School stuff.


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:wacko: in my high school we have lockers so u can put ur tama in threre but sum ppl brake in2 lockers so ur tama could get taken or u can put it in ur blazer and play with it in the restroom or at lunch,recess,or last lesson
For school i keep it in my black hoodie (im a hot topic junkie by the way.) My Tama is black and pink so it just blends in and i check it in the bathroom or during lunch or math. My teachers don't care. Oh, and i keep the sound off..

Im in middle school, 8th grade

see im in the 6th grade and 12 too. i keep my tamagotchis(i have 4) in my purse, and turn the sound off. then i check them every.. break we get(bathroom breaks and lunch(and recess)) :mellow: :rolleyes: :huh: :huh: <_< :unsure:

For some reason, I am the one who ALWAYS gets caught with my Tamas in school. My friends almost never get caught. So every day, my teacher searches some of my things to make sure my tamas are in my backpck.He said he might ban them from the classroom. My tamas aren't safe anymore. NO!!! :rolleyes: O yeah, I'm in elementary school - 6th grade

Keep it in your bag and when nobody's there play with your tama. If your teacher tells you to take out your tama if you took it to school say you accidentaly took it to school other than your _________class to keep you company. And keep the sound off.

what i do is turn sound off and check up on it (just take them sort of out and see if there ok during class) and at lunch i play with it. also during recess. i hide it in my pocket cuz lots of things go missing in my class <_< BUT next year im gunna go to a PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL WITH UNIFORMS WITHOUT POCKETS! help! i dont want to put it on pause because i am impatient and i would probobly break it while debugging it. help please! and im very forgetfull so i probobly forget it in a desk :unsure: :rolleyes:
Geese will you people get your minds off of tamagotchi's

My teacher used to let us take our tamagotchis to school.Not anymore. What I do is just leave it in my moms classroom closet during the school day on pause.My friend used to leave it at home without pausing it.P.S I don't beleave in the whole Friday the thirteenth. I got third place in the school spelling bee that day.
last year on friday the thirteenth, I lost the spelling bee because you needed fourth place ot get in the finals and I got 5th place!

For some reason, I am the one who ALWAYS gets caught with my Tamas in school. My friends almost never get caught. So every day, my teacher searches some of my things to make sure my tamas are in my backpck.He said he might ban them from the classroom. My tamas aren't safe anymore. NO!!! :eek: O yeah, I'm in elementary school - 6th grade
That's Juinor High where I live.

im in 8th grade nd im my end of year exams my tamagotchi went off and i got the poor lil memitchi :D confiscated :D B)

im in 8th grade nd im my end of year exams my tamagotchi went off and i got the poor lil memitchi :huh: confiscated :ichigotchi: :furawatchi:
That really bites...

Tomorrow we have a standardized test, so I'll have to put my tamas to sleep and keep them in my locker..

But my teacher when i took it to school just put it on her desk and give to me at paly time but i spoupse its what ur teachers like really!!

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But my teacher when i took it to school just put it on her desk and give to me at paly time but i spoupse its what ur teachers like really!!
° § t ® å w ß ë ® ® ¥ ° K ï § § ë § °
well luky you i got detension and a confiscated tamagotchi (for the 6th time)

what i do is turn sound off and check up on it (just take them sort of out and see if there ok during class) and at lunch i play with it. also during recess. i hide it in my pocket cuz lots of things go missing in my class :D BUT next year im gunna go to a PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL WITH UNIFORMS WITHOUT POCKETS! help! i dont want to put it on pause because i am impatient and i would probobly break it while debugging it. help please! and im very forgetfull so i probobly forget it in a desk :D :(
Put it to sleep

i dont think its ruined, it looks good to me.
i just keep it in my pocket and check it every hour or so and ive never been caught
Thats exactly wat I used to do! Tamas are banned from our skool. ( :huh: )

Yah....I STILL SNEAK IT THO! I sneak mi ipod, cellphone, and I NEVER GET COT!


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