So, how was your day?


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Eh, pretty laid-back.

Jen walked to school with me today. So I had to wake up at 7am, which kinds sucked, but it was fine. At school we did some computery stuff, where Jen and I googled our ''friends''. Then we had choir, did some knitting, and in the end we had a science CSIRO presentation where we did these random chemical things.

During recess and lunch, Jen and Kylie and I randomly pictochatted on our DS'. Jen and Kylie were drawing me and Bradie raping eachother :\

Then I came home and fixed the TV, watched Mortified, MSNed, texted, and did random thinggos. And here I am talking to Maria on the phoneeee and MSNing Michello.

Well, things are great, I have German Exchange student at my house right now (and, it's her birthday today 8D).

We had a soccer match, England v Germany, and for once we didn't get thrashed.

Both matches (Girls and boys) ended 1-0 to the Germans, but even my German partner said that the girls' German goal wasn't a goal anyway.

However, not everything is quite so fine and Dandy..

My mum keeps making sly comments that suggest that I'm putting on a lot of weight, and that I'm fat (and if I'm self conscious about one thing it's that). I even have the confidence now to tell myself that I'm not fat and then it all gets shot down.

Still, I'm going to ignore it, 'cause I'm loving having my German here.

I woke up, sick and dizzy.

Went downstairs, found out that MJ was dead.

It's not even midday, but it's been pretty good.

Woke up. Showered. Walked to school eating toast and texting.

Found out MJ was dead. Was more upset about Farrah Fawcett though.

Ate heaps because mum gave me $5 lunch money and lunch for me is only $1.50 so the rest was on junk food.

Jenny's dad. Epic lol.

Wrote another 'Sex Adventures' book with Jessie. `Twas fun.

Yah da yah.

More morons, idiots who can't understand things. People who can't let the past go..

My day totally sucked.

I didn't go to school. I cried all day and have listened to nothing but Michael Jackson [Lmao I'm such a sad child atm].

And now I'm getting really for a probably wet flight to Sydney.

It's been raining all day.

Weeell, in the morning I found out that Michael Jackson is dead, and everyone at school was going on and on about it, even the little tiny kids that don't understand a thing.

School was cool. Did random spelling tests, Mr K thought I was too good so he asked me to spell all these random words from this Year 10 spelling sheet. We also did some knitting, played dodgeball, and went to the computer room. It was full of laughs, for no particular reason at all.

Lunch and recess were really boring. During recess we found out that Mr K hates the word 'bum', and thought it was slightly pathetic that he gets so ridiculously angry because of it. At lunch Jen and I just sat around, talkin' bout Mortified.

Then I came home, went on the computer, watched Mortified and the News, and here I am now, talking to mum while typing this :)

Better than the rest, things are clearing up a bit. I have no more work, I get to sleep late as I want, PM a few new & good friends, and took my dog to get her rabies shot.

Absolutely amazing. Magical.

At first I did absolutely nothing and stayed in bed in my pyjamas for the first half of the day. Then mummy said we could go somewhere, and we went to the park on Carly's street, and I got to hang around with her for an hour. I came to her house, saw her doggy, and then looked in her fridge.

Truly magical.

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