rjalda100's Virtual Zoo - a V2 Log (with photos)


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Hello, I'm back! Kizzy and Paul evolved into adults about an hour ago, and once again, I can never explain how I get the adults I get. Kizzy shocked me because I was positive he would become Mametchi. I mean, I took basically perfect care of Young Mametchi, so that would be the logical evolution, right?

EEEEEEK I GOT PYONCHITCHI! I've wanted this character ever since I found out he was available on the V2. I could never figure out how to get him though. It took me 17 generations, but I finally got him! I'm so happy now, he's just adorable!

I still don't know what caused him to turn into Pyonchitchi rather than Mametchi. The missed training opportunities, maybe? I don't know, but new adults are always welcomed.

Paul evolved at the same time as Kizzy, and his evolution is a little baffling for me. I'm happy, though! Remember a while back when I said I'd love to get Pipotchi because it's one of my favourite characters on the V3? Well...

Paul the Pipotchi - it has a nice ring to it, I'd say. I THINK I can explain this one. I took perfect care of him, but a few times, I forgot to turn the lights out at night. I think that's why I didn't get a higher rank character.

It does feel odd having a male Pipotchi. Look at that closeup - he looks SO girly. He's cute though. I've been having fun playing around with all of his items to see the different animations - I always do this when I get an adult I've never had before. (I've had Pipotchi before but it's literally been years.)

Doremi the Ringotchi is still the same. I think she'll be reaching adulthood on Saturday. The care I've been giving her has been so-so - I haven't been neglecting her too bad but I haven't really taken perfect care either. We'll have to wait and see what this results in.

Playing with her ball (left) and her plush toy (right)
Doremi says hi!
I like her closeup animation - it's cute! Considering that the only other tama I have with Ringotchi as a character is the V2, I've never seen her close up before. She looks happy!

Jiro evolved this morning (okay, so I may have hypersped him a little), and there isn't any surprises here. He's now a Hinotamatchi!

I'm trying to take good care of him because I don't want another Masktchi. He already got sick earlier, although one thing I've noticed is that the Plus tends to get sick sometimes for absolutely no reason (I've read other posts confirming this, so it isn't just me). I hope that's not the reason I keep getting bad care adults on this version.

Last but not least, Ilse is still with us at the age of 110! I overslept this morning and both her hunger and happy hearts dropped to two full. Whoops. Other than that, she's been doing really well.

Left, she was having a bread eating contest with Kizzy. Right, she was having a visit with a newly matured Paul. She lost the game (as she usually does, poor thing), but I think her visit with Paul made her feel better.


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Hello, I'm back! This log entry is going to be quite picture-filled, since Kizzy and Paul are now in that stage where they're adults, but not yet old enough to mate, so I just post a bunch of photos of them doing random things. Oh yeah, and someone else decided to evolve right after I started typing this entry - more on that in a moment.

Kizzy says hi!
Having a bath (left) and feeling like royalty (right).
Wings (top left), Wig (top right), Weights (bottom). He looks quite girly in the wig!
I'm sure Paul wouldn't want his brother to be stealing the spotlight here, so here he is!

Bath time!
I think the wig is my favourite (top left)! He looks like he just touched an electrical socket.
He's so cute! Both of them are. I say this every time, but I'll definitely be reluctant to marry these two off. That's why I'll be spending the next few days just enjoying them!

Okay, onto Doremi. I didn't think she was going to evolve until tomorrow since she's only four. I thought this was going to be like the Tamagotchi Plus, which reaches adulthood at five. Nope. She decided to evolve right as I started this log entry. The photos I'm posting depict her as Ringotchi, but she's now...

...MEMETCHI! Actually, I expected that. I didn't expect Ribotchi because I accidentally let her get sick twice. Whoops.

I'll post some photos of her as Memetchi tomorrow. I really like how that left photo, the one of her brushing her teeth, turned out. For whatever reason, the right one turned out blurry.

Jiro is still the same. I accidentally aged him one year yesterday but it's not a huge deal.

I will probably hyperspeed him to make him become an adult tomorrow. I'm not that optimistic since his hungry hearts ran out all the way yesterday and he's been sick twice. His weight is also abnormally high (99lbs). Maybe I'll get lucky and get Hanatchi instead of Masktchi. Anything but Masktchi and I'll be happy.

Today has been yet another good day for 111 year old Ilse. She had a go at some sprinting this morning:

Evidently, it's not her thing. Poor girl.


Hello, I'm back! Kizzy and Paul have been paused a lot because of work, so they haven't gotten the matchmaker yet even though they should have today. I actually don't mind - I mean, I got two of my most coveted adults in one go, so I'd like to keep them around for a bit. I think they'll be marrying by tomorrow though.

I've seen Kizzy doing that little Easter animation several times now. I've yet to see it on my V3, but I don't see why the V3 wouldn't have that animation, so I assume I'm just missing it. At least Paul looks cool in his shades.

Doremi reached adulthood a couple of days ago but I don't think I ever shared any photos. Like I said, she became Memetchi, which I'm pleased with.

