GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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I checked on Rosie cuz she was beeping and I saw that she had a poop next to her and she was crying like mad. I cleaned up the poop and checked her stats and saw that she had lost 2 hungry hearts and 1 happy heart. I fed her one snack and two meals. Then I praised her and she stopped crying like mad. The way Kinkamotchis do their sad face makes it look like they are crying like mad. I was looking and I felt bad for her. It looked like she was going nuts. If you guys have ever had a Kinkamotchi I think you know what I mean. So I was quick to praise her. Then I played lots of games with her and now she is at her base weight of ten pounds.


Emmy beeped and I looked at the message and it said NEW FOOD IS AVAILABLE. I went to the General Store and saw that it was Angel Food cake. So I passed. I only buy that when it's Nice Drops.

Ruby and Rosie are fine.


I was just playing with Rosie. I've formed a really tight bond with Rosie. I will be extremely sad when she has a baby and she leaves it. I hope she turns into a Mimitchi. That is like the only character I get. Oh well. I still love her.

Ruby is fine.

Emmy is fine. I think. I don't know. Let me go check on her. Maybe not. She pooped. I cleaned her up. Let me check her health. 100% Good. Before it was 80% I need to feed her. Her hunger went down to 88 percent. OK. Got rid of my last Garbage Bar by feeding that to her and now her hunger is up to ninety-one percent.


The matchmaker just came for Ruby. She was matched up with a Tsunotchi and she had a boy. UGGH! ANOTHER BOY!!! I wonder what I'll name him. I hope he evolves into a Wooltchi.

I haven't been playing with Emmy for a while. I think I'm going to now. I want a GigaPets Hamster so I can get the T.V. explorer to play with. If by a sudden miracle I do get it, I'll name my hamster either Hammy or Leah. Not that it's ever going to happen though. :lol:

Rosie is fine. She already has three training bars. She doesn't lose hearts much. She's a good girl, you could say.


Rosie just beeped. She was hungry when I checked her stats. I fed her. The attention icon was still highlighted. So I had to give her a time-out. I felt bad because I had to watch her cry. It looks so miserable when you watch a Kinkamotchi cry. But after that she didn't lose any happy hearts. Probably because I've been playing with her.


Just read your log again. Same comments, IT IS SO COOL AND FUNNY!!!!!. I hope you can check out my log and comment in there. Thks!!!


LOL, thanks! I've checked out your log! It rocks. I love how your tamagotchi's life was. Very interesting!

I've fed Emmy Nice Drops and she has 21 pitchforks now!!!!!

Rosie evolved into a Young Mimitchi!

Ruby and unnamed baby boy are doing fine.


Rosie fell asleep with a poop next to her and two hungry hearts missing. So I just woke her up to fill her hearts and clean her poop. Now I need to put her back to sleep. BRB.

OK, I'm back. So now Rosie is asleep for the night. Good. One less Virtual Pet to worry about later.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!

Emmy's asleep now. She'll probably be up any minute to tell me she's tired. That's just one thing I don't understand about GigaPets.

I have to get off the computer now, so,

MORE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rosie is a asleep.

Emmy is fine.

I made Ruby leave her baby, which I named Derek. He's still a baby. He should evolve in like ten minutes. I hope he turns into a Tamatchi. I'll post more when Derek evolves.


All my tamas are fine and my gigapet is fine too. Derek's batteries went low again today so he'll be evolving tomorrow instead of today now. UGGH! I need batteries!


Derek evolved into a HinoTamatchi yesterday. He's cute. He's two now. Rosie is still a teen. She would have evolved yesterday. But I accidently pushed the clock button when I saw her evolving. So she should evolve sometime tonight. Probably into a Mimitchi. There's not many characters to get. Oh well. It's a good thing Mimitchis are cute.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rosie evolved this morning while I was sleeping. I heard a beep, the evolving beep but I thought I was dreaming so I didn't get up. A little while after that I went to take care of Emmy and looked at Rosie because she was awake. She had evolved!!!!! Into a MEMETCHI!!!!!!!!!! :lol: She is so cute!!!!! I'm really happy because I thought I would get a Mimitchi like last time. Now to get something different on odd generations.

Emmy is in school. She has ten pitchforks because I got her Nice Drops again. I went to the Wishing Well and sold lots of the stuff I got and Emmy now has the maximum amount of bucks, 9999 bucks!!!!!! Like tamagotchis.

I've been playing with Derek and he now weighs 56 pounds at the age of two. He's fat.

Sorry if this log is getting boring. I can understand because there is nothing about a v4 in here. I don't have a v4 but I'm going to get one soon. So keep reading this log to see when I get it. It may Christmas and it may be after Christmas but I know eventually I will get a v4. I don't want to lose all my fans. I WILL GET A V4!!!!!!!!!!!!

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!

Great log Gotchigirl961 I feel like I'm the only one commenting your log. o_O [SIZE=7pt]I know this is random but your karma went up lol[/SIZE]

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LOL, thanks.

I think I'm going to keep *takes bite of pie* Derek at 7 bars of training and keep his weight high and then maybe he will turn into a Wooltchi. I don't even know if his character can turn into it. We will soon find out. I hope he turns into a Wooltchi.

Rosie is fine. Just cleaned up a poop. She's so cute!

