Sweet n' Awesome V5 Log!


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[SIZE=14pt]Oh my gosh![/SIZE]

Oh my gosh! Nate and Bella mated! Guess what gender babies they had? 2 baby girls are born! I will post a topic in What's on your Mind for help on names! Well, back to earning skill points!


Yay! The triplets evolved, and I am happy with their characters! Here are their characters and names.






Wow! I'm happy with them right now! And, I posted the new topic in What's On your Mind? If you want, you can vote! Thanks for reading right now's post! Oh, and if you don't have a V5, here is the log-in password.


Login No.



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Hey! I still can't use the dating show, and I'm still waiting on those names! Bella and Nate will be leaving their babies tonight, so I need them fast! And, I will post my slogan in my log, too! I'll be posting the whole day today since I'm sick and have no school! See ya!


Please welcome the new members of this log, Zalli and Alex! They are still Shirotsubutchis. Bella and Nate left them a couple minutes ago. Zalli is the V4.5 and Alex is the V4. I wonder what they will be when they are toddlers! And, for some reason, Zalli has a 10th generation sign instead of 4th. It must be from the past 10 generations I've had. Well, catch ya later when they evolve!

Zalli (pronounced Zah-lee)


And, if a moderator could, can you please delete Gozaratchi's post in here. I do not like SPAM and won't accept it.

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Well, now the triplets training percentage is up to 100 percent! I just can't wait for a pure family! And, no evolutions yet due to pausing. And, my thank yous to TigerLily013 for deleting that spammy post! Well, best be posting later!

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[SIZE=14pt]So cute![/SIZE]

When Zalli and Alex evolved last night, I was so happy! Zalli evolved into a Tamatchi and Alex evolved into Harutchi. And, they got their pre-school letter at the same time! Isn't that wonderful? And, today the triplets could use the dating show! I'll pick Angelica for a little dfference, I guess. Or probably Jason. Arghh, I'll just post another post in What's on Your Mind. I'll post later!

Yay! I could finally use the dating show, but I'm still waiting for the right partner, and I will post pictures of all my tamagotchis as soon as I post them on Photobucket!

Hey! I'm Zalli and--

Hey! Wait your turn, Zalli. I used the dating show right now. I chose Angelica to mate with a mystery character, and that character was Hatugatchi. Angelica turned into Mamametchi and her husband turned into Papamametchi. Right now, the eggs hatched and I have 2 Mimifuwatchis, and 1 Futabatchi. My main character is a boy Mimifuwatchi, my left character is a girl Mimifuwatchi, and I have a boy Futabutchi.


My main character will be named Ash

My left character will be named Gina

My right character will be named Jon


And, when Angelica is talking, her color will now be in pale green, for me, fuchsia, for Zalli, sky blue, for the triplets, aqua, and for Alex, she will be violet. Right now, Zalli wants to talk.

Hey! As you may know, I'm Zalli. I'll be evolving later tonight. I don't know which, but I'm excited! And, my sister Alex will also be evolving! We're both excited! Well, catch ya later!

Hey, Alex here! I'm pretty excited like my sister said.

We get it.

Whatever. Just to wrap it up a bit, I like ponies, strawberries, and many other things, too! Bye!

Since little Ash can't talk yet, I'll take over. Well, I'm just so happy I have 3 children! They are so cute, and should be evolving later. Just so proud! Well, Angelbaby says it's time to go for us, but she will post later! Bye!

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Well, last night when I was about to sleep, everyone evolved!










I was so happy with them, I almost coughed the heck out of me! And, I've got mail! Zalli will be my helper today, right Zalli?

Right, Mom! Yay! Well, this one is from TamaTae. She said,

Your log is awesome, you have over 18,000 veiws and you only have 5 pages! That's great :3 Hope your log gets the attention it deserves
Thanks, Tae!

Yeah, thanks! Well, more later!

[SIZE=14pt]70th Post of my Log![/SIZE]

Hey! Well, guess what? This is my 70th post in my log! And, I've gotten a PM earlier from a friend regarding that they want to have everyone talk more in here. So, wish granted!

Hey! Zalli here, and guess what! I'm a cute hawaiian hula dancer. A-hula, a-hula. And, Mom neglected Alex and I and the triplets..again!

Hey--I--oh, brother!

Yeah, thanks a lot Mother!

I said I was sorry for that!

We don't forgive you until you really mean it!


Fine, I'm sorry!

Can I--just please, I--

Yay, thank you Mommy!

Get, get off of me!

Since this "feud" is over, me and my babies will talk. Well, the kids evolved last night, and I was very happy. And I kissed their father before this happened. Right, babies?

Right! Love you Mommy!

Love you too, babies! Well, the babies wanna talk!