Those closeup photos have got to be some of the clearest Akai photos I've managed to take. Window lighting really is great, isn't it? Doremi came to work with me last night, although she's been paused for a good chunk of the day today. I don't know when the matchmaker will visit her but I'm not in a hurry because I like Memetchi a lot.

Jiro's paused now because I got batteries and I'm going to be starting my +Colour again. My prediction in the last post I made here was correct though.

My attempt at good caretaking failed, but Hanatchi's cute at least. I like his closeup, even if he kind of looks like a pig. One weird thing: I've never been able to get rank 4 adults on any tama except the V1. On the others, I always either end up with average care or horrible care, which is why I haven't had Hanatchi on my V2 or 3.

Ilse's still here at the age of 113. She almost fell asleep with a mess beside her last night (I was at work and could not check on her), but I caught it 30 seconds before she went to sleep. She's never gone to bed with a mess beside her, and I didn't want to make that a first. Other than that, all is well with her. Here's how she feels about being almost 114:

Yup, she knows she's the coolest tama ever!


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Hello, I'm back! Kizzy and Paul both got married this morning! Kizzy married a nice Kuchipatchi - the matchmaker never brings high rank characters, so I couldn't say no!


He ended up with a little girl, who I'm thinking of calling Libby.

For the next generation, I'm thinking I should try for Marumimitchi - I haven't had that character in ages! Not since generation 4, and I'm going onto generation 18 now. I think it's worth a shot.

(If you go back and read page one of this log, you can read about the Marumimitchi I had! He was adorable!)


For Paul, the matchmaker brought along a Tsunotchi. Really not the best mate she could have offered, but I couldn't be bothered to mess with the clock. So I guess I'm bound for the bad care teens next generation (I might get Nikatchi, so that's a plus!).

He, too, ended up with a little girl, who I'm thinking of calling... actually, I don't know.

I also don't know which adult to try for this generation. I probably won't get Pyonkotchi if I end up with a bad care teen (which I 100% will). I suppose I'll just let this tama surprise me, as it always does.


Nothing is new with Doremi yet, as she hasn't gotten the matchmaker. She should be marrying very soon though - I reckon by tomorrow, she'll be a proud mother.

Ojitchi came along with a balloon to purchase, and Doremi couldn't resist. Doesn't it look like fun?


Yesterday, I mentioned that I got more batteries and intended to start up my +Colour. Well, I did exactly that. Oriana the Marotchi is back in action!

(Argh my sizing got messed up again!)
She's not very good at golf, but can you expect that from a tama who hasn't got any arms? Also, she's actually eligible to marry today, but I haven't married her off yet. I'll probably do so tomorrow. I'm really really really hoping she has a boy for once - I really want Kuromametchi!


Ilse is still sticking around at the age of 114. She'll be 115 later this evening. The 23rd will mark four months since I hatched her - it's really hard to believe I've had her that long.

By this point, it's safe to say I'm attached. Not even sure if that's normal xD. Maybe it is, since after four months it would be difficult not to get attached. Either way, I'm super glad she's still doing as well as she is.


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Hello, I'm back! I've sort of changed up which tamas I'm running, because five was way too much to handle. I deactivated my +Color and Akai (sorry if you enjoyed reading about those ones. I'll run them again when I have time), and started up one new tama - my P2 which I got today. More on that in a moment. I've also got one more addition to my collection coming - I already spilled the beans in the Discord chat, but I finally got my hands on a decently priced V4. The seller's located quite close to me as well, so I should have it soon!


I didn't have time to log yesterday because of work, but Kizzy and Paul did leave their babies last night. I started raising them when I got up, which was at 7AM. Still following with the alphabet name theme, Kizzy's daughter was named Libby:

For the first hour of her life, she just did regular baby things: eating, pooping a lot, napping, etc. I did the best I could to care for her. At 8:00AM, she evolved into Kuribotchi:

YAY! Two Kuribotchis in a row! I always seem to get Kinakomotchi, who I do like, but Kuribotchi's really cute! For her teen stage, I'm really hoping for a Hinatchi this time. Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, I haven't had Hinatchi in quite some time, so I'm not sick of him anymore. He's actually pretty cute. Second, it's really easy to get Marumimitchi from Hinatchi, since he can't become Mimitchi like the other teens can.

If that doesn't work, I've also successfully gotten Marumimitchi from Ichigotchi (that was on generation two, which I didn't log here). I've not succeeded in getting him from Young Mimitchi yet - I'm sure it's possible, but it's probably harder. Rambling aside, I'm just trying to take perfect care. Training is currently at 6/9. Weight is at minimum. Hearts have never dropped below three full. That's how I always used to get Hinatchi in the past, so I hope it works.


At the same time, 7:00AM, someone else was born too - Paul's daughter, who I named Shea.

