Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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31st of March, Wednesday

Before I start logging, I just want to say sorry that I have not posted for a while, I was just excited about the holidays and I am even more excited about this friday when I get PKMN Soul Silver. Holidays rock!!!

Tamagotchi version 2

Greg became a Violetchi this morning. I really wanted a great care character but I am not dissapointed because I rarely get Violetchi's and they are so cool. I guess he should of weighed more, like 40lbs. It's also cool because Violetchi is my first tama on the V2 that is not horrible care, lol. Here is Greg!

Greg: Oh you're joking! You woke me up again?! Just to talk! Fine, but this better stop soon. Yeah, I am a girl tama, a Violetchi. I feel very special thought because I am a perfect care tama! Now please let me sleep! Hopefully the next time I chat with you will be when I am wide-eyed and bush-tailed.

Tamagotchi Version 5.5

The Sauce family are now teenagers! Tororotchi became an Itchigotchi, Mousetchi became a Kikitchi and Belltchi became a Shelltchi! They have 80% bonds and now I can get the highest possible characters for the active family. They just stopped yawning. I really should get the money codes so I can buy them some more food. :)


Memetchi got all her TaMaToMo letters. My Tama's on the iD always seem to get their "Mo" when I press a button, wierd. I married her to a Kutchipatchi and they had a baby boy! He is paused (time screen) now but I really want him to become Gozarutchi!

1st of April, Thursday

Hey guys, my iD died and I got so angry because I was on a good generation! I just got a hammer and smashed it. I'm done with it now...


April Fools!


Sersiouly though, I am going to put my dear i>D away for a while because I want to raise my V3. I am going to reset my V2 and my V3 but first I will do the V2. I set the time and date and now an egg has appeared. :) Another little boy, I named him Paul. I am off to play with Paul now! When he becomes a tot I will reset my V3. I'm going for average care this time. Here is Paul to speak to you.

Paul: Waaahhhhhhhh! I'm so hungee and so saddy! I wanna go back to being in da eggy! I dun wanna he here!!! Noooooooo!

Yes, I have to put up with THIS^

EDIT: Paul evolved into a Hitodetchi. I'm keeping him on pause until I activate my V3 (Won't be long.)

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I have some bad news. I placed a battery in my Tamagotchi V3 and it did not work. I thought the V3 was broken but it seems I have had the battery for a while and maybe it got to much fingerprints on it. I disposed of it and took out the batteries of m5 V5.5 and put them in my V3 and it is working fine.


I guess I will just have to make do and ask my mum to buy some batteries when she gets back from work. Anyway, I have yet to set the time and date. Username? How about Alien. :blink:


A boy? Nope, I want marriage! Another boy? C'mon girl! Another one, GRRRRR! A GIRL! My hard-earned, baby girl will be named Olive after Olive from Little Miss Sunshine, which I am going to watch right now.

Hiya! Olive just evolved into a Mizutamatchi. I connected Olive and Paul together and they played this eating contest game and Olive won.

Tamagotchi Version 3

I just fead my sweet Mizutamatchi Sushi for dinner. She weighs 15lbs and has one empty happy heart which I will fix up right after I flush her mess. Yay! She won a round of Bump! Poor Olive just lost to a Nikatchi and her heart didn't fill up, fine Olive. We will play Get.

Olive and Paul are both two faces in the friends list. They both beeped for attention at nearly the same time and they both needed a time-out. They both have 2/9 training bars. Hopefully tomorrow we can raise that. :blink:

Since I have not paused Olive today, she should become a teenager tomorrow around 12:00PM. I can't decide between the Sleep Trick and pause, usually jumping on my trampoline helps me think. Hrm....Maybe I should do that after this.

Tamagotchi Version 2

Paul is doing great. I like how I got Hitodetchi and Mizutamatchi because I think they look similar to each other. I used to think that Mizutamatchi was the upgraded version of Hitodetchi, lol. Now I no that they are two different characters.

