Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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Friday, Feburary. 13th

Hey guys,The Draco's are still teenagers.Sorry I didn't post,I just find it hard to keep up with daily entries lol :lol: .


There bonding went down to 20% so I have to fix that and other than that nothing else much happened...So sorry this was a RELY short post I promise from now on I won't misso ut on a day! later guys so sorry!

Saturday, Feburary. 14th

Yay! The Draco's are teenagers,here is what they are:


Angela is an Itchigotchi

Bubba is a Kikitchi

Lady is a Chamametchi


I am so glad to have another Kikitchi,this is only my second one out of 9 generations :p .My brother got his third Nonopotchi yesterday and it made me eager to get one.*sigh* I have to wait for next generation as I am aiming for Glassitchi and Chandelitchi.


If I get another Memetchi this generation I won't morph it into Antoinetchi.I can't wait to get Kuromametchi,I think when they are all adults I will marry Bubba to a Memetchi so I can get the low Active parents,how cool,I can't wait to get a Mememamatchi,I haven't had one in ages.


I also got the Draco's bonding to 30% and I have been letting them play with a few items,which they seemed to enjoy.


Hope you enjoyed the entry,later people :) .[/code]

Monday, February. 16th


The Draco's are adults W00t! here is what they are:


Angela is a Memetchi

Bubba is a Kuromametchi

Lady is a Chantotchi


They morphed quickly,they have 50% bonds and I am glad to have a Kuromametchi,they are so cool.I'm going to let Angela,Bubba and Lady talk to you now,hopefully it dosen't get out of hand as usualy XD.


Bubba:Hmph,Kuromamaetchi's don't talk to anyone.

Lady:They do to,Mister!

Angela:Bubba,there is absolutely no need to act selfish.

Bubba:I'm not selfish...I just don't like being happy,it's in my blood.

Lady:Angela,theres no point in convincing him,lets go somewhere else.

Angela:OK,Bubba when we come back I expect you to act like a normal person,and be cheerful.

Bubba:Hmph,You'll never get me to be happy and act "normal".Be gone sisters...


That was a wierd conversation,poor Bubba wants to act like a true Kuro and not talk and be social but his sisters think otherwise....


C'ya later guys!

Tuesday, February. 17th

Good afternoon TT'rs.I hope you had a great day :D .


I spend this morning getting the triplets bonding level to 100%.When I press "C" it sort of looks like Bubba has a cape XD,I don't know what that thing is behind him,though.


I can't believe I haven't morphed Memetchi yet,I thought I was gonna get to excited about seing her evolve and give her the chest but I didn't,and it's going to stay that way,so Angela has nothing to worry about :D .I wonder what the tama's are up to...


Bubba:So,are you girls going to tell me to act "normal" or what?

Angela:No bubba,we decided that we can't change your personality.

Lady:Yeah,besides,even if we did you woulden't listen to us,so you can do whatever you want.

Bubba:Thank gosh,now I can finaly be grumpy!

Angela:*sigh* whatever,bubba...


Yay for Bubba lol :) .I have decided so far that I will get the Rock City design for the Music Star but that may change,I want it to be Feburary 28th already so it can come out!!


Later guys,realy hope you enjoyed the post.

Wednesday, February. 18th

The Draco's should be able to marry late this afternoon or tomorrow.I can't wait to get a Papakurotchi :p .After a few generations,I am going to aim for the other families like Papara,Modelu etc. I think Modelu looks realy wierd but Towertchi looks cool.


I also want to get the Space family,I think Jewel and Jewelboxtchi are way off the whole Space concept though lol.I mean,Jewelboxtchi is just wierd lol.Anyway,Jeweltchi looks awesome,lets see what the Tama's have to say about Jeweltchi!


Angela:I'll say it's an awesome Tama! am I gonna be a Jeweltchi?

Bubba:No,you're not the one getting married and you have reached your final form of evolution,haha! I used lots of big words.Beat that Lady!

Lady:According to the corriculum of your expanding evolutionary process you can't morph according any higher.Did I beat you bubba?

Bubba:WOW,that didn't make any sense!


I can't wait for the Music Star to come out! everday it gets close and closer...I'll just have to wait.C'ya

Friday, February. 20th

Hi guys,I married Bubba to a Memetchi and they had three children:here is what they are and there names.