I decided to try something with Shea. I knew she'd become one of the "bad" toddlers, because her average-care dad mated with a Tsunotchi, a bad-care adult. The only toddler I've not had on this V3 is Mizutamatchi, one of said "bad" toddlers. Since I always seem to get Tamatchi when I take good care of the baby, I decided to give her some neglect. It did work:

I actually really like Mizutamatchi - she's so cute! For her teen stage, I think I've already said this, but I want her to become Nikatchi. I love Nikatchi, and I don't even know why. On odd generations (Shea is gen 7), Mizutamatchi can only turn into Nikatchi or Pirorirotchi, so there's a 50/50 chance of it happening. I hope it does!


Okay, onto my new tama. I was out running some errands this morning, and when I returned, there was a package waiting for me! It was, of course, this:

I'd been looking for this P2 shell for a while, and I finally found an affordable one! As I've said before, I love translucent shells. Plus, I didn't have any yellow tamas in my collection yet, so I thought that would be a nice touch.

It all started with an egg:

Five minutes later...
Shirobabytchi! How adorable!
All grown up! (Well... sort of.)

I still don't know which adult I want to go for. I'm pretty sure this is the version with Nyatchi on it, so I'm debating on going for either him or Mimitchi.


Last but not least, you probably guessed it. I still have Ilse running. She's 116 now, although she'll be 117 in about an hour. If I wasn't logging her, there's no way I'd ever be able to keep up with her age.

It was a nice, sunny day, so she felt like hanging out by my window. I never post pictures showing her shell, even though I like it a lot, so there it is!


Hello, I'm back! First of all, my V4 shipped out yesterday, so I should have it soon. Yay! I've decided I'm going to deactivate my V3 in order to run it - I'm keeping my little limit at four running tamas for now.

Second of all, I've got some evolutions to share with you. Libby and Shea evolved this morning at 8:00AM sharp. Apparently, Kuribotchi actually wakes up at 9, so I had to change Libby's clock.

The last photos of them as toddlers, sleeping with their favourite toys.
I took good care of Libby to ensure that she'd become a good care teen. It paid off, as she's now Ichigotchi (yeah, I wanted Hinatchi, but I can't complain):

I haven't had Ichigotchi on this V2 since generation 2, so I'm pleased. She's really cute. I'm still trying to take perfect care of her in hopes of getting Marumimitchi. That's who I got the last time I had Ichigotchi, but I can't remember how I did it.


Shea's evolution probably won't surprise you, as it sure didn't surprise me.

Yeah, it's Nikatchi! I like Nikatchi - out of the bad care teens, she's the one I always try to get. She's just so adorable! I have no idea which adult I'm going for - I think i'm once again just going to let the tama surprise me.


Not much has happened with little Tonmarutchi on my P2. I've decided to go for Mimitchi, so I'm trying to take really good care of him. His discipline is currently 50%.

He's cute! The Connections have definitely spoiled me a bit, as the P2 toddler stage now feels very lengthy in comparison. I don't mind though - it's more time to bond with him. Quite naturally, I am aiming for Tongaritchi as a teen, and I don't see any reason as to why that won't happen.


Ilse is still alive and kicking! She's 117 now and will be 118 later this evening. Today marks exactly four months since I hatched her. Funnily enough, she was hatched on the 20th anniversary of Tamagotchi! I didn't plan that, it just kind of happened.

There she is, beating Shea at the building blocks game. Shea got back at her by winning the ball game. I've been connecting those two quite a lot - no particular reason for that, it's just fun.


Hello, I'm back! Libby and Shea should be reaching adulthood tomorrow. I'm not sure if they'll evolve at the same time though - Libby's battery ran out the other day, so she and Shea are no longer in sync.

I think I've been giving them good enough care, but only time will tell. They both have maxed out training bars now, and I don't believe I've missed any calls, so that's a great sign.

Here are the girls enjoying their favourite toys:
And here they are having an evening bath!
Stay tuned because I'll be back tomorrow to share their evolutions with you.


My P2 evolved this morning into the teen I was aiming for, Tongaritchi! He's now on the right track to becoming Mimitchi, provided I don't slack too much on the care.

His hungry hearts accidentally dropped to two empty this morning - hopefully that won't have any effect as long as I fully train him and don't let them drop again.


Ilse is still alive at the age of 119, but oh man. Have I ever SLACKED on her care these past few days. Yesterday, I overslept by a lot, so she was unattended for about four hours. Her hearts dropped to three empty for the first time ever and she had like three poops stacked. Oops.

I'm making an effort to take better care of her now because if I don't, she'll probably die on me soon.

I finally got her item list down to 31 from 32, so the present option works again when connecting! Unfortunately, Shea is a little trickster.


Hello, I'm back! First of all, THANK YOU because this log is really close to reaching 4000 views! That feels like an awful lot to me!

Second of all, as you might have expected, I have some evolutions to share with you. Libby and Shea both evolved this morning at 8:00AM sharp, so apparently that part wasn't affected by Libby's battery change. I was very happy when I looked at Libby's screen and saw...

Yeeeeeeah! Marumimitchi is BACK after 14 generations! For once, my V2 was nice and evolved into the exact character I wanted it to. Isn't she just a cutie?