Hey! I'm Ash, and Auntie Angelbaby said that Gina and Jon can talk now! Gina's color will be light pink and Jon's color will be gray! Well, here they are!

Hey! I'm Gina, and I'm a beautiful girl with a lovely silky flower on my head! I just can't wait till we grow up, right Jon?

Right! What were we talking about, again?

Silly Jonny boy! He's always forgetful, most of the time. He forgets almost everything! And, when he was watching a movie named Shiloh, he cried!

Weep, weep!

Ya see? Well, Aunt Angelbaby said she'll post later, and we have to go, so bye!

Bye, bye forever Shiloh!

Hey! Pretty excited for tonight, the triplets and Zalli and Alex will be evolving! I am just so excited to see what they all will turn into!

Aunt Angelbaby?

Yeah, Gina?

May I talk?

Of course.

Hi. It's Gina here, and I'm pretty excited to see what I'll turn into. I want to turn into a beautiful Shelltchi. She's from the rivers and oceans. Like the French Riviera.

Do you even know what the French Riviera is?

Not at all, Auntie.

It's a hotel.

Ooh! I wanna go there!

No way.

Why not?

It's expensive!

Well, can I at least go somewhere?

Sure, go to the Travel Show.

But it's boring, Auntie! It's all....beaches, skies, forests!


Never mind.

Well, I'll post later!


Last night, everyone evolved! Here are what they are now.









And, I guess Zalli wants to talk for now!

Hey! Zalli here, and I guess I'll be a drunk from now on! I think I want a cup of coffee for now, just to go easy. And--

Good for you, sis. Hey! Gina here, and I am so happy! My hypothesis on being a Shelltchi came true! I'm so pretty!

Listen, you're not gonna steal--

I'm not stealing your--

Enough! Well, bye for now!

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Finally, I got the triplets' training up! I only have it up to 20%, so I need a bit more time. And, Alex wants to talk!

Hi! I'm Alex, and earlier, I evolved into a Pyonkotchi, like my dad!

Actually, your dad was a Pyontitchi.

What's the difference?

He has round ears and a smaller tail.

Oh, whatever! Well, I called my dad earlier with my cell phone, and he was like *..../../.* What is that, morse code? I was like *dot dash back at ya, dad!* Real immature of dad, right?

Whatever, sis!

Stop fighting! The triplets are playing quietly, and their father is sleeping. Shush!

What ever, Aunt Angelica!

Shush it, all of you! Well, I'll post later!

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Nothin' interesting yet, except the fact that I've found another cool animation on the V5 on 2nd Generation! Whenever you leave your V5 itself for a few moments, the parents start kissing each other! Cute, eh? Well, post later!

Hey! Sorry for not posting much last night, kinda busy! I'm working hard for the triplets to raise their bonding percentage. Ooh, mail for Zalli and Alex! Hmm, they are both envelopes. Yay, both from the king! The King gave Alex a pencil, and the king gave Zalli a chest!

Hahahaha, HA!

So? I can use the pencil better.

Are you kidding? I get free stuff!

And? I can..write better than you!

Seriously? You are a universal adult! You were raised from the devils.


Well, that was one way to tick me off!

Would you stop?


Shush it!

Sorry, Aunt Angelica.

Yeah, sorry!

Thanks for shushing 'em down, Angelica. Well, post later!

Hey! Well, Zalli and Alex are still sleeping, but the triplets are awake! And, the triplets evolved last night. Here are their characters and names.





And, Angelica has something to say.

Oh, wow! My little babies grew up into adults! They are all so beautiful, and so loving! Well, see ya later!

And, I'll post later when Zalli and Alex are awake!

[SIZE=14pt]Oh my gosh![/SIZE]

Oh, no! I just realized that Zalli had the attention sign, so I went to the stats icon and ssaw that ALL of her hearts were empty! Then, I checked the rest of her stats, and her name was Xalli! Oh, the horrible name glitch strikes again! I feel bad as a tamagotchi parent, and I checked the clock, and the time was 11 PM! I forgot to check the time last night, so she fell asleep neglectedly! Oh, I feel so bad. I'll wake her up and check back here later.

She Survived!

Well, Zalli survived! Or Xalli I should say. Name glitches, tisk tisk. The triplets are ok, I raised their bonding percentage to 40%, so now, they run around then fall on eachother. And, I should mention that Xalli got a job last night! She's a singer, and her job is wonderful! Well, I'll post later with an FAQ or a stats program.

Gina! We got mail! Wanna help me?

I thought I was supposed to help you, Mom.

Sure! I'd love to!


Today's mail is from TAMAGIRL2008. She said,

oh... anyway I just read YOUR log and it is the best one I think I have ever read!
Thanks, Tamagirl!

Thank you!