Belltchi(First Child)-->Angie

Ahirukutchi(Second child)-->Tiger

Tororotchi(youngest child)-->Lily


OK,they have 40% bonds and I am aiming for a Glassitchi and it's getting realy annoying getting always female first childs :D .I played a few games with them today and won all of them XD.I didn't post yesterday because I have lots of homework and stuff.


C'ya,hope your looking forawrd to tomorrows post!

Sunday, February. 20th

OK,you have every right to be mad at me for not posting but I had a party to go to :D .


Nothing exciting has happened with the little pests(Joking,haha :lol: ).They should morph maybe today or tomorrow.There bonding is 50% now and I realy want to make that 70% by the end of the day.I'm so excited about getting a Glassitchi because almost everyone that lives near me has had one exept me :eek: .A Tama my brother realy dislikes is Anesantchi,I don't see how that is a bad character,it's so big lol.


I just realized that I hardly ever play safe box or jewels anymore,wish is a sad thing because jewels is realy fun=].Still,I always let angie,Tiger and Lily play with a lot of items so i'm guessing that makes up for it :mellow: .

Monday, February. 23rd

Hello,the date I have been doing at the top of my posts were wrong so today is the 23rd.


The Draco's STILL aren't teenagers :( .I reckon as soon as they wake up tomorrow.They have been doing fine and the other day they got a toothache which was my first one in the V5 and V5.5,poor guys.


Today was just a short post :lol: .

Tuesday, February. 24th

Good afternoon peeps :( .


Just like a few minutes ago the Draco's called for training and I refuse to give it to them because I well,you know I want a Glassitchi.I discovered...OH WAIT!! SILLY ME! I forgot to mention there teens! oh yeah,they morphed this morning, Angie is a Shelltchi, Tiger is a Nonopotchi(WOO) and Lily is a Chamametchi.


I'm glad I got another Nonopotchi and it's good to have another Shelltchi.Lily is probably going to evolve into a Rosetchi which is cool because me and my bro love them.


Let's listen to the tama's talk,shall we?

Lily:Stardom! i'm a Chamametchi!

Lily:Anyone care?

Tiger:Not realy,I wanted to be an Awesome-Stuck up tchi...

Angie:Theres no such character dude...


XD,they get wierder every time,LATER PEEPS.

Wednesday, February. 25th

Today was a fun day :p .I played lots of games with the triplets and i'm sure they realy liked it.They are probably going to morph into adults tomorrow.


Just something I want to mention,in a book I have written every Tamagotchi i the V5.5's logout code for 1000GP.So if you want to know your characters code,just ask me. :D


It's so cool how in the Music star you get to name them with 8 characters instead of 5,I can finaly call mine Thomas XD.


My favourite Tamagotchi of all time in the V5.5 would probably be Magicthci,Pharoahtchi or Rosetchi because there cool characters,oh and Nonopotchi and of course CHANDELITCHI.


Hope you enjoyed the post,the Draco's are fine ;) .

Thursday, February. 26th

What up peeps.


Today they sadly did not morph into adults.I will bet anything though,that as soon as they wake up tomorrow I will hear the "tingle" and they will evolve :mellow: .I am so impatient because the Music Star comes out in 2 days!!! I don't know when i'm getting it though,I think Easter at the latest.


The Draco's have had 999999GP for a while,I realy need to get them some more things,but you know one thing? there GREEDY.Hehe...joking!

Friday, February. 27th

The Draco's morphed,w00t


Angie is a Chandelitchi

Tiger is a Glasstchi

Lily is a Rosetchi


They have 90% bonds and i'm going to marry Angie to a Mametchi because I realy want a Papamametchi.I realy want a Gulasantchi too,but that will have to wait.


I got there bonding up pretty quick.I did it this morning before school,wow.I almost have had every character :wacko: .


I'm so happy it's the weekends,have a good one :wub: .

Saturday, February. 28th



[SIZE=8pt]Finaly,I think I have waited long enough.I'm getting one for Easter and tomorrow I THINK my mum will take me to look at them,possibly I could layby a Rock City one.But then again-the designs I want aren't always there.[/SIZE]


Enough about me and my impatience for the Music Star ;) .The Draco's reached 100% bonding this morning and they are always hungry :eek: .I think they may be able to marry tomorrow,Angie is so excited! she eagerly awaits her marriage to a Mametchi.