I also purchased Paul a hamburger that he can eat for dinner tonight. I got him a treat because Olive stuffed her face with apple pie (I think it was that.) Hitodetchi is such a cute character. :D

Paul: Hewwo! My name Paul an I amma Hitodetchi! Me be big stwong teenager tomorrow so den I can impress Olive. Shes so nice to me! She gave me some food and I ate it stwaight away. I also gave her a flowa!

Herro! My name Olive and I am...Mizutamatchi! Me have slightly betta english den Paul, me think. Anyways, tomorrow we will be teenagers! Yays.

3rd of April, Saturday

Tamagotchi version 2

Hiya guys! I spent yesterday playing Pokemon Soul Silver and I took my Rattata for a walk with my Pokewalker and I caught a Wobuffet! My brother caught a Magby. Anyway, I was surprised to see that Paul had evolved into UFOtchi! I have not had it in a while so I am very happy.


Paul has 5/9 training bars and he currently needs a time-out but I am not going to give it to him because I think 5/9 should get an average character. I am starting to think that tamagotchi's call out for attention at certain times because Paul and Olive always call at the same time. Paul weighs 55lbs and is 1 year old.

Tamagotchi version 3

I am so proud of my little YoungMametchi right now, yup, thats right-Mizutamatchi evolved into YoungMametchi! Have not had that character in a while, either. He won Bump this morning because he weighed 60lbs+ and that makes me proud (Not the weight, being the champion of Bump :) ). I managed to get him down to about 55lbs. The Tamagotchi's want to talk to you now.

Paul: I am a UFOtchi now! I look a bit like an adult Tamagotchi! I am so happy to be this character. What about you, Olive? Do you like being a YoungMametchi?

Olive: Yes!!! I want to become a pretty Mametchi. Do you think I'll become a pretty Mametchi, Paul?

Paul: (What?! She doesn't know that our dads trying to get us to become average characters? Was she listening, or did she forget? Hmmm...) To be honest, I don't think you will, Olive. (What?! I need to put it this way. I c-can't just lie to her, that would be wrong! I hope she takes it okay...)

Olive: W-why not? *sniff*

Paul: (Thats it. I'm not going to upset her. Olive's to pretty to upset.) Well of course you aren't going to be a pretty Mametchi, Olive. You're going to be an absolutely beautiful and lovely Mametchi! (Hehe, you got the stuff, Paul)

Olive: Thanks so much, Paul! You are so sweet! I hope you become whatever character you want to become!

7th of April, Tuesday

Hello guys! Sorry I did not post for a while, I have just been having a lot of fun with my Pokemon game. I have some news about Olive and Paul. They both became Violetchi's!

Tamagotchi version 2

Violetchi is a pretty good character-I am not that annoyed to of got her. I am not going to use the sleep trick anymore because I think when they sleep it counts as good care. I just got Paul the shop codes and I really like the costumes but I will save them for now. It is quite difficult to imagine Violetchi as a boy. :ichigotchi: Paul is 5.

Tamagotchi version 3

Olive also woke up to become a Violetchi. She is 4 years old and I got her the shop codes, as well. Olive and Paul are both 4 hearts on friends list but they are to young to marry. I don't think I have had a Nazotchi marriage before. There is a first time for everything!

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9th of April, Friday

Tamagotchi version 2

Paul married Olive! They were both 5 years old and they both had baby girls. Paul is now 6 years old and weighs 42lbs. Paul's baby is named Ruth. I don't know what I want her to become yet. I know its early, but I like to know early so I know what care to take.

Tamagotchi version 3

Olive's baby is named Sarah. I am really hungry so I'm going to eat breakfast now, bye!

10th of April, Saturday

Hi guys! I took my V3's batteries out because I am going to raise two Music Stars!!! It is just so fun and I love it. There is plenty to do with them. I will still be raising my V2, though.


