Raindrop High


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Xavi looked at Skye, not knowing what to say. She was beautiful. Trying to play it cool, he just crossed his arms , and looked at the girl they were talking about.

Alexis turned around and walked to Iza, "I can hear you. And if you wanna know what's good for you, I'm more of a Northern Goshawk, you know, the one that kills people?"

Fizz wobbled slightly after clambering on the board but managed to get across. She held up her arms in a V position, grinning at Ash. Ash nodded, climbing up and tiptoeing across. This was easy for her, she was very light-weighted. "Yay!" she cheered.

Alexis was about to walk away, before saying, "sorry. I have a quick temper. Please don't let my threats ruin our chances of being friends or anything." Alexis turned back and showed her happy little face, "no hard feelings right?"

September 16

Iza felt hungry, and before she could say anything Skye said, “She means 'No hard feelings.'”

Skye turned back to Iza and they started reviewing test problems.

“Oh, I have to walk across. I'll be in your team.”

Skye climbed onto the board and walked gracefully across, her long hair trailing behind her.

Xavi continued to stare at Skye, not knowing what to do or say. "who's she?" Xavi asked Iza.

September 16 Wednesday

“Skye Luminato, she's a 'seductress' so I'd suggest you fall asleep so you can forget about her. It won't be easy, 'cause smiles and laughter can charm anyone immediately when it comes to Skye. We used to cut off the rose heads of neighbors and mess with the gardens and get in trouble when we were little, but Skye always charmed our way outta trouble.”

Skye looked at Jet and smiled, why she did it, she didn't know. Skye ran back to Iza.

“Next is, uhm, Math?”

“Tommorow, Thursday, no Extra Activities. How are your grades?”

“Not doing homework!”

Iza slapped Skye lightly.

“Gonna charm your way outta that?”


Just nodding, Xavi looked at Skye. He wondered if her powers would work on him.

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ooc: srry if i take a long time to reply, remember i cantt takw the 3ds everywhere and it takes loong time tobtype on 3ds srry for typoes too

September 16, Wednesday

The bell rang.

“Oh, it's Math.” mumbled Iza.

“I'm ditching!” Skye declared, and ran out the gate and turned left. Iza watched as the girl ran back home.

“You'd better come back for break,” Iza mumbled, giggling as she ran to her class.

Iza sat at her desk, repeating the multiplication table to 100.

Iza secretly took a cookie out of her pocket and hastily ate it, using a napkin to wipe the crumbs off her face.

Xavi took his seat in the back and began the test. He had finished quickly, so he went to the bathroom and teleported home, where he quickly changed shirts. He then teleported bak and ran into the classroom, curious if anyone would notice.

What's the point of changin shirts lol

September 16 Wednesday

Iza heard the bell ring again.

“Skye, you'd best be here!”

Sure enough, Skye was smiling, waiting for Iza to finish class.

“Hey, Iza!”

“What's for lunch?”

“Hot dogs, leftover pizza, and some chicken wings.”

“Cookies for me!”

lol, idk. I guess he just wanted to see who would notice.

Xavi took a seat in the back off the lunchroom, eating his lunch slowly. He felt his phone vibrate, and pulled it out. After reading the text, he looked all nervous.

Xavi didn't want to tell her, so he just said, "Oh, it's nothing. Just found out one of my old friends has come to town." Although it didn't give much detail, it was the truth, for the most part.

Skye smiled and ran into the kitchen. Iza gave her 2 dollars to purchase lunch. Skye, hungry, ran back and sat down next to Iza, who was going nom-nom-nom-nom on her cookie.

Skye ate quickly but gracefully.

Xavi looked down at the ground uncomfortably, now worried about the person who was coming to town.

Alexis walked in, on earth, she wasn't being herself. She was acting like a peppy cheerleader when she usually tries to kill everyone. Which she can't do, but still. Alexis sat on a table, not eating any of the the food in front of her.

“Cookie, please!” said Skye, smiling. Skye always smiled unless crossed, uncomforted, or concerned.

“That'll be 1 cent!” said Iza, handing her a cookie.

“1 cent!? You're KILLING me!”

Skye and Iza both laughed at their little joke.

“Extra activities! What are you choosing?“ asked Iza, brushing hair away from her forehead.

“Swimming!” they both said together.

“Who are you planning to seduce this year?” Iza asked, trying hard not to laugh.

“Jet Rose,” Skye whispered, with a serious smile. Her blue eyes glimmered with exitement.

“Good choice,” mumbled Iza, “as always.”

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