She actually followed almost the exact same growth pattern as the first Marumimitchi I had, which was on generation two. I never logged about him, but his name was Chris and he also evolved from Ichigotchi.

(The only two V2 Ichigotchis I've ever had have evolved into the same thing. Will probably use this for future reference the next time I want to try for Marumimitchi.)


Shea's evolution was less exciting, but I won't complain because she's still adorable.

Kuchipatchi! I mean, you can probably tell from my avatar that I'm quite fond of Kuchi (mostly on the V1, whose animations are just delightful!), although I would have preferred a character I haven't had before, or at least recently (Pyonkotchi, anyone?).

Another thing - I've yet to obtain a perfect care adult from Nikatchi or any of the bad care teens. This applies to both the V2 and V3, but not the V1. I gave Shea the exact same kind of care as Libby, yet she became a rank 2 adult, while Libby became a rank 1 adult. This is something else I'll use for future reference (a good chunk of the 2nd tier adults I've gotten have come from bad care teens!), as there's quite a few adorable V3 rank 2 adults (Bunbuntchi, Billotchi, etc.) that I'd love to get.


Tongaritchi on my P2 hasn't done anything too notable. He's four years old currently, although I can't remember at what age the P1/P2 reaches adulthood. Five or six, I'm guessing. He did not get sick today which leads me to assume he'll evolve at age six, rather than five.

His discipline bar is currently at 75%; I'm assuming he'll make the final call for discipline tomorrow. I've slacked on the care just a little, so at this point I'm actually not sure if he'll become Mimitchi or Nyatchi. I've taken the best care I can, but his hearts have dropped to two empty a few times. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.


Ilse is 121 now, and I'm happy to tell you she is doing much better. I've stepped up my caretaking game these past few days, and she hasn't had her hearts drop below three since Friday!

She's asleep as I write this, and again, I'm happy to say she went to bed with all hearts full. Yay! I guess the big question now would be - will she beat 145 or not? I'd say she has quite a good chance of doing so provided I take good care of her. It's hard to say exactly though, so continue to stay tuned.


Hey! I've been pretty busy today but I thought I'd pop in with a quick update at least.

First of all, my V4 was supposed to come today, but it didn't. That sucks, but I'm hoping I get it tomorrow. Second of all, Tongaritchi on my P2 just got sick not too long ago, which means he'll be changing tomorrow. His discipline bar is now at 100% so I'm not expecting anything less than a Nyatchi, although I suppose anything can happen. He also somehow got aged one year, so his age counter reads 6 but he's supposed to be 5.

Libby and Shea are the same. I'll be back with pictures tomorrow because their animations are super cute.

Ilse is also still the same. I once again didn't slack on her care today! Yay! She'll be 122 in about 20 minutes.

Sorry for the really brief, boring entry today. I'll be back tomorrow with a more detailed one (and hopefully with my V4!). Bye for now!


Hello, I'm back! First of all, I got my V4! More on that coming up in just a moment, as I did start it up and I will be logging it here.

Second of all, Libby should hopefully be getting the matchmaker tomorrow, as she's six years old currently. I'll be sad to see her go. I'll also have to start brainstorming for M names shortly.

There she is, brushing her teeth. Isn't she just the cutest? I love her ears - they remind me of Mickey Mouse. One of my favourite V2 adults by far!


Shea is now on pause so I can run my V4, but here's some snaps I got this morning:

I'll miss having her around, but I'll definitely run her again soon. I don't often run tamas for more than a few gens at a time, but I ran that pink V3 for seven gens straight. That's how much I enjoyed it. We'll see how long I can go without running it, but I imagine it will be reappearing in this blog soon.


Okay, onto my V4. I'll be logging about it in this lavender colour since that's basically what the shell is - I actually can't tell if it's light purple or pink, but purple text works for me.

Anyway, I popped a battery in at 12:59PM:

And at exactly 1:00PM, a baby girl hatched! I named her Anna. (I believe, like my V2, I'm going to do an alphabet name theme with this one):

Her baby stage was pretty typical. I spent her first hour basically figuring things out. There wasn't a ton to figure out because I do have a V4.5 which is similar, but I did have to learn how not to suck at the games. I'm getting the hang of it now.

At 2:00PM, I heard the familiar evolving sound. Anna became a cute little Mohitamatchi:

I'm hoping for Young Dorotchi as a teen - the fact that I got Mohitamatchi should make that a lot easier. If I do get Young Dorotchi, my plan is to try for either Yattatchi or Pukatchi.

I'm happy with it so far. This is the first V4 I've had since childhood - I missed mine a lot so I'm glad to have one again!


Nothing new with my P2, sadly. He still hasn't evolved but it should be happening soon. Fingers crossed for Mimitchi although I'm not quite sure that will happen, as his hearts dropped below three a few times.

I'll either report back in here later today if he evolves, or wait until tomorrow.


Last but not least, Ilse made it to 122! She'll turn 123 in about four hours. I bought her a chest from the shop this morning; here she is trying it out!

200 points! That's not too shabby, is it? Beats getting turned into a baby, that's for sure.


