Tama Twins!


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OK, a very weird glitch happened on my Version 3 tamagotchi, and one of the things that happened was my pipotchi turned into a baby!!! She had a baby at that point, so it looked like twins! The "baby" could do all the things that an adult tamagotchi can usually do, like play sprint and use the items!Anyway, enough blabbing, time for a video: click to see GLITCH TWINS!!! The clicking noise was me playing with a pen- hehe!

OK, just incase anyone was interseted!

~Rey Mysterio~ :huh:
i had the same glitch my maskutchi turned into a baby girl and could use all the items and even for some of them it was a mitzutamatchi

weird i thougth i broke it

You are so lucky i wish i had twins!! i have 3 tamagotchi toys! there are 2 boys and 1 girl! this is the info on the girl.....

Toy: V3


Weight:77, niece did it :furawatchi:

Sex: female


age: 5

creature: something....

*sigh*I REEEEEEEALLY want a V4,lucky for me I only have to wait 2 days!Hooray!I want to get a pink and white striped oje.They look so cool...*tinckers with antena thingy on tamaV4**antena thingy zapps finger*OUCHIES!I still want one though.
Please try and stay on topic. Thank you!

OK, a very weird glitch happened on my Version 3 tamagotchi, and one of the things that happened was my pipotchi turned into a baby!!! She had a baby at that point, so it looked like twins! The "baby" could do all the things that an adult tamagotchi can usually do, like play sprint and use the items!Anyway, enough blabbing, time for a video: click to see GLITCH TWINS!!! The clicking noise was me playing with a pen- hehe!

OK, just incase anyone was interseted!

~Rey Mysterio~ ;)
Do you know how to get twins?

Do you know how to get twins?
Well, I put a faulty battery in.... if you want to try that, go ahead, but I'm not going to be held responsable for broken tamagotchis! :D

Sorry it's a bit blurry, so I can't tell for sure, but it seems the two characters aren't the same, so why would you call them "twins"?
They are the same. It's just boy and girl. They are teletchi

im sorry but i dont beleive you until you get real proof that people can see. Sorry.

I BELIVE U! ....o_Ook.. that was weird but ya i do ^^ :eek:
Thank you, that's really nice of you! :D And ta9394, I don't mind you not believing, I knew there was going to be alot of people who didn't! :eek:

:D //RM :p

^^ its cool. but what if it was when your tama just mated?

Sorry, I can't believe that. Plus, the screen is so blurry, there is no way anyone could see the "Tama Twins". :D

I agree with you binary it is so blurry but i could still see the twins did they go away

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