Should Smoking be illegal?


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Do you know how many people would commit mass suicide? Yea, some people are that addicted.
Like said before, people will still smuggle them in.

And I'm pretty sure its part of native american culture.
Accordin' to wiki..

The earliest forms of cigarettes have been attested in Central America around the 9th century in the form of reeds and smoking tubes. The Maya, and later the Aztecs, smoked tobacco and various psychoactive drugs in religious rituals and frequently depicted priests and deities smoking on pottery and temple engravings. The cigarette, and the cigar, were the most common method of smoking in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central and South America until recent times.

You know... for people who are bemoaning about "ZOMG PEOPLE WILL GET CANCER!!!" should really stop. Let people smoke, okay? It shouldn't be your buinsess at all. Really, I don't care if someone smoked.

This is like the Mc Donald's thread.

You know... for people who are bemoaning about "ZOMG PEOPLE WILL GET CANCER!!!" should really stop. Let people smoke, okay? It shouldn't be your buinsess at all. Really, I don't care if someone smoked.
This is like the Mc Donald's thread.
SM.exe found what I meant.. :]

And I agree. Let people do what they want. Smoking has been around for like, ages, and changing this now can cause massive feuds and troubles.

Just let them slowly kill themselves. It's not my thing to make them stop.

The only time it should be illegal is during pregnancy, around small children, and indoor in public places, and that's purely because it effects people around the person smoking.

If a person wants to smoke, that's their choice. The law should have no say in it.
I am all agreeing on this.

During pregnancy the nicotine can actually be passed to the baby though either the blood stream or the umbelical cord and can cause some major damage. Same with children since they are still developing that'd definantly not good.

If someone wants to do it in their own space and own time, let 'em.

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I will list reasons why I don't think smoking should be illegal:

-As people have said, there would be mass suicide

-People would still smoke anyway

-People know the affects of smoking, people should have a choice to smoke or not


Also, I bet half the people talking about how it can kill you don't even know that there's not even a 1% chance you'll get cancer.

I am all agreeing on this.
During pregnancy the nicotine can actually be passed to the baby though either the blood stream or the umbelical cord and can cause some major damage. Same with children since they are still developing that'd definantly not good.

If someone wants to do it in their own space and own time, let 'em.
If memory serves it can also cause the baby to be born addicted to the drug.

The only kind of smokers I hate are women who smoke while pregnant. It's irresponsible to a disgusting degree.

Im not sure, but I think its bad for people and .... the prices are wayyyy too high. If you have seen the signs at the gas stations!?! People are paying like... 7 buckaroos for junk that is not even good for them! - -'


[SIZE=14pt]Regardless of how much I hate it when people smoke.[/SIZE]

It shouldn't be illegal.


You just don't seem to understand that weather smoking is illegal or legal, people will always smoke.

It's addictive. >.>"


I know where your coming from, because I do feel very strongly against smoking.

But some of the things your saying don't really make any sense at all. Like wtf?


Well, I'm not going to say anymore because everyones pretty much said everything worth saying! x]

But please actually read the comments that people put.

Most smokers know the dangers. i'm not a smoker but my aunt died from it. she got cancer. there's rat poison, tar, nickitine, stuff they put in batteries, and there is over 200 left!

I doubt they would make it illegal. The majority of cigarette prices is tax which goes straight to the government. Smoking (in the UK) is illegal in all public places apart from the street. My mum smokes and I don't think anything bad of it. She never smokes in the house because she knows it's bad for us (not ot mention she can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke everywhere [surprisingly]). It's hard to quit smoking and it's not really fair to have force all thos people to either commit a crime or go on a very difficult journey against thier will.

I think this would probably be better in Seriously (Non) TamaTalk.

i think it should because its terrible for ur body

however, smoking marijuana can actually help ppl with AIDs and stuff

at least i think its AIDs...

i think it should because its terrible for ur bodyhowever, smoking marijuana can actually help ppl with AIDs and stuff

at least i think its AIDs...

Most people know who smoke know it's bad for them. You can't outlaw it, because one person is angry that it's unhealthy.

Smoking should be only outlawed in public places such as malls and eating places. Not because it's "Unhealthy".

i think it should because its terrible for ur bodyhowever, smoking marijuana can actually help ppl with AIDs and stuff

at least i think its AIDs...
Ah yes, that's true. Marihuana apparently has its medicinal properties in some cases.

Since the people in my class are into that kind of thing (¬¬') I found out that in Spain you can actually grow three plant pots of marihuana as long as it is not for smoking (although most people who plant it probably ignore that part). Anyway, in some states of the USA I do know it is illegal (maria smoking) UNLESS you have a medical prescription.

No, wtf?
People should be able to do what they want. Believe it or not, the link between smoking and lung cancer is about 0.4%.
Agreed. I wouldn't smoke, but you should have the choice. It's a free country.

At least where I live. :furawatchi:

I say 'Yes', because... Almost every single time I go to a garage-sale, yard-sale, park, and sometimes when I go outside I smell that disgusting, untolerable smell of pot, weed and just regular smoke.. why should we have to suffer, I have heard that 2nd hand smoke is worse than just smoking by yourself because it affects so many people around you, and like all those tabbaco commercials... "Tabbaco stops with me" it will with ME , no need to embrace it.. and all those people are right you can't stop it you would of had made it illegal years and maybe even centuries ago for it to stop [well atleast 2 centuries] and it may be a free country but as long as people do drugs there will always be a chance for disease.

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