Hello, I'm back! I have two evolutions and a marriage to share with you today - you can probably guess what those are, but let's get on with it.

I'll start off with Libby, the now married one. The matchmaker came for her at 10:30 this morning, and offered a Gozarutchi. Probably the worst partner she could offer, but I didn't feel like messing with the time. So Libby said yes to the ninja - who knows, maybe she likes the secretive type!

She ended up with a baby boy. I'm thinking of calling him Mateo (I did get a lot of great suggestions last night though!).

I also caught Libby and Mateo watching the little Easter animation together. Aren't they adorable?

I prefer the V2's Easter animation to the V4/4.5's (from what I can tell, the V3 doesn't have one. At least, mine never did it when I was running it). It's less confusing.


On to Anna. She's actually not a toddler anymore, which I'll get to in just a moment. I realized after posting yesterday's entry that I never actually showed you guys what my V4 looks like. This is the shell anyway:

I like it. Probably not my first choice of shell, but it's nice. Anyway, I used some passwords this morning to get Anna a playhouse and slide:

A few hours later, she became a teen. No Young Dorotchi like I'd hoped - she became Ichigotchi instead.

That means I'm going to go for my plan B here - the Memetchi ---> Makiko route. I've never had a black and white Makiko before, so that'll make it worth it.

About an hour after becoming a teen, Anna graduated preschool. She was rather upset, but quickly cheered up when she saw her new teacher!

Naturally, I chose Ms. Flower. I'm pretty horrible at the Dance game (my fingers are just not fast enough, apparently), so sending her to school is my best bet for raising her Style points. As I type this, her skill points are 53/87/43, so she's definitely on the right track.


My P2 finally evolved yesterday evening and, well, I'll just let this photo say everything:

I thought I took pretty bad care of him, but the full discipline bar must have been the deal breaker! Yay! I love Mimitchi - he's so adorable - so I'm very glad to have him. I don't often get the perfect care adults on vintage tamas either, so this is a really nice change.


Ilse is 123 now, almost 124, and still healthy as ever. Not much to report on as she really hasn't done anything notable, but we did get some darts from the shop earlier.

Yes indeed, she still likes to keep fit, even in her old age. Just look at that concentrated face she makes when throwing. It's great.


Hello, I'm back! Libby will be leaving her son tonight, although I won't be here to log tomorrow because I'm working a double shift. So you guys will get to hear all about Mateo on Saturday.

In the meantime, here's some final snaps of Libby having fun and being cute, as always. I will be sad to see her go.

I especially like the animation with the boots - her face is just too cute!


Anna is still the same - she'll be evolving tomorrow so I plan on bringing her to work with me. As I write this, she has a full training bar and her skill points are 61/201/74. I'm probably going to leave her Style points a bit below the mark and have her evolve into Makiko on Saturday when I'm actually home.

It looks a bit like she's boiling in a pot, doesn't it? Also I'm not sure how she manages to brush her teeth when she hasn't even got any arms, but she apparently finds a way.

We also decided to give the shovel a try, although as you can see, it wasn't that generous with its offerings. Better than nothing though! Plus she did get 1500 points from the king not long after, so that more than makes up for it.


Mimitchi is still doing great! For some reason, his age counter reads 9 years old, but I'm positive he's supposed to be 8. I probably messed something up when adjusting the clock.

Other than that, he doesn't do too much. Out of all the P2 characters, he's the one who lives the longest, so I suspect he'll still be with me for a while yet. It should also still be a while before he starts to become super needy.


Ilse is 124, almost 125, and look what FINALLY appeared in her shop!!

Yeah, the coveted throne! My V2 has one, as you've seen, but it never appeared in Ilse's shop until now. Her favourite food was also in the shop at the same time - today is obviously her lucky day.


Hello, I'm back! Tama-wise, lots happened yesterday, despite the fact that I was working the entire day. First of all, as you probably know, Libby left her son yesterday, so I'm now caring for Mateo, the 19th generation on my V2. Here's a final photo of Libby and Mateo, and then a photo of Mateo on his own yesterday morning as I started caring for him.

He was officially named at approximately 8:30AM yesterday morning. I didn't take the greatest care of him as a baby, but he turned out alright. At approximately 9:30AM, he evolved into Kinakomotchi - a toddler I've not had in a few generations now!

For the first half of my shift, I changed the clock on him to make him sleep because I wanted to care for Anna instead. For the second half, I woke him up and he got to accompany me. I wouldn't say he received the best care - his hearts completely emptied a few times - but once again, he turned out alright.

At 9:30AM this morning, I heard the familiar evolving sound. Yes, it was time for Mateo to reach his teenage years.

I was hoping for UFOtchi, who I haven't had in ages, but Ringotchi's cute too. This is basically becoming a curse of the fruits - my last three teens on my V2 and V4 have been Ichigotchi, Ichigotchi, and now Ringotchi. Heh.


