I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Ok,Ill go with that!! :)

"Its Mari,If I haven't mentioned it before,Not Marie,M-A-R-I.As in Mars,without an 'S',and the I makes an 'E' sound. Mari"She took a bag of peanutes out of her pocket and began chewing slowly.

Yogurt, don't post posts that simply ask a question that is out of character. It can be considered spam and it annoys me very much. If you don't know the time, look back a few pages, people usually hint at the general time of day.

Well, if I did my math correctly, it should be about nine or ten-o'-clock at night.

Alysson waited patiently for a reply from Eric, assuming that he was trying to think of a time. She raised a hand to her mouth as she yawned, it was getting rather late, and she was always one to naturally fall asleep sleep at about ten p.m. and wake up at about six a.m. .

Jesse yawned and said, "Man, I'm beat. And Eric's couch is calling my name. Well, g'night Mari. I don't know if you'll want to stay after I go to sleep. I won't really be good company or anything." He chuckled humorlessly at his joke, sitting down on the couch.

Lucy, of course, remained fast asleep, able to sleep peacefully for the first time in what seemed like months, maybe even a year. The feeling of security she gained from being around Asher was a strange one, but it definitely was nice. She murmured softly in her sleep, but the words were unintelligible.

Eric said, "Honestly, any time you're up to coming over, would be fine with me. I have nothing to do tomorrow, which is great. So, if you want to, you could drop in early, or wait until later. Whatever fits you best." He grinned, turning and walking out the door. "You don't have to give me notice! Just drop in! It'll be like a surprise!" With that, he darted home, not exactly sure if he should trust Jesse in his apartment.

I only have time for this post. I need sleep before tomorrow.. Dx

Asher hadn't been used to the constant noise and light pollution of the city after living in a place so remote all his life. That night, however, it all went unnoticed. He woke up the next morning feeling more alive than he had in a long time, even more since before he'd moved. He stayed still to make sure he didn't wake the still sleeping Lucy in his arms.

Alysson smiled at that and watched him until he ran out of the building, which was when she stepped back inside her warm apartment, closing the door behind her after scooping her cat back int her arms. She tiredly dragged her feet to her room, flopping onto the bed and pulling the covers over her nimble body.

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"Night"Ill stay,but ill find somthing to do,instead of staring at you while you sleep"she started whistling a toon,to silent night.

Sorry,I had to do somthing....Im sooo sad!!D:

I am also on team Jasper,or Team Dr.Cullem.

Mari wrote a letter to her dad.


Lucy woke up, and quietly climbed out of bed. She smiled down at Asher, then went into the kitchen. She started fixing breakfast, humming quietly. She had always been an early bird.

Eric was still fast asleep in his room, snoring quietly. He, unlike Lucy, always slept in late. It was probably because he did a lot more than she did during the day. He was more active.

Jesse was still sprawled on the couch, half hanging off of the bed. He rolled, and landed on the floor, but still remained asleep. He looked ridiculous.

Team Jasper all the way! <33

Jackson is amazing. He plays guitar as well as being gorgeous xD

Asher continued to sleep, totally unstirred by her getting out of bed. He was generally used to working at late hours, simply because he preferred painting at night than at any other time, and then sleeping for longer in the mornings. And so there he stayed.

Alysson looked at her alarm clock and nodded, it wasn't too early and it wasn't too late to go visit Eric now. She had already gotten ready the hour before and she had been waiting for the right time to go since. Quickly, she left her apartment building and entered the park.

Mari had fallen alseep while standing up,still asleep she twitched and fell on Jesse and shreiked scrabling to get up.

Jesse woke up, and pushed Mari off of him. "What's the big idea!? Yeesh, a guy can't get a decent sleep around here." He got up, and went to the kitchen. "Hey squirt, what are you making?"

Lucy said, "Eggs. And if you don't like it, you'll have to go somewhere else." She continued cooking, humming happily.

Jesse said, "Well... I guess I can stomach that. Is Eric still in bed?"

"Yes. He always sleeps in late, didn't you know?"

Indeed, Eric was still out cold. He slept like a log.

Asher woke up some five minutes later, and completely forgot where he was for a moment or two, considering Lucy wasn't there, not much served as a reminder. He sat up in bed before getting up at last, and heading through into the living room, running a hand back through his hair, which had been in disarray. He noticed Jesse and Mari first, before finally seeing Lucy in the kitchen. "Morning," he said as he came in, smiling sleepily.

"IM SO SORRY!I tripped and fell and I couldn't get up,and I tried and,,,im just really sorry."She got really silent.

-survived Violin lessons- -w-

Alysson walked up to Eric's apartment door, humming softly, though she stopped when she knocked on the door. She wondered if she had come too early and he was asleep, but oh well, she was here now and she already knocked.

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