Currently I've got a baby boy named Guy, which was my Shimashimatchi's son, my Shimashimatchi was named Ben. So he has 0 in all skill points. I'm going to raise him as soon as I have a shower. Then I will raise Charlie, Guy's brother.

11th of April, Sunday

Paul left poor baby Ruth last night. I have never made it to generation 2 on a V2 so this is realy exciting. I am having second thoughts on the two Music Stars idea because while it is fun, they are a lot of work. I don't know which tama I should raise...maybe v5.5?

15th of April, Sunday

Tamagotchi version 2

Hi guys! Sorry I have not posted in a while. Ruth ended up becoming a Kinakomotchi (I think thats what they are called) and I have never had that toddler. Now she is a Young Mimitchi which is really cool. She is still asleep. Rut his 1 year old and weighs 50lbs.

Tamagotchi version 5.5

These guys became adults yesterday morning. Itchigotchi became Princess Tamako, Kikitchi became Kinbatchi and Shelltchi became Gypsitchi. They are looking at a bunny with 2 eggs. Guess they are still with the Easter spirit. :)

16th of April, Friday

Sorry about the date of my last post, I posted the wrong date again. :blink:

Tamagotchi version 2

Ruth is just bouncing around, she has two empty hunger hearts and weighs 55lbs. I really want her to become an average character. If I get a perfect character I won't be as dissapointed because the even generation perfect characters are excellent-and at least I will know that it has to be care misses if this does not work. Ruth has 3074P.

Ruth: Hi guys! My name is Ruth! You probably know that, its just that I have not talked on here yet because someone *glares at Gotchi Guy46* is obsessed with pokemon. Humph. Anyway, those triplets are mighty fun to play with but I don't think that Gypsytchi likes me. -sigh- Oh just to point out something, Gotchi Guy46 spelt Gypsytchi "Gipsitchi" yesterday, so he needs to work on his grammar. Au revoir peoples!

Tamagotchi version 5.5

The triplets are going good. I really like having a Kinbatchi because this is only my second one. I am going to marry my Princess Tamako to a Tamastatchi so I can get a Gotchi King family. I am even thinking of raising my v5 alongside my V5.5 because they are so much fun! Maybe a hatch? Hmm...What does the future hold...

Gypsytchi: Hey guys! Remember how a while ago when we were toddlers when Mousetchi said he never wanted to talk to us again? Well all I have to do was say sorry and give him some of Gotchi Guy's easter egg! Sure he chased me around the house and threatened to swap me for a puppy dog but it was worth it! Wasn't it, Kinbatchi?

Kinbatchi: Yeah, and I already finished it! Quick thinking when you tripped dad over with a broom! Haha. Speaking of being dad, we gotta talk marriage! Oh, but he is selecting Princess Tamako, isn't he?...

Princess Tamako: Of course, I am elegant, smart and beautiful. Which Tamastatchi would not want to marry me? Besides, We do need 100% bonding for it to work anyway. We do, so I am so excited!

Gypsytchi: Otokitchi always yells at us whenever we go to the Dating Show, anyway. She's so horrible. PT, you better stop big noting yourself or I will sabotage your wedding. You would not want that, trust me.

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26th of April, Monday

Okay guys, I just want to apologise for not posting for so long. I have gotten some fan mail from a certain member and that just made me think "I want to make my log even better!" So I will try to post more often, its just that I learnt how to make stop motion animation videos and I have almost got the hang of it!

Tamagotchi version 2

Ruth is 2 years old. I have had her on pause. She weighs 57lbs and has two empty hunger and happy hearts. She has also done a poo, which I will not flush for a while because I am aiming for an average character.

Tamagotchi version 5.5

The triplets got married! I married Princess Tamako to Tamastatchi with 100% bonding and now I have the Gotchi King family! When I press C they all jump about and Gotchi King is wearing sun glasses.