I brought Anna to work with me yesterday because I knew she'd be evolving at 2:00PM and I didn't really want to screw things up. At the time of evolution, her skill points were 71/342/81, so it shouldn't be a surprise that she initially evolved into Memetchi:

On my break, I had the back room to myself, so I raised her Style/Fashion/whatever they're called points up to 350. A minute later, she evolved again:

Anna is now a very pretty Makiko! I must say that I don't enjoy the Dance game very much, and I now like it even less after having to play it constantly to get her skill points up, but it was worth it.

Oh yeah, and that last photo is the weird Easter animation that occurs on the V4. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be but it looks like a baby being born out of an egg? Interesting.


Mimitchi on my P2 is still hopping along. He was paused yesterday but he's back in action today. He's 10 although his age counter currently reads 11.

I love his happy face. It's sooo cute! I have to admit that his weight has pretty much ballooned to 99lbs, since I don't always have time to play the game, but I don't think that affects anything. At least, it never did when I ran my P1, so the P2 shouldn't be any different.


Last but not least, Ilse is now 126! I don't have any photos of her today because she hasn't really done anything photo worthy. I might make some animations of her to keep things interesting. Anyway, she got a little neglected yesterday because I was really busy. Her hearts once again dropped to three empty, although I caught it before they dropped all the way, so I think she's good. Her weight has gotten a little high (60lbs), but other than that, she's still happy and healthy!

I once again probably won't be here to log tomorrow because I'm working another double shift. We'll see how tired I am when I get home. So bye for now - see you on Monday (probably), or possibly tomorrow!


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Hello, I'm back! I finally found the charger for my camera and found out it takes way clearer tama photos than my phone does, so I should hopefully have clearer photos coming in the next few entries (the memory card won't work with my laptop but I have another computer I could use). The photos for this entry were still taken with my phone though.

Mateo will be reaching adulthood tomorrow morning, and I actually have no idea what he's going to become. I haven't really taken perfect care of him because of work. His training bar is only at 5/9 because I prefer to use the sleep trick rather than pausing whenever I can't care for him. I don't know what kind of effect this will have.

Really hoping I don't end up with another Kiwitchi though. Mateo's hearts keep dropping to two empty, although they've never completely emptied so I hope that won't count against me. I'm hoping he might turn into either another Pochitchi (the last one I had was on gen 7! Feels like ages ago!) or a Ginjirotchi (who I've not yet had on the V2). I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out, I guess.


Lots is new in the world of Anna. First of all, she got a job on Saturday. I was at work when the [!] thing popped up, so I just chose the first job to pop up. It turned out to be a very fitting job for a Makiko - a hairdresser!

I've had this job before on the V4.5 (if you've been sticking around long enough, you may remember Ki the Yasaguretchi, one of the first tamas I logged about), and I like it. The minigame is quite easy, so Anna's had no problem racking up the points (and promptly spending them all).

Second of all, Anna got married this morning! It was an accident really. I've been unpausing my V4.5, on which I have a Celebtchi named Trevor (Jada's son! I didn't log him because he's spent 90% of his life on pause), so that Anna can earn extra points through the connection games. I checked this morning - Anna and Trevor only had three smiley faces for each other. So I thought it would be safe to select the "visit" option. Nope! They started shaking their heads and before I had time to get out the camera, Anna had two baby boys.

I checked and they still only have four smiley faces for each other. Weird. Oh well, it's not a big deal because she would have gotten the matchmaker today anyway. The only issue is that now I'm probably going to get stuck in the Meme family.

Anna's son is probably going to be called Bosco. I'm glad she had a boy because that means I can go for Shimashimatchi! (My favourite of the male Meme adults)

We also found a genie lamp in the shop this morning, which Anna decided to give a go:

The result wasn't too pleasing. Oh well, it's still in her items so she can give it another go tomorrow!


Mimitchi very nearly died the other day but luckily he ended up being okay. I forgot to pause him before going to work and only realized this after my shift ended, about 6 hours later. By the time I got home, he'd been alone for over 8 hours and I was expecting to find him dead. Instead, this is what I found:

All hearts empty, sleeping with a pile of poop, but ALIVE! He's doing well now, thankfully. He's 12 (age counter reads 13) and still pretty easy to care for. Not sure when these guys start to become needy but I'd guess around 18 or so.


Ilse is pictureless again today, sorry (I was busy and now she's asleep!). She did have a good day, though. As I write this, she's snoozing away happily at the age of 129. Pretty crazy that she'll be 130 tomorrow! She only has around 16 days to go before she reaches the record of 145, and I'm fairly confident now that she'll make it as long as I continue to care for her well.


Hello, I'm back! Things have happened in the world of my tamas, so that's what I get to share with you today. First of all, as you know, Mateo evolved yesterday. The result wasn't what I was expecting but I'm not disappointed:

I like Tarakotchi - he's really cute! This is my first time getting him on the V2 as well. I really like his closeup animation as well (second picture is blurry, sorry):

Look at his face - it's so cute! There was one point where I really didn't like Tarakotchi because I used to get him all the time, but he's grown on me now. Definitely one of the cutest of the average care adults.


