? :(

i started 1 day b4 my birthday(i was turning 12 duh)and i thought it would like make me explode or somthing... :D

I got mines about a year ago, at 11. Im 12 now, a Year in March, I didnt tell my mom until sometime in the late school year last school year. I had one during a huge assemble, we had to wear our school shirts..... XP

I was 11, and I stil lam 11. It just started 3 months ago.
11-14 Seems to be the norm for your average female to start her period; Although once she reaches 18 and still hasn't started, she should consult her doctor. She could have a problem with her menstruation system.
omg i'm 11 too is it freaky having ur periods . i dont want my periods i'm scared.

my grandmother had her periods when she was 19 , i know weird. :D :(

For some reason,when I try Tampons, It makes my period heavier,I think that im poking something That I shouldn't ><And unless you are a very heavy bleader,then maybe Tampons are best,But Ive never heared of the Blood missing the Pad :D

-fp :(
The only time I've had blood miss the pad was when I was laying down or if it wasn't placed quite right x.x' Othertimes they've been okay, but I don't use them because they make me feel dirty.

I was 11, and I stil lam 11. It just started 3 months ago.
11-14 Seems to be the norm for your average female to start her period; Although once she reaches 18 and still hasn't started, she should consult her doctor. She could have a problem with her menstruation system.
Well ther isn't really a "normal" age. If you get inbetween 8-17 then you are normal. 11-14 is only the average age.

Well ther isn't really a "normal" age.  If you get inbetween 8-17 then you are normal. 11-14 is only the average age.
That's sort of what I meant, I guess I could've worded it better.

Bunny: They are nothing to be afraid of. I was very scared about getting mine, but once it happened, I realized there wasn't much to it; Just a little extra responsibility in your life.

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I got mines about a year ago, at 11. Im 12 now, a Year in March, I didnt tell my mom until sometime in the late school year last school year. I had one during a huge assemble, we had to wear our school shirts..... XP
wow..u had to wear a skirt on ur period!!!???wer u ammbarassed?i would b!!!!!i ha to wear a pad for a whole day in school!!(thankfully the hours ar: 8:30-1:30) ;)

I need help. I got my period this morning and i havent told my mom yet. I don't know what to say. what should i do??
no worries u should just simply tell her!i got mine rite b4 my b day and i told my mom.

just say you need to talk to her ALONE and then ull her away from anyone around. then just wisper it in her ear. then make sure you tell her to not scream in joy or have a party

For some reason,when I try Tampons, It makes my period heavier,I think that im poking something That I shouldn't ><And unless you are a very heavy bleader,then maybe Tampons are best,But Ive never heared of the Blood missing the Pad :mimitchi:

-fp :)
Are you sure that your period is heavier? Perhaps you are not using the correct absorbancy of tampon. There are a few different types, just like with pads. If you are using a low absorbancy it may appear that you are bleeding a lot because they tampon doesn't have the capacity suited for your flow.

And yes... blood can miss the pad... that is why they invented tampons. Physical activity and wedgies can often mean a pad is not where it should be and therefore blood doesn't go where it should! :furawatchi:

but what should i say???

~Reanna & Melody
The truth is always good... Take her to the side and say it in whatever way you feel comfortable with...

e.g. I have something to tell you..

I found something in my underwear

I'm bleeding from "down there"

I've started my period

I've got that thing that women get now

Something has happened to me "down there"

The more upfront you are, the easier it will be. If you go to subtle and she doesn't immediately understand then it may turn into a bit of an embarassing guessing game.

My discharge has become a lot heavier lately. It has also turned light brown. It is shortly after my second period but It is normally yellow or white never brown. Is this normal or should I speak to my doctor? I am really afraid to have my doctor examine *gulp* down there...

My discharge has become a lot heavier lately. It has also turned light brown. It is shortly after my second period but It is normally yellow or white never brown. Is this normal or should I speak to my doctor? I am really afraid to have my doctor examine *gulp* down there...
Your period is not like a tap. It doesn't just switch of nicely when it is finished. Picture it more like a wet tea towel. When your first hang it out, it runs continually. Eventually is slows down to a drip and these drips get longer apart until it doesn't drip at all. Your period will act the same... so even though you may think it has finished, it will continue to throw out a few drips for a few days at the end.

This is the most likely rasons for your brownish discharge. :) Also remember, after you've had your first period, then your discharge will become heavier as it comes in tune with your menstrual cycle.

Give it a few days and you should find it will go away of its own accord (the brownish colour that is).

If it doesn't, keep an eye out for signs such as itching and redness, abdominal pain, foul smelling discharge (not the regular smell - a really bad smell), overly lumpy consistency and a green or strong "cheesy yellow" colour. If you find these symptoms you may then need to see a doctor.

However, as I said, the most likely cause for your concerns is recent onset of menarche and your period not actually being entirely finished! :lol:

I personally havent yet (im 11) but if you must know speak to yuor mum im sure shed be happy to answer ur questions.

Thank you


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Your period is not like a tap. It doesn't just switch of nicely when it is finished. Picture it more like a wet tea towel. When your first hang it out, it runs continually. Eventually is slows down to a drip and these drips get longer apart until it doesn't drip at all. Your period will act the same... so even though you may think it has finished, it will continue to throw out a few drips for a few days at the end.
This is the most likely rasons for your brownish discharge. :D Also remember, after you've had your first period, then your discharge will become heavier as it comes in tune with your menstrual cycle.

Give it a few days and you should find it will go away of its own accord (the brownish colour that is).

If it doesn't, keep an eye out for signs such as itching and redness, abdominal pain, foul smelling discharge (not the regular smell - a really bad smell), overly lumpy consistency and a green or strong "cheesy yellow" colour. If you find these symptoms you may then need to see a doctor.

However, as I said, the most likely cause for your concerns is recent onset of menarche and your period not actually being entirely finished! :)
ur really smart!!!!how can u b 11???....u ar 11 rite??

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