Marukaite Chikyuu


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America nodded. "If I said Good Day Mate, it sounds funny" he chuckled, before nodding at the offer. "I'll try get the others there too"

"That's great! Bye everyone~" Exclaimed Taiwan. "We'd best be on our way to the bus stop, we don't want to miss the bus. We'll be at our Hotel if you need us."

Alfred trudged into the house, and walked up to Quade and Arthur. "..Is there any way to make you not hate my guts?" he asked, shoulders. Quade grinned. "Don't punch him"

England turned to America, glaring. "No, you stupid hamburger freak!" He turned and stormed into the housr, scowling and deciding to ignore the fact that it was America's house anyway

/. Argentina is also a really good tango dancer (It's a pastime in the country)

Alfred gaped. "I-Is he really mad at me?" he asked no one in particular, but Quasde scoffed. "No s**t sherlock" he mumbled. Armando looked from around the kitchen doorway. "Want me to find him?" he asked, but picked up his stuffed tomatoes anyway and set off.

(I'm back, guys, and ready to RP again!)

Country: Liechtenstein

Human Name (if said country has none, make one up): Lilli Zwingli

Gender: Female

Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): 16ish

Personality: Lilli is a mature, very polite and humble girl, who doesn't act very much like a teenage girl. She is rather quiet, and doesn't really go out of the house much without her own without her "older brother", Switzerland. She is into arts and crafts, specifically, sewing.


Allies: Obviously, Switzerland. She doesn't really have any other allies though, as she's a neutral country like her brother.

Enemies: Neutral.

Friends: Switzerland, but really nobody else. But she can probably get along with other nations.

History: Lilli became a county in 1806. She was doing fine up until WWI, when there was a food shortage, so she fell into poverty. She was near death, but Switzerland saved her, and she began to slowly recover. Now she is doing fine, thanks to financial help and other help from her brother, Switzerland.

Other: N/A.

(I'll make Romano later)

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China sighed, he has to go and meet Taiwan and Philippines at McDoodles (?). Unless he wants Taiwan to dislocate his arms.

America is really unhealthy China thought as he glanced around the kitchen. There seemed to be an endless supply of Spam, Instant Noodles, Chocolate and other Western food.

Argentina stalked backed into the kitchen, after finishing his food. He gave a small smile to the other country. "Hey China" he greeted, exhaling. "You sick of all the same foods in the cupboards?"

Aroha frowned. "Nice going Alfred. Now, can I crash here?" she asked, and Alfred gave a mere nod. "Sure.." he mumbled, staring at his feet.

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Country: South Italy (Romano)

Human Name (if said country has none, make one up): Lovino Vargas

Gender: Male

Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): 22

Personality: Romano is very kind to women, but extremely rude to men (Like Germany) He's a lot tougher than his aloof brother, but he's still sort of a coward. Romano is a potty mouth, who tends to talk in profanity. He loves eating pasta, and tomatoes.


Allies: North Italy, Spain, Japan(?) and Belgium

Enemies: Germany, basically any of the man countries because he doesn't get along very well with men due to his rudeness to them.

Friends: His brother, and... Spain? Maybe Belgium, since i checked the wiki and according to it they get along (As older nations, so not from the whole chibiromano arc).

History: Romano spent the first part of his life as a free nation, until the the Italian War, when HRE and Austria claimed Italy. Because he was a such a pain to raise, Austria gave him to Spain to raise. There, he stayed for a long time, beating up Spain and having to work for him. Finally, in present day, Romano is simply just living on his own.

Other: Not much else. Tomatoes!

Switzerland had told Liechtenstein that he was busy, and couldn't go shopping for dinner with her today, so he told Liechtenstein had to go on her own. After the usual speech about being told to come back in time, not to talk to any strangers, and to call him if there was an emergency, Liechtenstein stepped out of the house, and then began to walk towards town.

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Anyway.. prepare for a giant paragraph? i.. i don't know anymore guys ; n ;

New Zealand flipped some hair from her face. "Guys. I'm going out. Try not to have too much fun without me" she farewelled, giving a wave and ducking out. Making her way onto the streets, she stuffed her hands into her pockets. Whistling a happy tune, she pondered. 'I wonder if Australia's mad at me..' she thought. 'And Argentina, Canada, Tonga and Japan'. She saw a somewhat familiar girl, young, with cropped short hair sporting a bow tied in. She raised an eyebrow. "Wasn't that Switzerland's sister? But I thought she always went with her brother?" she mumbled questioningly.

Lilli continued to walk, oblivious to New Zealand's gaze. She began to hum a song, and then when she made it to the store, she went ahead and headed straight to the produce section. She picked up carrots, potatoes, and apples, as well as other fruits/veggies.

Romano was busy eating tomatoes and raging about Germany who he hated. "I wish that potato *^&*(*( would stay away from my brother!" He bit into a tomato, sending juice flying.

(XP Terrible posts, couldn't think of what else to write)

(lololwhereisromanoanyways? Okay, I'm gonna cave and like, make a new character soon. Then he can be angry at england and you'll never know who he is yet.)

New Zealand shrugged and wandered off. Entering a random library, she sat down and pondered. "What could Liechenstein be doing? She's ALWAYS with Switzerland" she mumbled. "Aye, 'ta girl got le' off" a strong voice commented, and there was the overpowering smell of cigarette smoke.


(I think I know who that is. And romano is on the street somewhere complaining).

Lilli continued to put things into her shopping cart, stuff for dinner like cheese and milk. Finally, she began to head towards checkout, and then she purchased her items. She exited the store, shopping bags on her arm, and began to walk away from the store.

(who was it then? c: )

Now just for a completely pointless post;

New Zealand raised an eyebrow. "But Switzerland's so protective of her"

Country: South Korea

Human Name: Im Yong Soo 임용수

Gender: Male

Age: 15 or 16

Personality: Korea is a very free-spirited. He always claims credit for others' inventions, and feels that his older brothers should call him their older brother.Though he is fundamentally serious and likes to put the family first, he can't keep his hands off his brothers.



Allies: China, Taiwan, America, New Zealand, Australia, France

Enemies: not sure

Friends: China, Taiwan, Japan, Argentina

History: ...

Other: S Korea is obsessed with video games, dramas, studying abroad and the internet. He often uses phrases like, "Da-ze!" or "Uri nara mansae!"

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Country: Scotland (okay i seriously don't know now)

Human Name (if said country has none, make one up): Ian Kirkland (ahdkjdfjik i deyed)

Gender: uh, no one actua- Male

Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): Over ni- About 28.

Personality: Scotland's kind of like your annoying older brother. Will tease you to no end, sometimes he's immature, even though he's the oldest out of his brothers. He shows hatred towards England, but is friendly towards his former colony New Zealand


Allies: Ireland, Wales, England (unfortunately), Slightly New Zealand, Slightly Argentina, Australia

Enemies: uh, he has small grudges against england and argentina

Friends: wales, ireland, scotland, loch ness monster, New Zealand

History: no.

Other: he smokes a cigar. all the time.

England had been reduced to curling up on America's couch, shivering and still muttering "Hamburger...freak..." He kept one hand pressed to his nose, trying to stop the bleeding. "Alfred, the painkillers aren't working!"

America frowned. "Well of course not. Why don't you just go to a doctor or something?" he snapped. New Zealand peeked her head around the door. "You're not going to like this one bit, sorry England". She gave a nervous smile, and pushed the ginger haired man into the room. Scotland smiled at his brother, lighting up a cigar.

France had died for a short period of time, but he miraculously came back from hell and appeared next to America. (lolwat)

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