Ima go look at the V5.5 chart because I forgot some of the parents you can get XD.I am also in the mood for reading some good logs.

Sunday, March. 28th

Hey guys,it's a new month-the month of the Music Star haha! I wish it was! I don't get it until April :p .


I woke up this morning and i'm like "Cool! i'm gonna marry Angie to a Mametchi!!" and all I got was a crazy old hag screaming at me.Believe me,it ain't the first time <_< .


So,I haven't been able to marry Angie since,which is extremely irritating.A few minutes ago,the Draco's parents were sharing a meal together,Papakurotchi looked like he was enjoying it,haha.


I haven't played any games with today,AND I haven't bought them anything in a while but that will all change very soon.

Wednesday, March. 4th

Please don't be mad at me for not posting,I have been very busy with outings and stuff.Anyway,I married Angie to a Mametchi and here is my new family,there the active family:




First born: Mousetchi*Ron*

Second born: Sakuramotchi*Angel*

Third born: Mattaritchi *Bob*


OK,I don't know wether this has been found out yet but it's pretty cool.OK,it seems when I marry a female character,I get a boy as my first child,and,if I marry a male character I seem to end up with a girl as my first child.I hope i'm on to something here. :mametchi:


I looked at the Music Star Character chart on TZ and they have some snazzy characters.If I get a girl,I may aim for Kunoitchi or Mimitchi(haven't had one for AGES) and if I get a boy I want Gozarutchi,Togetchi or Androtchi because I have NEVER had one of them-peace out! :rolleyes:

Thursday, March. 5th

Hey guys.I'm listening to Flo rida's new song and let me tell you-it's catchy! you spin my head right round right round! XD.


The Draco's are geat-they got 60% bonding and are looking good :D .They aren't teens yet,which is dissaponting.I can't wait for the Music Star to come out,I honestly can't.I love the feature how when you marry another Tama they stay with the baby!


I'm aiming for Magictchi this generation,and if I get one it will be the first time I have actualy seen one on a Tamagotchi,no joke.

Saturday, March. 7th

The Draco's became teenagers yesterday,Ron is a Kikitchi,Angela an Itchigotchi and Bob became a Nonopotchi.


Well,they have 70% bonds and are the active family.It's good to get a Nonopotchi.I am so looking forward to there evolution because I will finaly see a Magictchi and I think then I will have achieved almost ALL of the characters.


...And I played some games with them,I played tennis with Ron but he lost,so Angela won for him.


Thats all,folks.

Hiya :eek: .


Ron,Angela and Bob already took a shower and their getting ready for bed.They haven't started yawning yet,though.


I'm going to marry Angela to a Magitchi or Kinbatchi so I can have pure active parents,the Queen bee and Maharajatchi.On Generation 13 I will have my 4th Gotchi King family,I will have achieved all of them different combinations them.I just need to marry a Rosetchi to Prince tamahiko,then wala!


Tomorrow,I will purchase them some stuff because they have been very good for me. :eek: So far,I would have to say my favourite character I have got now is Bob,because you can't go wrong with Nonopotchi's!


OK,you probably think "what's with him and Nonopotchi's?" well,it's the first ever penguin TEENAGED Tama(I remember Billotchi from the V3.) and I just think that's a cool idea :D .


-Good night guys!

Sunday, March. 8th

Hiya! the triplets evolved,here is what they are:


Ron is now a Magictchi

Angela is now an Anesantchi

Bob is now a Glasstchi


I'm so happy I got the characters I wanted :mimitchi: .It looks so wierd when Angela and Ron are together because Angela is bigger than him! poor Ron,a girl is taller then him,XD.


I think it's awesome how Ron has a nest on his head.It's funny how the little bird moves with him.



Tuesday, March. 10th

Hiya guys! Terribly sorry that I didn't post the other day.Anyway, the triplets cannot marry yet so not much has happened.


Like I promised,I purchased them some items,I got a Scone and a Billard table.They seemed very happy with there new things.


Just now,I tried using the Dating Show but got rejected,Angela will just have to wait a bit longer. ;)


I got a nice email from Rainbow Cat commenting on my log,thankyou so much.I am so glad this log has become so succesful :( .