Anna left her son last night, so I'm now starting generation 2 on my V4 with Bosco:

Bosco began his independent life at 9:00AM this morning. He was a good baby and didn't cause too much trouble. For some reason, I thought he would inherit skill points from his mother (the V4.5 does this), but he didn't, so we played lots of games of jump rope to get his skill points up.

At 10:00AM, he evolved into Mizutamatchi:

This was expected because his mother was from the Meme family. As I mentioned previously, I'm going to aim for Bosco to become a Shimashimatchi, which means I'll need either Gourmetchi or Hinotamatchi as a teen.


Mimitchi is 14 now and still hanging in there. He randomly got sick this morning even though all of his hearts were full - I'm hoping that 8 hours of neglect he accidentally received the other day won't lead to an early demise.

He can get a little boring sometimes because he really doesn't do much, but it's also nice having him around as a really laid-back pet who's easy to care for. This will probably change in the next few days as he gets older and needier, though.


Ilse has made it to the ripe old age of 130; she'll be 131 later this evening!

We bought yet another fishing pole and for once, luck was on her side. Her winnings? 200gp. Not too shabby.


Hello, I'm back! Not much is new with Mateo, but I believe he will be getting the matchmaker tomorrow (I really hope she brings a high rank adult or I'm stuck with a bad care teen next gen).

Here he is looking like an absolute STUD in his sunglasses:

Here he is looking handsome in his bowtie:

And that's about it. I'll be back tomorrow to report on whether he marries or not.


Bosco evolved today and the result wasn't what I wanted but sort of what I was expecting.

His skill points actually weren't that low when he evolved. They were around 30 in each category. But the care I gave him was abysmal. I thought I could manage with him while I was working, but I couldn't and he almost died yesterday. Pretty sure that's why he became a universal.

I have no idea which adults can come from Obotchi, because I'm still a V4 noob :D . He got the [!] to start school today and I picked Mr. Canvas randomly - again, I have no idea what I'm doing here. As I type this, Bosco's skill points are 57/58/63. Those seem a little high for him to become a universal adult, but he still might. I guess we'll see.

One thing I must note is that I find Obotchi's sprite on the V4 cuter than the V3 one. It looks a lot closer to the original Osutchi sprite - the V3 one just looked weird to me, not sure why.


Nothing to report with Mimitchi. He's 15 but he's been paused most of the day. Without pausing, I'd say his age would be closer to 14. He's still really easy to care for.


Ilse is still chugging along at the age of 131, almost 132. She's had a good day - her weight is a little high again (50lbs), but other than that, she's still perfectly healthy.

An old bat who loves to talk to plants. She's still sane, I swear.


Hello, I'm back! I'm pleased to announce that Mateo is now married and my V2 will be moving on to its 20th generation.

As you can see from the chart, I didn't exactly get my wish because the matchmaker didn't bring along a high rank adult. But Flowertchi's still pretty cute, and Mateo couldn't resist. Here's some photos of the wedding:


Afterwards, Mateo ended up with a baby boy!

I haven't decided on a name yet, although it will be something starting with "N". Nicky is a good name, although I've already had a tama named Nick (it was a while ago, gen 5) and I don't like repeating names I've already used.


Bosco is now on the second day of his teen phase; he'll be reaching adulthood tomorrow. That's the one thing I don't really like about the V4 - I prefer the longer teen phase of the V3 and below. I feel like I don't have enough time to raise skill points and such. Either way, I have spent a lot of time playing games with him and raising his skill points. This is how they currently stand:

I still think he might become Pyonchitchi, the better of the two male universal adults. I'm not really sure though because his skill points are fairly high. Stay tuned because you'll find out tomorrow if I'm right or not.

Bosco likes to spin around in his playhouse and promptly make himself dizzy, as you can see. He also received a free chest from the king; here he is giving it a go.

A free pencil! Sweet! He can't use it quite yet, of course, but it sure is nice receiving a gift from a gift.


Mimitchi is 16 now and still doing nothing. I'm debating tabbing him up so I can run something else but I'm not sure yet.


Ilse is 132 now; she'll turn 133 while I'm at work tonight. She's had another good day so far - I've been playing a lot of games with her in an attempt to get her weight down (although she still weighs 60lbs, whoops). Oh yeah, and I finally found out what oldies draw with the pen:

Lips? Not sure what it's supposed to mean but it's cute at least.


The end of this entry is really hasty and rushed because I hit the publish button while I was in the middle of writing it, whoops...

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I don't have time for a full-length log entry today but Bosco evolved and I'm really excited and wanted to share that. Not at all what I'd expected, Bosco is now a Zukyutchi. So the V4 IS different from the V4.5 then, in that universal teens can become non-universal adults. Yay!

Oh, and I decided to name Mateo's son Nelson. There's a reason behind that which I'll explain tomorrow. Bye for now!