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Hey guys. I will be resetting my V5.5 this Friday or Saturday because I think I could of spent more time with it and just want to have a better time with the first generation. So right now Ruth is all by herself and she is 2 and I am going to play some games with her right now/

30th of April, Friday

Well, my tamas have still been on pause for a while. I am going to reset my V5.5 tomorrow because I just want to relax today and that is something I can look forward to. I also saw the new iD designs and that makes me want to raise mine...That will be pretty soon, I hope. :p

9th of April, Sunday

Happy Mothers day guys! :) I apologise because I have not posted for a very long time. Well, this is what has happened so far...I have been keeping the V5.5 and V2 on pause because I have just had alot of other fun things to do.


Though, I took the batteries out of my V5.5 because I shall be raising that later. I am going to do a V5 hatch so you guys can waddle over to the Group Hatches and check it out :p .


My V2, Ruth, was not paused for one whole day because I forgot. I felt so bad. Luckily she did not die but I did get punishment-she became a horrible care character, Gozarutchi. I like Gozarutchi though because I do not get them often. I just took her off pause now and I am feeding her. Poor girl. I am going to play some games with her to chear her up but before that she wants to chat with you.

Ruth: Hi guys! I am a ninja! My owner says he really likes it when I eat because he thinks I have funny looking teeth! I am not mad at him because he has had other things, like Halo: Reach and that can get really addictive and it is the best game out there, even better than Final Fantasy. Yes, maybe he did pay me to say that but its not the point...I love my owner and he is going to make it up to me, so see ya! Go check out the Group Hatches!

11th of May, Tuesday

Sorry, last post I put the date as April instead of May. :) Ruth has been doing great, something amazing happened! Ruth was a bit heavy and I was playinf a few fames with her. I managed to stock up on some points and baught her a soda. When she drank it she lost 30lbs! Now she is 20lbs. What an amazing item! :D

I have only got one participant for my Hatch, Samtchi. I hope you guys can go over there and check it out. It will be really fun. Hatches always are, and the V5 is a fun version to hatch. So please go over there and check it out. B)

Ruth: Hey guys! I am feeling as fit as a fiddle right now! I lost plenty of weight and I am so, so happy! I am still 4 years old which my owner forgot to mention, but I am not surprised. He once forgot to pack his lunch for school but we won't talk about him because he might take away my food priveliges. I will talk to you guys again soon! I am really, really tired. I usually go to bed at 10:30pm though, which annoys Gotchi Guy because he complains that its "Not fair because he has to go to bed earlier" Which is good because then I can steal food while he sleeps. Later guys!

14th of May, Friday

Guys! Guess what!!! I learn from TamaZone how to take good quality pictures of Tamagotchi's! I am so happy thanks to much TZ! I will show you them.


Playing Jump!

I am really looking forward to the V5 group hatch tomorrrow. Only two members including me are in it, though.

16th of May, Sunday

Ruth's wedding

Yup, Ruth married. She had another darling baby girl and her wife is called a MaruMimitchi. She is now 7 years old. Thats all I have for now, Ruth will chat to you tomorrow about her new life with a child. :)

22nd of May, Saturday

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I was just having fun with Pokemon-I am currently up to Gym Leader Clair. I have a Meganium now. Anyway, please welcome my V5 to this log now!

Tamagotchi version 2

Ruth is with her baby Sue at the moment. She is a little unhappy at the moment but a few games of slot will fix that. She is not in a talking mood but she is so excited about tonight. Why? Because we get to stay up later than friday and watch a movie. Boo-yah! Me and Ruth had an argument because she complained that now she has a child we will need to start watching G-rated shows. :unsure:

Tamagotchi version 5

These guys are tots. They're called the Milo family and the eldest child is a Mousetchi, the middle child is a Tororotchi and the youngest is an Ahirukutchi. They have 50% bonds which I got on thursday. They will also chat with you tonight, maybe even join Ruth and Sue!

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