my super ultra


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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I thought it would be fun to make a log but I'm new to this thing so I'm gona make mistakes.


I'm on my second generation of mt V4 tamagotchi and it is sky blue with cluds near the top. It also has sunflowers in the middle and bottom. And the top of the little antanna is yellow and the buttons are pale yellow. (I also have a "Gotchi Points" bag as a keychain!)

so right now at this very moment my toddaler boy tama named Poe is asleep. The type of tama he is is called a Petitchi. He is missing one hungrey heart, one part of training, no skills at all, is 1 year old and weighs 61 pounds, and I have 1837 points.

welp, Poe is awake now and JUST evolved into obotchi I think. But now he is back asleep :mametchi: zzzz now I have to find out when V4 teenagers wake up.


he never went to pre-school :ichigotchi: but he's onley 1 year old soon to be 2. Aww! all his little classmates will think he got held back!! :mametchi: poor Poe!

PS: I may log my 2 V3's but I will inform you all if I do

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My Tamagotchi onley spent one day in pre-school and he was a teenager! Then he got letters and he got to go to schoool. Something wierd happend and i got to choose the teacher I wanted! I chose the theacher that looked like a flower.

I was too busey to look after my tama because I took a walk with my friend's dog and her. But he had no happy or hungry hearts full. So I just fed him snacks and meals and then i had to cleen up the 2 poops he made. But before that, he was doing some sort of "happy" dance :wub: . But when I cleened the poop up he stoped. I also had mail but it was just a fortune but that can wait. :)

now Poe is sleeping and it's 10:18. here is my tama's status:



training: ••••

skills: 0 0 0

age: 2

79 pounds

2nd generation

1837 points

mabye I'll try to have no skill points at all and onley go to school once :) I wonder what'll happen :D

Poe is finally awake and I fed him some bred this moring. He still has just one happy heart not filled in.

a few minits ago I got mail. It was points from the king. He gave me 200 points, Poe and I were very happy :rolleyes: . i also let him play in his playhouse this moring and he had fun :D

Poor Poe, I had to put him in a Time Out because he called for attedntion when he was perfectley fine. So then he cried ;-; but now I have 5 training points! :( yay! Poe still has no tallents and weighs almost 99 pounds.

Nothing much is going on with Poe right now.

Poe was crying earlier so I quickley praised him and my training bar is going up and up and up! Poe and I just got back form Tama Town and he got a piece of candy from there. He was happy and ate it all up ^o^

He is now officially 99 pounds!!!! And I'm not proud of it!! But I am going to see what happens.... tune in next day or so when Poe turns into an adult!

I bought a chest and poor little Poe turned in to a baby!!! :eek: Poe then was confused, scared, then angry! Then he turned back to normal and all his happy hearts were draind :D this has happend to me before though, and sometimes you get good things! :(

I just got mail andI will open it.... aaaand it's a FORTUNE!!!! here's what is says:

points- =☻☻ heart- ☻☻ buff dude- ☻☻☻

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So Poe now is still asleep and I will have to take him to school. Hope I won't get caught!! :)

Goon news!!!!! Poe has finally turned into an adult!!! (oh and luckley I didn't get my tama taden away at school!) The kind of tama he is is.... :D GOZARUTCHI!!! :D but, I was hoping for a new V4 character :D maybe next generation hopefully!

So Poe and I are in the process of finding him a job. I hope I don't get the job of a baker because I already had that job (and I don't find it very fun).

Poe gave his parent a call on the Rare Cell Phone thing and here's what came up on the converstion:

first there were just a bunch of dots (I am assuming just chatting) and a few times the parent said: "ok." and "Bye" and there was one time when there were just to hearts that probably ment they love their son :ph34r: lol . Also, some wierd faces showed up too,

these are what they looked like:




(- _-)

(- _-;

(' . ')

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I've gotten the [!] letter 3 times and my tama still can't seem to find a job. :D :hitodetchi: :lol: Maybe not ever going to school has something to do with it...

PS: here's today's fortune:

points- ☻☻ heart- ☻☻☻ buff dude- ☻☻

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Poor old Poe still has no work! :D but FINALLY!!! he's 6 years old!!! I'm gonna enjoy my last moments with poe and call the matchmaker by switching the time (hope it works)! say goodby to Poe everyone!!!!!!

3...2...1!!!!!! aaand.............. yay!!! there she is!!!! wait a sacond.... she left?? I DON'T GET IT! lemme try again... (sorry folkes)

5....4...3...2...1.....uhh, all I got was mail. A ROBBER!!!!!! wah. :eek: he took 300 points!! boo hoo :blink: :( ;_;

I'll try again and tell you if it works!

THERE SHE IS!!!! and She brought the dinasour guy to marrym my little Poe. *sigh* i'm s-s-sooo HAPPYYY!!!!!!! *sniff* ahem.. so.. IT'S A BOY!!! woopty dooo!

so tonight, Poe will be leaving :huh: and he never had a job ;.; because he never had any skills *how sad*

I just go mail from the king, he left me a present..... It's another boquet!! How wonderfull. I'm going to use the ring he gave me during school, let's see what it does... I have got to say, that's one HUGE ring!! It's the size of Poe!!. Well, all poe is doing is admiring it's beauty. Pretty worthless. Finally he's done.

I've been trying to find some names for the new baby but I found one here

So Poe finally found a job today!!! He counts people on busses. But toinght is the night he goes ;.; *sniff* ok everyone!! I am about to set the clock to 11:59 ok everyone!!!! say goodby to Poe!! ;_; :eek: :mellow: :eek:

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Tubsey is a child and is going to pre-school!!! I'm so proud! :D So now this is my 3rd generation of my V4

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tubsey turned in to a young B) <-- one of those!!!!!!!!!!!! yayayayay!!!!!!!!!! I am happy about that. He's reaaaly cute and is going to school already. But saddley, suring school, he got a snake in the mail '~' poor Tubsey was offended and cried and drained all his happy hearts ;.;

PS: I mated my 2 V3's and it was very exciting!!!! I should mate them all the time! They were both girls!!

I finally figured out how to find the whatever in the box when Tubsey goes to school. he has 3 sparkle points and 11 flower points but no pencil points ^_^ . he will soon though!!!

We just got mail!!! It's from the king and it's aa............... PRESENT!!!!! and it's a big pencil! yay! thankyou king!!!

a while ago i bought maracas from the shop! I can't wait to use them when Tubsey is a teen.

and now, here is the new FORTUNE OF THE DAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

points- ☻☻☻ heart- ☻☻ health- ☻☻