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Hello, I'm back! First off, I'd like to let you all know that I am hosting an Easter hatch, starting one week from today, and it's not too late to sign up if you'd like to do so. The sign up thread is here. I already know which tama I'm going to run for it, but that will remain a secret for the time being. :D

Okay, onto my tamas now. Mateo left his son last night, and at 7:00AM this morning I started raising Nelson, the 20th generation on my V2. (20 gens feels like a lot!)

Here's Nelson's baby pictures:

And here he is now, as a toddler!

I like Hitodetchi - he's so blobby and cute! This time around, I'm hoping for Propellertchi as a teen since I haven't had him in ages - I've already figured out that Hitodetchi only evolves into the "bad" teens, even if good care is given. I always seem to get Hinotamatchi when I give Hitodetchi good care, so I'm going to let his hearts drop a few times and see what happens.

(More theorizing ahead) I also believe it isn't possible for a "bad" teen to evolve into a perfect care adult - at least, I've never had it happen. I always end up with the above average adults even when perfect care is given. So here's where I'm going with this: I have already had all of the even-gen, above average adults on the V2 (Memetchi, Debatchi, Toratchi), so this time around I'm going to neglect and attempt for an average to bad adult. Of the even-gen, average care adults, I've had only one (Butterflytchi). Of the even-gen, below average care adults, I've had none. I don't believe I've had any of the horrible care adults either.

Sorry for the long rant there. I like analyzing the growth patterns of the early Connections because they can be so random. Plus hey, maybe it might help people who might be reading this log.


I gave you guys a quick update yesterday, to report that Bosco (whose name glitched to "Osco"! Yikes! For all intents and purposes, he's still Bosco to me) finally evolved. Here's Bosco the Zukyutchi, in all his glory:

Photobucket is STILL messing with my sizing. Sorry for the uneven pictures.

So like I said, I now know it's possible for universal teens to become non-universal adults. Oddly enough, I was doing some research and saw that Zukyutchi is only supposed to come from Young Mametchi or Young Robotchi, so I have no idea how I got him from an Obotchi (other than the fact that his Social skill points were the highest). Either way, I'm very pleased! I have not had Zukyutchi before, nor his Ura counterpart. Plus, I finally got out of the Meme family!

(I must note that my V4.5 has been stuck in the Ura Meme family for about 5 or 6 generations now. Maybe that is why I'm a bit sick of Meme adults)

This morning, Bosco also got a job. He's now employed as a scientist!

I like the minigame so far because it's really easy. It's not a job I've had before, either.


Ilse is 134, almost 135, and still doing well! She's getting awfully close to reaching the 145 record - she has just a little over 10 days to go! Yay, Ilse!

Our genie lamp stints never end well, and neither did today's. The genie left her a thunder cloud and she got rained on. Yikes.


(Totally forgot to mention this so I'll add it in as a little note. I have my P2 on pause for now, no idea when I'm going to run it again. What I ended up doing is unpausing my clear pink V3, which I'm going to run for the next week, until the Easter hatch (because it's NOT the tama I was thinking of running for the hatch). You might remember Shea the Kuchipatchi from a few weeks back, well she's back in action for now.

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Hello, I'm back! Nelson evolved this morning, and I'll just let these pictures say everything:

Bleh. Getting real sick of Hinotamatchi because of the 100000000 times I've had him. It used to be Hinatchi that wouldn't stop popping up - now I never get him and keep ending up with Hinotamatchi instead. Oh well. I'll just have to deal with it I suppose.


Bosco/Osco (can't be bothered to fix the glitched name) should be getting the matchmaker tomorrow. I've been reading some V4 logs on here and on Tama Zone, and apparently it's normal for Obotchi to turn into any adult, so Bosco's evolution isn't as bizarre as I thought it was.

I've really been growing fond of Zukyutchi over these past few days. I snapped a bunch of photos of his different animations:

RC helicopter
Bathing & teeth brushing
So cute! I think that next time I run my V4.5, I'm going to go for Ura Zukyutchi (if I can get out of the Ura Meme family, that is). I was never super fond of the character before, but Bosco has proved me otherwise.


As I said yesterday, I have my P2 on pause for now and am instead running my clear pink V3 again until the Easter hatch which is on Sunday. You might remember a few weeks back that I left off with a lovely little Kuchipatchi named Shea. She's five years old and on the seventh generation.

There she is, back in action. The throne was one of the first items I bought when I unpaused her. She doesn't do a whole lot - being five years old, I believe she'll be getting a matchmaker visit in about two days. Until then, she'll remain her cute old self.


Ilse is 135 now! She is still doing extremely well - at this point, I'm almost certain she will surpass 145 as she's still never been sick in her life. Her hearts dropped to three empty yesterday (oops), but luckily I caught them before they dropped all the way.

She once again gets to accompany me to work, as she's been doing for nearly five months now. Funnily enough, when I first hatched her, I definitely didn't think she'd still be around for Easter. Christmas, yes. Easter, definitely not.

The long lived oldie experiment has definitely been an interesting one so far. It might seem weird to say that I'm actually attached to her by this point, but I am. Five months is an awfully long time to keep a virtual pet alive, especially when you typically only keep them for about a week.


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